aragalen Member


  • OK October, here I come! Starting weight (May 15th 2019): 220 lbs. Current weight: 203.4 lbs. Goal weight: 145 lbs. October goal weight: 200 lbs. I am hoping (again) for more weight loss than that, but considering all the ups and downs I had last month, I thought I'd keep it reasonable. I'm keeping my calorie intake to…
  • Final weight for September: 203.4! Yay! I didn't cut calories, instead I increased my daily walk to an hour from the half hour I had been doing. That seemed to do the trick. With the heart failure I still take lots of rests but it feels great! On to October 😁
  • I'll post my last weigh in tomorrow...but finally broke my plateau!! :smile:
  • I'm on a diuretic, so 64 oz. is what I'm allowed by my doctor. :( And I have to be careful not to sweat too much! Ugh.
  • Well, I use the MyFitnessPal food tracker pretty faithfully! And try to account for all of my calorie intake. I do have to limit fluids to 64 oz. daily. I have been increasing my daily walks to 60 minutes medium pace (between 2-2.5 mph). I think I just need to be patient, and give it more time. If I stay stuck into next…
  • Hmmm. well not as good as I hoped. I keep fluctuating between 205 and 206, despite limiting calories to just under 1200 daily. I wonder if I should drop down to 1000 calories daily until I break this plateau? I wouldn't worry so much except my cardiologist would like to see my weight go down (I have congestive heart…
  • OK, time to rock a new month! SW: 220 CW: 205 GW for September: 200 GW ultimate: 145
  • Final weight for the month: 205 lbs. Not quite where I wanted to be but at least my weight is still going down :) 3 lbs. lost is not bad!! Looking forward to next month...
  • And's back to just the number. Anyone else get a fix for this?
  • Actually it's working now. I was trying to use a personalized one but went back to the premade one.
  • Mine was working for a while and now does the same thing--only the number assigned, not the actual ticker.
  • I wanted to update my goals a bit. My goal for August is to get to 200, but will be happy even if It's still a bit above that. There's always September :smiley: My current ultimate goal weight is 145, but once I get there I can reevaluate and revise it. Just to get to 145 will make me happy (and healthier)! Oh and I'm now…
  • Wow, I'm sorry to hear that you don't have health insurance. Are there any community clinics available? Is Medicaid an option where you are if you are lower income?
  • Yes, I have been buying low/no salt versions of foods, and staying completely away from processed. I do use lots of garlic and onion powder for flavoring, in addition to using fresh, as well as other herbs and seasonings. Roasted veggies are a favorite, takes more prep time but very much worth it. And I love salads!…
  • I'm here too! I suspect there are more of us out there that just haven't found this group yet <3 I was diagnosed with systolic heart failure, left bundle branch block (LBBB), and ventricular enlargement on May 15th 2019. After leaving the hospital I was put on a low sodium diet (2,000 mg) but suggested lower than that. And…
  • Thank you for your kind words, so far I seem to be pretty stable. I will be seeing a cardiologist on August 16th for another check on my progress. My very best wishes for your daughter, I very much hope that everything will go well for her!! <3
  • Hello! I'd like to join if I may :) I was recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure and put on a low sodium diet along with several medications and restricted fluids. Interestingly none of the doctors mentioned my weight or recommended I lose any. Of course low sodium translated into fewer calories and now I am…
  • First of all congratulations on doing so well on your weight loss routine! It may seem slow but that is the best and safest way to go to keep your weight at the level you want. I would like to make a suggestion to help with being hungry. Protein is good for satisfying hunger but the calories can add up. I am currently on a…