steverhodes4lu Member


  • Every one is naturally slightly non symmetrical But one major factor is often the type of equipment you use For instance if you only bench press using a smith machine your dominant side will generally do more work Make sure you incorporate some dumbbell/machine/ cable flys or presses in your routine as well as barbell and…
  • Hi there is some great advice in here already but what you have to remember is everyone is different and what works for one may not work for another Personally I would hedge my bets and go with timing my intake over smaller evenly spaced meals, try to use whole food where possible and whey to supplement the short fall in…
  • Firstly extreme fatigue is often a sign of overtraining so rest could be the answer But based on what you have written so far try one scoop of whey and an apple 20-30 minutes b4 training Another scoop of whey and 2 scoops of dextrose ( or 100 gram packet of gummy bears or haribos) within 10 minutes of finish Then a decent…