I'll be honest, and I hope it doesn't come across as harsh, but the main reason I am able to convince myself to abstain when I REALLY want alcohol-- which is at least 4x a week, thank you family genetics--, is because it's expensive to have a regular habit. If you can afford alcohol but can't afford to fix other things or…
Yep, my vice. Well, ok, one of them.
When I really want pasta, I have a small portion with a big honkin' salad so I still feel satisfied. Or I make pasta salad and use real pasta-- but only for about 1/4 of the total volume of the dish. I will use my spiralizer to create cucumber, zucchini and even squash 'noodle's, and cut carrot ribbons. Then big hunks of…
Meat, beans, fish, nuts. I'm not sure what you don't like so I can't get specific?
This sounds like a misguided attempt at flirting. He was hoping you would be receptive to his nonsense and be all OH MY GOSH TELL ME MORE TEACH ME AND MY LADYBRAIN HOW TO LIFT HEAVY THINGS WON'T YOU PLEASE? Good on you for setting him straight.
I mean, this isn't an area of my life where I have the most discretion so the answer is a resounding Most Likely.
On the peeing front, I will say you and your bladder adjust to it if you do decide to drink that much water.
It has to become a habit. For me, it has been a concentrated effort over time and it's now STARTING to become habitual. "Bad"/not mindful/unstructured eating is a habit I had to break.
I agree, but every time something like this happens and I try to get something more going, my boyfriend shuts it down.
My sister hikes a lot in CO wilderness and she carries bear spray and a knife.
The puns are always intended.
I'm just sorry he didn't feel like he could say it back. I think about you all the time, Leonard.
I have a similar story? I have dogs, and I am able to go check on them on my lunch break. When I leave to go back to work, I always holler over my shoulder to them I LOVE YOU! as I'm opening the door. Well, this particular day I was in a rush so I had grabbed my keys from the table by the door and was looking down at my…
I've been lonely lately, ok?
I'm in Coastal Georgia and work for a DME/Oxygen supplier here. We have been holding our breath to see whether we needed to go ahead and execute Emergency Preparedness procedures. The way it looks NOW, we aren't planning to (at least not today, tomorrow remains to be seen) but man, the waiting is almost the worst part…
I have a whole diary category dedicated to the snicky-snacks. They help me not go overboard at meals! For some, I think it's easier to not snack at all than to snack healthily. Is healthily a word? I think I need coffee.
Be grateful you didn't get a photo to go along with the message.
I'm fasting until 12 soooo, this is a gray area. I haven't technically had breakfast but the breakfast-ing hours are almost over so, I guess I could say I had coffee and water for breakfast? But once the clock strikes 12 I'm gonna have some yogurt + a banana and that will be actual breakfast.
I'm only commenting 'cause I saw my hometown and got excited 'cause I'm homesick. (OBX, NC)
I'm a little scared, is that an appropriate emotion?
Is a hot dog even a sandwich? That feels morally wrong. Hot dogs are a standalone for me, and they are #1, always. But anyway, this whole thing has me wanting a BLT.
Vent away, but just know that consistency and determination WILL pay off. You just have to be a little more stubborn than your body. It doesn't get put on overnight and it won't come off overnight. I will say that I lose WAY easier if I am making an attempt to drink as much water as I can so if that by any chance is…
False. TNP enjoys cinnamon in their coffee.
Listening to a Lizzo compilation on repeat.
I'm in GA on the coast-- We shopped for this last night. I'll just list what we bought in case it helps. Bread (2 loaves, 1 to freeze to keep freshness as long as possible), peanut butter, canned veggies, soups, Vienna sausage, tuna. Jerky, whisps cheese snacks, applesauce cups. We bought some shelf stable milk as well.…
I don't stick to it, not well. I have periods of REALLY EXCELLENT EATING and good exercise. Then I have days where I just eat like I have no home training. I've come to grips with the fact that my own personal struggle with eating has more to do with my brain and compulsions, and is linked to my mental health disorders. My…
Coffee and some bubble gum. :#
I have to thank you guys so much for the encouragement you gave me a couple of months ago. I took this tonight and wanted to share it here. I stuck with things and have lost 22 pounds so far. Same outfit, same jeans but a genuine smile on a whole new woman. And I have 35 more pounds until my first Big Goal.
2 months and 1 week apart. 22 pounds difference. Same shirt and jeans.
I plan my day in the morning. I come in and have my coffee, sit at my desk and log my breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. It gives me an idea of what I'm working with later in the day and keeps me on track 'cause I've taken all the guesswork out for Future Me to have to make healthy decisions.