I’m not a fat old man sticking his belly out omg 😂
Thank you. I’m retaining water from a birth control so it’s got me out of wack and work nightly so it’s hard AF! Got me kind of warped a bit
Thank you!!! I’ve been very down on myself since starting birth control as it’s made me gain 7 lbs I’m getting used to it. Your kindness is appreciated!
Wow!!! That’s amazing. It truly is amazing. The modeling industry messed me up and I’m trying to get out of my head. The above picture I’m 135lbs at 5’8 and my thighs are 23 inches! It doesn’t look it and I have people call me “voluptuous “ and curvy I don’t see that at all. Thank you for sharing your post, and congrats on…
Thank you for the reply! I DO know it’s water weight for sure. Does it flush off? Lol I take measurements and I started on the third pack- I gained an inch in my thighs and hips literally within two days- no exaggeration. I know it’s water, but I cannot stand it as it’s so extreme. I just wonder if anyone has had success…
Thank you!!!