ArtsyBrainz Member


  • I’m still young I don’t have a lot of money rn and yes I’ve already spoken to my doctors about everything. They are fine with it as long as I eat to compensate since I want to gain weight and shape my body. @wiigelec
  • @sardelsa @middlehaitch I am allowed to do exercise I have already talked with them. Also I clicked the link but it wanted my email. I don’t give that to sites because of safety reasons. At least that’s what I’ve been taught. @wiigelec I can’t pay for anything
  • @collectingblues @kshama2001 Thanks! Okay, I will!
  • About my other thread I was sick than. I am actually WAY healthier than I was than. I got treatment for it and am working with a treatment team. They know about my exercise and support it. They just said I can do anything like running but walking is fine. I go on 30 min walks and I am still getting there. I do have weight…
  • @middlehaitch Thanks! Yes they allow me to walk I’ve already talked to them about it but that’s why I am eating more than what’s usual :) @Momjogger @apullum @amusedmonkey @dignow96 This is very insightful and motivating! Thank you for all the replies! :) I hope to get back to running soon!
  • Fit to me is to look less bloated ( flatter stomach ) and look and feel thinner. While gaining weight ofc. What exactly is bodyweight training? @middlehaitch Ooh, okay! Thanks! Will help with the above? ^ @aries68mc
  • Thanks! I can’t brisk walk though since I don’t want to lose weight just to say fit the best I can while I gain :) @Igfrie
  • Thanks! I’m trying to gain weight while also have small amount of exercise to stay in shape while I gain. That’s why I wanted to know if it would keep my body healthy while I’m gaining weight :) @corinasue1143 @LyndaBSS
  • Thanks! I’m trying to gain weight while also have small amount of exercise to stay in shape while I gain. That’s why I wanted to know if it would keep my body healthy while I’m gaining weight :) @spiriteagle99
  • @aphrodite16uk @wmweeza @Dreamwa1ker @DanyellMcGinnis No I have never been pregnant. That’s what happened to me though. My abs ached and swelled almost and still are a little swollen but went away a little bit it’s only been 3 days since I stopped. I went from not exercising in months to doing a lot of core workouts. I…
  • @mom23mangos Thanks! I haven’t been working out the past few days and it went down a little but the bottom muscles of my abs are still swollen. I do walk since that is better than doing nothing but I’m hoping things clear up in a few days. It’s only been a day or two since I stopped. :)
  • @kshama2001 @Dreamwa1ker @xelsoo @Cahgetsfit @Pipsqueak1965 @Hannahwalksfar
  • Dreamwa1ker It’s not due for me to happen so I don’t believe it’s that. kshama2001 Ooh, interesting. However read above ^^
  • Hannawaksfar I do things like crunches, planks and small ab exercises like that. Cahgetsfit It looks like that all day and that’s why I was a little concerned xelsoo No, I don’t think so. It’s been like this all day for the last few days. Usually after exercise it hurts there. Maybe I’m overdoing it a little?
  • @soliver1999 Thanks! That sounds like something I can try :) as well!
  • @apullum It happened with 1 treatment team and my health care doctor. So 3 doctors total. The other one that is the second closest won’t take me because of the insurance. It’s complicated to explain. The treatment team told my heath care doctor not to treat me. That’s why my health care doctor doesn’t see me anymore and…
  • @MikePTY : Thank you! Yes I agree. I am going to wait to exercise after I get healthier in my weight :) I’ll check out the links! @Annie_01 : I am also afraid of that. However, I was told that I would never be a binge eater. I’ve always never enjoyed food that much. I always ate little mindlessly. I think rn it’s constant…
  • @DaintyWhisper : I eat every 3 hrs :) I have 3 meals and 2 snacks everyday. Thanks! I eat those foods already. I shall try and add more fats & carbs. How many calories do you think I should be eating? I was trying to stick to 2000. Since a runner eats that much and I’m sedentary ( for now until I’m healthier ).
  • @puffbrat : Doctors and dietitian. They work together. @MikePTY : I’m glad you asked! Well, I used to eat whatever I wanted. I’d often have a chocolate bar and a entire bag of goldfish crackers or cheese it’s. I also used to drink a lot of chocolate milk & sweet tea. Even than my highest weight was 110lbs. I ate whatever I…
  • @soliver1999 : Thank you! I can definitely try to focus on the carbs more! @puffbrat : Because of my weight being so low. They got scared but they didn’t want to be responsible. I’m trying to gain weight to maybe change their mind and show them that it’s okay to treat me again. If not I’m planning on finding new doctors…
  • No. I originally went and got professional help but they refused to treat me. That’s why I resorted to asking people who know well about nutrition to maybe at least help me or guide me in some sort of way. I’m pretty open to anything rn because I want to be healthy again.