JaimeJaimeM Member


  • I've done that a couple times before by accident and saw it did add a massive amount of calories - do you find it's accurate? I typically go low reps of a couple sets, maybe 5 or 6 different lifts, with a LOT of volume.
  • I agree how MFP is finicky in what it considers exercise. I do a lot of lifting and get a little irked how my sets don't count as calories lost. But! I think whether you choose to eat back your calories or not is entirely up to you. If your MFP settings already show a calorie deficit, than eating back your calories should…
  • One would "assume", wouldn't they? ;)
  • I'm down for this as well! if you add me you can view my food/exercise diary - we can hold each other keto-countable.
  • OP never said they were in a deficit.
  • I'm confused, how do we get teams and track points etc?
  • You'd be surprised! Depending on your weight you can easily burn close to 1000 calories an hour. Swimming laps is no joke - I consider myself to be in pretty decent shape and for lifeguard testing one of the things we had to do was swim a 300meter without stopping. That was one of the hardest tests I've ever taken in my…
  • I shake my head when I still people at 1200 or less a day. It's not sustainable - no wonder you're hungry!
    in Stall? Comment by JaimeJaimeM April 2019
  • Are you also measuring your body fat percentage? If you're lifting, you might be losing fat but gaining muscle, which weights a lot more than fat by volume.
  • Swimming is a really great low-impact cardio activity.
  • https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00422739 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10606825?access_num=10606825&link_type=MED&dopt=Abstract Some articles if you really want to get into the science behind it. But yes! An example, most male lifters can find an incredible amount of muscle growth in doing a basic 3x3…
  • A diet high in carbs has been linked to inflammation. I would look into lowering your carb macros and see how you feel.
  • Definitely always weigh raw.
  • I would caution against what people are telling you here on this. Less reps = more mass/strength is pretty cut dry for men, but women need more Time Under Tension, 10-12 rep range, because we have a much higher resistance to muscle breakdown than the fellas do.
  • Isn't this... just a low carb diet?
  • Looks good! I would just make sure you're giving yourself a day of rest if you're doubling down on the same muscle groups in both programs (squats, glute bridge).
  • Yes no problem! Do you monitor your fiber on MFP? You should be in the ballpark of 25-30grams a day. Make sure you're hitting those marks. Additionally you can do saline enemas to help clear yourself out. I usually do it every other week but you could honestly do it once a day and be fine. Another thing that will help with…
  • Your answer depends on so many other factors - your starting weight/body fat percentage, your age, your gender. How/what/when you're eating and working out. 6.2 pounds lost in a week is commendable no matter where you're starting. Generally as you move more back to your body's "healthy weight", you'll see the rate of…
  • If it makes you feel any better, most likely a good amount of those 5 pounds are attributed to water. So if they came on super quick, they can come off just as fast. I understand how you feel - I'm going on vacation next week and am bringing my supplements and workout logs still. But I'm going in being totally realistic -…
  • I have this issue a lot when I'm bulking. I practice keto - so for me I need to keep my protein high, my fat higher, and my carbs next to nothing. Easy end of the day food for me is 1/4 to a half cup of heavy cream. For me it tastes just like milk, and a quarter cup is pretty small. That's 200-400 calories of pure fat,…
  • Packing lunch is the way to go! If you don't have a fridge or microwave at your work - there's plenty of affordable "room temp" foods you could look into. If you like tuna, canned tuna and a couple of those single serve mayo packets are a great, super high protein lunch. Usually I'll alternate between that and canned…
  • If you have any questions or what to take a peak into my daily food/exercise log, feel free to add me. Going strong on MFP for 3+ years now and down to 18.8% body fat for my summer cut.
  • I'm down for this! Nada today for me - First day of my period always puts me out of commission.
  • I think everyone has different "rules" for intermittent fasting depending on 1. your willpower and 2. how your body reacts (or in this case doesn't react) to certain things. Personally my willpower is made of titanium, when I do a 16+ hour IF I'll just have one cup of black coffee, nothing added to it, and maybe one or two…
  • Completely agree. Going on vacation next week and am super looking forward to a day or two of stuffing myself like a little pig, but also - bringing some TSA-friendly supplements and gonna work out a few days while I'm there too just because fitness makes me happy and a great way to take in a new place is going for a jog…
  • Congrats on taking that first step! If you have any questions or want some motivation on workouts, food ideas shoot me a message. 28 female here and have been using mfp along with exercises religiously for three years.
  • Definitely what someone said up top, I wouldn't recommend taking much stock in your weight or body fat percentage the week prior to maybe the first couple days into your period. I would however recommend weighing yourself those days, just so you can get a good feel for when your body starts to retain water and then level…
  • With some small investment, get yourself some basic equipment and bring the gym to your home. Cancel your membership and you'll result in a cost-savings in the long term.
  • A lot of this will weigh more on someone's personal beliefs/interpretation of what they've read on pesticides and food - however I was once advised this and it made a lot of sense: If you're wanting to purchase organic but it puts some uncomfortable pressure on your finances, opt for getting organic food only if you eat…