lyuro57 Member


  • Which is what I'm aiming to do, don't get me wrong. But I want to do it in a healthy way!
  • I've been tracking for around 1.5-2 months. I've lost 12 lbs.
  • That's my thought. Some days my net calories are like 500-600 a day, it was my understanding that you should never eat below 1200. Well if I'm eating 1200 but burning 500+ that seems terrible for my overall health.
  • This is why I posted the question. Many people say don't eat them, then I have others who say you should. I haven't been, but since I've increased my workouts I've found myself hungry more, tired, etc...
  • I had my goal to lose 2 lbs a week too, so maybe I need to change that also!
  • I chose sedentary which apparently is wrong lol. Ok, I'll choose active and I'll eat at least some of it exercise calories!
  • I get anywhere between 8-15k per day depending. And I never eat my exercise calories, so maybe that's why I'm always hangry? Some days with exercise calories I'll have 500-600 remaining and I never eat them, I thought I read somewhere not to. UGH.
  • Female, 143, 5'1, goal weight 130. Workout 5 days a week for 45-60 mins.