shoebarb Member


  • You mention you are recovering from cancer. Is it possible that you are on a medication that is inhibiting weight loss? As a fellow survivor, it has taken several years to get back on track for me.
  • What about your water intake? I have read that sometimes hunger is really thirst.
  • Hate kale. Will eat it if it's hidden in a smoothie. Google some healthy veggie recipes. Keep trying until you find some you can stand.
  • Is your yoga a flow type? Do you keep moving doing sun salutations? Then you could probably record it as cardio. Check your breath. If you are breathing harder and your heart rate is up, it is cardio for you. The beauty of true yoga is it is strength, cardio and mediation all together.
  • I understand the desire to speed up the process. But to me part of the process is learning something sustainable. One meal a day would not be sustainable for most people. Maybe try to exercise one hour a day and eat balanced macros. After 14 weeks you may have lost 14 pounds which is close to your goal and you felt better…
  • Try sitting in a different spot in the house in the evening. I know it sounds weird but you want to change the trigger to eat. Maybe it's not the seat, maybe it's turning on the tv. In that case try reading a book or listening to a podcast. Another thought is are you eating enough during the day? Perhaps your body is…
  • Wow. Do you feel better? Do you have more energy?
  • I find the portions are too big. I tend to eat half and bring the rest home for someone in my family.
    in Eating out Comment by shoebarb June 2019
  • I don't think you will have enough fuel to do 2 hours of cardio. The app only goes as low as 1200 calories for a reason. Give yourself some time using the app and eating and see how it goes. As for skipping meals, try stocking some good healthy snacks to fuel yourself during the day- fruit, nuts etc.