JMDHikes Member


  • Amazing! I will start from today and post how I get on. Im aiming for a morning meditation to start the day on a positive note : )
  • Ooooo thats good. I need to set better goals. I have specific goals for weight etc but I think I need to set goals for general health and wellbeing. Like meditate 3 times a week. Write down what I am grateful for in a diary etc : )
  • Think I must try that! Well done and I am glad its improving sleep!
  • When I have a bad day I remember that over the week I have a chance to make up for it :) Keep going you got this!
  • 3/7/2019 Rolled out of bed and managed 1 min plank on elbows :D Really been focussing on my core lately to help with lower back issues. Goal is 2 min a day for a month!
  • Thank you Peachvine! Thats a great list....The no screens before bed resonates with me 100%. I think that is the hardest habit to break....I try to read but for some reason find it hard to sit still (hence why practiscing meditation!) I get frustrated with my practice but I read to see it like lifting a dumbell for the…
  • Thank You!!!! Its funny because since I have cut down on sugar and junk food I find myself wide awake after only 5 to 6 hours sleep where as I used to get 8 to 10! Its great im waking up but I would like to have the full 8 tbh