Tired, malnourished, and gouty.

I'm not sure I'm going to fit in with the majority of MFP users, because I don't care if I lose a pound. That's not why I'm here. I've just come to realize that this feeling like crap all the time and not having enough energy to even exercise is likely the result of malnutrition. I forget to eat sometimes, but when I get hungry, I more than make up for the missed meals and make some very bad choices.

I'm a homeschooling SAHM with activities going on 4 days out of the week. A friend and I were discussing her problems the other day. She's gained a lot of weight, been having migraines, sleeping constantly and feeling like crap. Her doctor says she's protein deficient and has been helping her to get her nutritional needs met. She says it's made a world of difference in how she's feeling and her energy levels. So, of course, now I'm wondering if I could do the same but without paying for multiple doctor visits. So, I'm giving it a shot!

I'll be focusing on macronutrients more than micros. Hopefully, I can get to the point that I'll feel like exercising again. In the past, I've had episodes of working out for months at a time, then my body just says, "NO MORE!" and I crash. I think that maybe making sure I get enough fat and protein (I eat enough carbs for three people, probably) will help with that. Because I'm gouty, I've already been limiting my fructose intake for years.

I'd love it some people wanted to join me in cheering each other on as we make changes.


  • Newby1974
    Newby1974 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Clarisse. I'm new to MFP as well and this is my first time on the community site. Bear with me if I come across ill informed, I'm just sharing my current approach.

    Unlike you, I AM trying (and succeeding) to lose weight. I'm not too far over (roughly 30 lbs) but want to head it off before it gets harder to do.

    I had discussed my testosterone levels with my doc and his first advice was to lose the weight because my body fat absorbs the T depriving me of healthy usage and natural energy.

    I have been going to them gym and trying to figure out how to eat healthier. I have been taking store bought protein powder. As I progress I'm wanting to add supplements. After doing a little research I discovered a "healthier" alternative to store bought supps. The protein, creatine, etc on the shelves possibly have additives for flavors as well as fillers. With that, I began ordering pure products online. It is about the same price as store bought except I get more of the product (in most cases) with zero filler. Like the protein powder I bought, it is 90% protein with 10% milk & soy lectin as an emulsifier. The creatine is 100% creatine and should last me months.

    So if you are looking for anything to help you with your goals, consider looking into the pure supplements.

    Best wishes!
  • Clarisse_McClellan
    Good for you! I'm interested in hearing more about your protein supplementation. because I don't get nearly enough of the stuff. Tell me about this creatine. I seem to remember in my distant past dating a guy who took creatine supplements, but I didn't really pay much attention. Isn't creatine a form of protein, or is that a stupid statement? :p
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    This is a handy list of protein sources from highest to lowest: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10247171/carbs-and-fats-are-cheap-heres-a-guide-to-getting-your-proteins-worth-fiber-also/p1 You can try reaching the number MFP gives you and see if that perks you up.
  • Newby1974
    Newby1974 Posts: 13 Member
    Good for you! I'm interested in hearing more about your protein supplementation. because I don't get nearly enough of the stuff. Tell me about this creatine. I seem to remember in my distant past dating a guy who took creatine supplements, but I didn't really pay much attention. Isn't creatine a form of protein, or is that a stupid statement? :p

    You have no dumb questions. MFP has a policy against advertising and linking so I wanted to take care not to tread on it.

    Creatine has something to do with the body's production of creatiNine. The way I understood it, it hydrates the muscles allowing other supplements easier access.

    The protein, I take the whey isolate. I really don't remember the difference in them. It just made the most sense at the time and stuck with it.

    I started to buy it on Amazon but decided to check the company's website. It was cheaper there probably because they didn't have to pay Amazon.

    The protein powder (and other supps) are pretty dang bitter without the flavorings. However, there is healthy help. My wife uses some kinda diet liquid pumpkin cheesecake coffee flavoring in her Herbalife Prolessa. I haven't tried it with my stuff yet. I just suck it down asap.