Holy guacamole guys. I wasn’t expecting this many comments. Thanks for the support! 🙂
Thanks for all the responses guys
Alright thanks
I live in San Francisco, the roads are pretty rough.
I would say the accuracy of the speed readings.
Thanks guys for the responses!
My goal is for muscle hypertrophy. What would I do in that case?
No, I don’t know what my one rep max is. I usually do 3 sets of an exercise and try to do the highest amount of prescribed reps. For example, if I’m doing bench presses that require me to do 6-8 reps, then I would do 8 reps. If I could hit those reps then I move up in weight. I’ve never done a deload week. So it could be…
No, 70 lbs is not my one rep max for the bench press. I usually do a warmup and do the heaviest weight I can do for 3 sets and try to do about 6-8 reps of it. I only bench press once a week, but I have two different upper body workouts. I just changed my schedule this week because of an internship that I have. I can show…