1 week on keto really impressed

Tanxxxx Posts: 4 Member
Hi all I’m new to keto I’ve been on it for 1 week and have to say I’m impressed with how well it seems to be going I had a couple of meals that I must admit I shouldn’t have eaten early in the week but I’m back on track and actually enjoying it.
I’ve lost 8.3lbs and I’m feeling great so far I’m pretty sporty but I’ve only done a couple of exercises in that week. I’m used to eating bad and exercising to keep a stable weight until now and it’s great as I’m pretty sure if I exercise more it will bump my loss up but tbh I’m happy as I am not having to work my bum off too loose weight.
Anyone else enjoying keto? Anyone having any issues on keto?
Any way I’m going to sign off now and see you all on the other side.
Thanks Tanxxxx


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Don't get discouraged when it slows down...you lose a ton of water weight at the beginning of keto. 8.3 Lbs of fat in a week is mathematically impossible.
  • Tanxxxx
    Tanxxxx Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah I was eating really bad tbh I was expecting I’d prob loose 2-3lbs a week tbh so half expecting it to slow.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    stick with it, adjust as necessary. you'll have a good feel for it at the end of first month. good luck.
  • Tanxxxx
    Tanxxxx Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks I feel pretty good just after the week tbh although just been Athletics and pulled my thigh muscle 🙈🙈 supposed to have a long jump comp in a weeks time 😔
  • TheConsoleWars
    TheConsoleWars Posts: 8 Member
    It will slow down but stick with it and you’ll see incredible success! I was 260lbs on January 25 and today, I weighed in at 204lbs. I’m sooooo close to being under 200lbs I can taste it!
  • CandiceRochelleGerz
    I did keto for a while, lost 110 pounds, until I got pregnant and the carb cravings hit.
    A couple things I wish someone had told me...
    Heavy cream still has carbs even though it says 0. They are allowed to say 0 carbs when it’s 0.5 or less, and heavy cream comes in at about 0.4 carbs so it can add up fast depending what you’re doing with it.
    If you hit a stall, try cutting dairy down or completely out.
    Once in a while you will have a weigh in where you’re down a whole bunch of weight. This is called a “whoosh” and they’re great but happen randomly so don’t count on them.
    Maria Emmerich’s keto recipes are amazing and her cookbooks are totally worth investing in. Last summer I ate so much of her lemon curd it was a little ridiculous.
    Everyone Keto’s differently, so find what works for you and stick with it. Alter as needed but people will love to tell you that you can’t eat this and that this sweetener spikes blood sugar and that your macros are wrong. But find what works for you. For me, sucralose caused stalls but Swerve wouldn’t. My mom is the opposite, she doesn’t bake with Swerve.

  • erinhead
    erinhead Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone. I’m new to this forum and new to Keto. I have been doing it consistently for three weeks now and have only lost 3 pounds. I’ve gone over my nutrition with friends who have been successful on the diet and they are unable to figure out why I am not losing. I have a long way to go and it just seems that my body does not want to let go of all of this extra weight. I’m extremely frustrated. I keep an extensive data log on all of the foods I am consuming to make sure that I am meeting my macro requirements. What more can I do? Is this normal for anyone else? Maybe this diet isn’t for me? So frustrated. Please reply with ideas. Thanks everyone.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited August 2019
    erinhead wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I’m new to this forum and new to Keto. I have been doing it consistently for three weeks now and have only lost 3 pounds. I’ve gone over my nutrition with friends who have been successful on the diet and they are unable to figure out why I am not losing. I have a long way to go and it just seems that my body does not want to let go of all of this extra weight. I’m extremely frustrated. I keep an extensive data log on all of the foods I am consuming to make sure that I am meeting my macro requirements. What more can I do? Is this normal for anyone else? Maybe this diet isn’t for me? So frustrated. Please reply with ideas. Thanks everyone.

    3 lbs in 3 weeks = 1 lb per week which is kind of great. How much weight do you have to lose? Congrats on getting started and headed in the right direction!

    The large first week losses some people see on keto is just water weight. Perhaps you just weren't carrying a lot of retained water.
  • erinhead
    erinhead Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2019
    kimny 72
    I have about 66 pounds. I’m 206 lbs and only 5’4”. My goal weight is 140 but I know I feel great at 160. I used to lift heavy weights and was an active and very athletic individual. I had major surgery on my shoulder and then just kind of stopped. I still carry a lot of muscle mass for my age and my height and I do still occasionally hit the weights. Because I am now 44 years old my body is packing on the pounds. I am also a special education teacher and spend a lot of time in the classroom. Not as active as I used to be.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    A saying I see around here alot is that comparison is the thief of joy. You were gaining weight but now you've lost 3 lbs - that's awesome!

    If you're not keeping an eye on calories, I'd start doing that. Full disclosure, I don't do keto and lost my weight eating a lot of carbs, but all the people I've chatted with who had sustained weight loss on keto made sure they were always in a calorie deficit, in addition to counting carbs.

    Check out the Most Helpful Posts threads pinned to the top of each sub-forum - they aren't specifically about keto, but a lot of great general info there.

    With. 66 lbs to lose, I think 1 - 1.5 lbs per week is kind of perfect. Three weeks isn't a lot of time to judge what you're doing yet, so just give everything a chance to sink in and learn as much as you can. Best of luck :smile:
  • PamperYourBaby2
    PamperYourBaby2 Posts: 26 Member
    @erinhead I think patience is the key. I have been on keto for a little over 40 days and I have lost 24lbs. The first week, I lost a whopping 10lbs and then there was absolutely no move on the scale for about 2 weeks. I actually gained about 2 pounds one week. I was starting to feel like maybe this isn't working for me. I was so frustrated i decided not to even weigh myself for awhile. I actually was planning to give up but, it was my 30 day keto anniversary...so I followed through with my plan to take my 30 day photo. When I compared it to my 1st day of Keto photo....I WAS ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!! I looked totally different. It was QUITE OBVIOUS THAT I SHRUNK. I was motivated all over again. Got on the scale and had lost another 10lbs and now the weight is melting away again. The scale is a measurement, but not the only. Take pictures, body measurements, and get an outfit to measure weight loss. I haven't done much exercise, but I honestly I have been craving more movement as I lose more weight and gain more energy from the keto lifestyle...and I have over 100lbs to go. I hope my post encourages you on your journey...hang in there.
  • PamperYourBaby2
    PamperYourBaby2 Posts: 26 Member
    @Tanxxxx Great job on your first week......keep it going...you got this girl!
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Keto group and Low Carber Daily Forum are great groups on here.

    Tips, recipes, and support.
  • fiteyacom
    fiteyacom Posts: 14 Member
    very good start! keep going!