obrienmj Member


  • You're a great inspiration. Congratulations on your hard work!
  • I started MFP with a weight of 260lbs. My mini goal is to be at 220 by the end of August. Long term goal would be to lose 2lbs a week and be below 200 by the end of the year.
  • Being "in it" for the long haul works great. It helps you build a lifestyle not a fad diet.
  • Thanks for your transparency. For my journey, i try to get 1% improvement everyday. Small improvements in any area of my life can form new habits. And, I've applied this to making incremental changes in my lifestyle. Especially eating and weight loss, exercise etc. If interested in learning more about building good habits,…
    in Newbie Comment by obrienmj June 2023
  • i used to use cream and sugar. Then, I went "cold turkey" and started to drink it black. There was an adjustment, but if you buy good coffee, it's not bad. I like black coffee.
  • Hello! Check out the book by James Clear, Atomic Habits. I read that and decided to improve by 1% each day. No huge steps, just a slight improvement in any area of my life. It's helped my use this app and improve my lifestyle (not a diet).
  • You can do this! Just be 1% better every day. I read that in a good book. "Atomic Habits". Check it out. Don't rely on the scale to measure progress. Take your time, change a few habits and then your lifestyle can change. I was at my heaviest too and am gradually taking weight off. I'm in no hurry. Give myself a year to…
  • Hi Grace! You can do this. Just be 1% better each day. Set yourself a new lifestyle of eating. Not just focused on the scale, but by using this app you can alter your eating habits. I've had great success taking my time and eliminating things like empty calories (beer, soda, etc). You got this!
    in Newbie Comment by obrienmj June 2023
  • Sweets. If it has sugar in it, I'm all over it! I need to tame my appetite for it.