Mom2Five78 Member


  • Welcome. I have been here less than a month, but started my weight loss journey last May. Down 40 pounds. Also a mom. I have 5 kids and know the struggles of trying to eat right, while also feel=ding a family. I would love to add you as a friend. Would love to read your blog.
  • 40 here. Started using my Fitness Pal a few weeks ago. I have had 5 babies and my weight was really getting out of hand. Lost 40 pounds since starting my weight loss journey and am currently at my goal weight. Just trying to maintain now and be healthy. Feel free to add me.
  • I am having the same issue. Problem is I hate eggs and tuna. I am hitting way under half my protein goal most days. Many days only around 30%. Maybe I should try some protein powder too
  • I agree. My SO is also 5'9" and recently lost 40 pounds. He is now 174 and I think he is a bit too thin for my liking.
  • New to MFP I only discovered MFP after I reached my Goal weight but am now trying to maintain my weight. Lost 40 pounds by using a treadmill and watching what I eat. Hoping I can keep it off. Looking forward to Summer for the first time in years