daymonh74 Member


  • It makes sense. I use the barbell a lot too. I try to use dumbbells in place of machines that would be found in a gym.
  • Does it have any sweeteners? That's what I'm trying to avoid.
  • Add more reps overall or just to the weaker side?
  • So adding more weight based on what the weaker side could handle sort of evened things out for you over time?
  • That's a good idea. I'm not sure why it didn't occur to me. It is only a couple reps, but I could do heavier reps with my right side.
  • Thanks for that link. After reading through this thread and doing more digging online I definitely want to try and get most of my protein from food which I did initially. Back to the drawing board...
  • About 0.8 grams per pound which right now puts me at about 190 grams. Even with shakes I struggle to get close to 150 grams. More lean meat would probably help, but it takes time that I don't have cooking steaks, pork and chicken breast. Working 2nd shift doesn't help since I would basically need to eat the cooked meal for…
  • I workout every weekday. Treadmill on Monday, Lift Tuesday, Exercise Bike Wednesday, Treadmill again Thursday and Lift Friday. For lifting I do the same thing each day since I think there's plenty of recovery time between. Incline bench press, barbell squats, deadlifts, overhead military press, pendlay rows, barbell curls,…
  • So glad to hear you've had good success putting on muscle! Did you start lifting in your 50s? I lift twice a week. Full body heavy weights. I've been thinking about going to 3x a week, but I'm not sure if I'd be overtraining and I don't quite understand all of the mechanics related to doing splits just yet. I'm learning…
  • I just started hearing about creatine recently. I've been taking protein shakes but thought about adding creatine to a smoothie for breakfast or something. I've read about people taking it before working out which makes me wonder if it makes people feel hyper or jittery.
  • I do still have a good bit of fat to get rid of. I just hope at my age having just started lifting (4 months in on the 26th) that all that work is going to pay off when the majority of fat does come off.
  • I definitely can't rely on visual improvements right now. I'm just not seeing it. Likewise, I experience all of the other positive aspects you've mentioned and they're absolutely worth the effort for now. One other thing I noticed is I have to lift heavy tanks at work. I don't struggle with them nearly as bad as most of…
  • You mentioned that you gained weight at first with lifting. Was this despite a caloric deficit? I'm curious because my goal was to lose about 2 pounds a week, but I don't think I'll be able to do that lifting weights. I've only lost 13 pounds so far which is just about a pound a week. I've no clue how much muscle I've…
  • THIS!!! Is what I was looking for. My biggest struggles right now are sleep and protein. Who would have thought getting enough protein would be so hard? I've added shakes to help with that, but getting even 0.8 grams per pound of fat is tough! On the sleep front I go to bed early enough to get 8 hours, but I cannot stay…
  • 5' 9.75" and 239 lbs