TheConsoleWars Member


  • I’m a paramedic with access to a glucometer at all times! I’ve tested my before/after Diet Pepsi BGL probably a dozen times in the last six months and not once has it ever affected my blood sugar. I don’t have a ketone monitor (they’re wonderful, but I just find them so dang expensive) so I’ve never seen if it affects my…
  • My goal for August is to be under 200lbs by the end of the month. I’m turning 38 at the end of September and I’d love to start my birthday month by being under 200 for the first time since high school! HW: 360 (2015) SW: 260 (01/25) CW: 204.8 (07/31) GW: 180 August GW: under 200 08/04 08/11 08/18 08/25 08/31
  • It will slow down but stick with it and you’ll see incredible success! I was 260lbs on January 25 and today, I weighed in at 204lbs. I’m sooooo close to being under 200lbs I can taste it!
  • Are you doing a standard CICO diet or are you following a particular regimen?! Best of luck to yoooou!
  • how do you know you're still in ketosis?
  • There's a simple workaround using a browser extension. The fact that some products may appear inaccurately is a ridiculous argument for not adding the option. Anyone can add any food with any values at any time. MFP is loaded with inaccurate results... allowing the tracking of net carbs should be an option we can opt in to…