LivinLikeLivia Member


  • you know on my days that i just did not want to go I didn't and the day after i would miss the feeling of getting out of the gym all sweaty feeling accomplished. Sometimes i would look up motivational speeches to get me back on track you could maybe try that.
  • May 15: 156 lbs first weigh in on MFP May 27: 151lbs May Goal:N/A May Actual: 151lbs June 6: 149Lbs last recorded weigh in June 17: June 24: June Goal:144 June Actual: July 1: July 8: July 15: July 22: July 29: July Goal: July Actual: August 5: August 12: August 19: August 26: August Goal: August Actual: Weight lost this…
  • I currently follow a 1200 diet plan, I am 5'5 and ive lost about 7 pounds in about 4 weeks. My work has me sitting down or walking a very very short distance which is almost nothing so i knew i needed to go low for calories in order to lose weight. I count my macros and focus on balancing my carb and protein intake with…
  • ] My cheat day is this monday I'M GOING TO GO IN
  • I have learned not to have any dairy in my meals if I'm going to excersice and to eat at moderation so I don't feel full but not feel hungry. Maybe you are doing too much excersice too soon? Try doing other kind of excersices to see if that has anything to do. Meet with a doctor as well if the nausea persists.
  • Hey, I have the same problem and am currently trying to deal with it. I like chocolate a lot too and have had a past of binge eating when I starve. This year i've decided that is going to change, if you find yourself craving chocolate make room in your meals and add a morning healthy chocolate smoothie or a snack such as…