Terytha Member


  • Our concert was canceled. So we're not going to Vegas after all. :( On the plus side, I will be making Thanksgiving dinner since we'll be home. I do enjoy cooking a big meal now and then. And I finally, finally might be moving away from sales at work. We're testing something and if all goes well then in a week I'll be able…
  • My marriage is suffering but we are talking it out. I know one day it will be OK but the stress of getting to that point is a lot. My boss was fired. I'm taking on as much as I can. I like to be needed. It's important to me to be useful. I need a vacation. Please cross your fingers for my trip to Vegas in two weeks not…
  • Kindle Unlimited also suggests an assortment of truly hilarious and/or bizarre things to me. Read the synopsis for ONE weird title and suddenly you aren't allowed anything else, I swear.
  • CW: 165.4 Hey, I guess I kind of owe an explanation for going MIA all of a sudden. It's kind of a long story but the short of it is that my personal life blew up, then my professional one did, I gained a bunch of weight and was ashamed, and basically I've been in run-and-hide mode for 2 straight weeks. I hit rock bottom on…
  • CW: 165 Sorry for the late number, I always get messed up on what day it is when Monday is a holiday. =P
  • CW: 164 I think we can all see that this was a bad week for me. :( I'm thinking of increasing my gym time to try offset the bad weeks but I like sleep. Not sure I'm willing to give it up.
  • CW: 160.2 Been going hard at the gym lately and I am hurtin'. It's good though. Still dealing with a lot of personal stuff. Work problems, relationship problems. Residual grief that this month marks 10 years since my mom died. I miss her so much still. It's all exhausting but I am trying my best to not give up.
  • CW: 161 We went to a movie in an actual theater for the first time in like 2 years this weekend and I celebrated by eating a large popcorn by myself. We saw Free Guy, it was really good. Sorta weirdly wholesome and sweet despite somewhat being set in a GTA equivalent.
  • Optavia seems to be a VLCD with a very low long term success rate. I'd talk to your doctor before doing it as long as 2 months.
  • CW: 162 Trying new stuff at the gym. I'm sore and retaining water, but it feels good. :)
  • CW: 161 Sorry I missed yesterday, long weekends always throw off my sense of time.
  • CW: 160.6 Sorry I kinda vanished. Everything just became too much and I have been hiding from everyone and everything while I try to get myself sorted out. I also haven't really been controlling my diet well, which is probably obvious since I keep losing and gaining the same three pounds. Hopefully the gym will help.
  • CW: 162.2 Stuck in a bit of a rut. Keep eating too much. Can't exercise cuz of my injuries. Finished out today at just over 1300 calories though so we'll try for better news next weekend.
  • Break room food is the easiest. I tell myself I can have some later, like in 2 hours. Of course, by the time later comes there's none left. My coworkers are convenient vacuum cleaners for food. They even ate the MRE rations I found once. XD As for anything else, you're right. It's a wicked struggle. Parties are often a…
  • CW: 162 Sorry for the late weigh in, I'm in an absolutely miserable mood today. Just woke up like that and haven't been able to shake it.
  • We flicked on the TV last night and a weatherman for somewhere in the US said, "Are you ready for 100 degrees at 8 am? No, no you're not!" And we laughed really hard but as we left for work at 6:30 this morning it was already sweltering and honestly, no. We are not. As I walked upstairs into the bedroom to pack some…
  • We're running away from home. It's too hot. I was too ill from the heat to eat breakfast today and there's no way to cool our old, poorly insulated townhouse. I'll be in an air conditioned hotel until further notice. I feel really guilty about abandoning my cat though, poor guy. All I can do for him is lots of ice water. :(
  • Gym update: no pain until my fourth set of pull-ups and only like an ache at that point so I'm calling my muscle injury basically healed. Like 95%. That said... yikes. I'm in rough shape y'all. Not back to zero at least but it's pretty rough. The muscle soreness is legit. Gonna do 2 days a week for a bit, see how that goes.
  • I started just using the Stronglifts 5x5 app since I didn't know what else to do. But it turns out I really hate deadlifts so instead of those I do pull-ups. XD I'd like to be able to do a pull-up unassisted someday.
  • CW: 161.8 Welcome and welcome back team! I'm Amber, I live in Canada, and I'm currently melting into a gooey puddle in the midst of this abnormal Canadian heat wave. Assuming I can somehow retain my human form, July is a really important month. It marks the return... of my ability to hit the gym! We're going today. I'm…
  • It's gonna be hot as heck this week, like 35-40 C, so I bought shorts and a summer dress and sandals. (Size 8 shorts and M dress, how about THAT.) Hopefully I don't melt. =P #teamwarmwater
  • We ate the entire remaining half of the birthday cake yesterday. No regrets, but definitely a lot of calories. Life is super hard right now, and I see a few of you are also struggling in various ways. Brighter days are ahead so for now, let's all just face it down a day at a time, or even an hour at a time. I'm hoping to…
  • @ashleycarole86 Chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting and sprinkles. It just doesn't feel like birthday cake without sprinkles. XD The cake was ok but the frosting turned out so good we had to stop ourselves from eating it all out of the bowl. I think using sweetener affects cooking times or something, the…
  • CW: 162.6 Yesterday was Husband's birthday dinner, so my weight was actually a bit lower but I enjoyed my steak, potatoes and broccolini with a peach bellini. Today I'm making him a cake (his birthday isn't until Tuesday so we're stretching things out a bit haha.) It's kinda funny that the icing is significantly higher…
  • I bought a dress today. It's a size large! And I bought it in a normal store at the mall. I haven't felt like I could just buy clothes at the mall since I was a teen. I usually go to plus size stores or shop online. I'm aware the Sailor Moon socks do not match it well. ;)
  • Me too! I drop rapidly, like 1-2 lbs per day, in the first couple days of my flow. Otherwise it's really rare to see any scale drops. I think it's water retention.
  • Blech, I feel yuck. Drugged sleep feels basically like no sleep, I'm still tired. I got a pulled pork sandwich from Tim Hortons for lunch because I was curious. It was disappointing. It was tasty enough for fast food, but talk about tiny! 450 calories and I need another lunch. By comparison, the pulled pork sandies I make…
  • I'm on narcotics for pain now. They make me woozy so I can only take them at night. I can sort of sleep at least but jeez. This is not gonna help my battle with the scale. :(
  • I "slept" sitting up on the couch last night because I can't lay down. This is gonna be a rough recovery period. :( Oh well. I've got my coffee, my Advil and the 83 emails from last week. Time will pass.
  • I hiccuped. It wasn't good. After some poking around I think this is muscle, not bone. But that's worse in some ways. Heals slower. Anyways I'll call for a doctor's appointment tomorrow and hope I can get in soon.