ilovekiwis Member


  • Yes, your eating pattern is too restrictive and it sounds like your hunger cues aren't doing their job either. This may improve with a more well-rounded diet. Carbs are an important part of that, and quality matters. Others have explained how sustained weight loss depends on CICO (calories in, calories out.) Just don't…
  • I definitely count them because MFP works on a calorie counting system, and I like to eat as much as I can (reasonably) throughout the day while staying under my calorie limit. If there are any leftover calories at the end of the day, that's an extra fruit or vegetable snack! Yum yum. For many, it's worth considering a…
  • You're not alone. Try to incorporate nutritionally dense foods into what you would normally eat to get enough calories. Getting the most our of what you eat basically, even if increasing the volume remains challenging. Greek yogurt, avocados, nuts/seeds, and sweet potatoes are some of my favorites.
  • Hi everyone! SW: 265 CW: ??, 230 last week GW: 135 5ft 3in, 26 years old My scale is out of comission, so until I can order a new one I'm following my wellness plan and just paying attention to how my clothes fit / how my body feels. > eating 1600-1700 cal per day fruit or veg with every meal & as snacks high protien whole…
  • I'm losing close to 100 lbs, feel free to add me. Chronic pain limits my mobility, so I get where you're coming from with exercise. Even a little bit is positive!
  • Hi there. I also have fibro and in general, what works for me as far as weight loss with minimal flare up is the same. Gentle exercises like walking and stretching, CICO, and time. I wanted to add that swimming and yoga are good low-intensity options.
  • Trans / non-binary here, looking to connect with same. Or anyone identifying under the queer umbrella. Let's support each other in healthy living. : ) I'm 26 and a working student. Lots of weight to lose towards my goal, but ultimately my focus is on daily wellness habits.
  • Age - 26 Height - 5' 3" SW: 265 CW: 226 (+2 from last week) GW: 130 Well, that sure didn't go as planned. It's the month of my college exams and I'm preparing to fly across the country this week for a family reunion. No wonder I've found myself stress binging. No weight loss this week and I put back on the 2lbs lost the…
  • That 4lbs was probably part water weight (from changing how many carbs you eat, as mentioned above.) Not to worry, carry on and you will lose weight. It's a slow process. 1200 calories should be an absolute minimum, unless you are working with a doctor's supervision. Eating too little can also make it more difficult to…
  • Hi everyone, this is my first post here. I'm a working college student with barely enough $$ to rub two packets of Raman noodles together and even less free time. Life is all hustle right now, so I'm taking that momentum and running with it to change my lifestyle into a more fit and nutritionally mindful one. Age - 26…
  • My tip is: Walk or bike during daily errands. It's a great way to get in some extra activity during your usual routine. Good luck! I just started logging myself. Look out for a friend request :)
  • This is a weird strategy, but sometimes I'll eat a serving of bitter greens (arugula for example) and it diminishes my appetite because my brain is getting the exact opposite the junk it's craving. Somehow it seems to ease the intensity of feeling like I MUST eat all the sweets. That said, every eating plan needs room for…
  • OP, doctors can be scary and PTSD is real. I'm sorry your experiences have been so bad. My advice is to take a trusted friend or family member with you, as others have mentioned. They can be there every step of the way. Also, there's nothing wrong with shopping around for a practitioner who is trauma - informed and a good…
  • I'm 26, 5ft 4in, 226lbs. Although I've always been big for my height, my highest was 270 a couple years ago. I got down to 193 before a death in the family turned life upside down. Things are more stable now and I can once again focus on self care. I really don't want to enter my 30's hanging on to this excess weight! It…
  • Trt eating lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains in moderation, plenty of protien, and limited healthy fats & sweets. Regular meals with modest portions and stay hydrated. The truth is keto is popular because the restrictive nature gives people clear guidelines when they're looking to make a lifestyle change and get…
    in Keto Comment by ilovekiwis May 2019
  • You're likely burning more calories at work than you realize. I know how labor intense those factory jobs are! Have some extra healthy snacks to combat the fatigue. The weight will still come off without a problem. Best of luck.