Healthy habits

JMDHikes Posts: 9 Member
edited July 2019 in Introduce Yourself
What healthy habits do you have? I had to cut fizzy drinks, incorporate meditation and drink more water. University took its toll physically but getting back on track!


  • giancarlov1191
    giancarlov1191 Posts: 493 Member
    Making sleep a priority!

    Good job on your transformation!
  • peachvine29
    peachvine29 Posts: 400 Member
    Great question! Enjoyable to answer for me since I like thinking about how to optimize my daily habits.

    Habits I have:
    1. Always eating breakfast
    2. Eating small meals and snacks throughout the day
    3. Drinking exclusively water and sometimes diet soda lately
    4. Sunscreen everyday
    5. Moisturizing every day
    6. Washing face before bed
    7. Flossing
    8. Exercising on my lunch breaks

    Habits I want to have:
    1. Meditation! Awesome you do that.
    2. Waking up early when the alarm goes off
    3. Going to bed at a regular time
    4. No screens before bed
  • peachvine29
    peachvine29 Posts: 400 Member
    Also, amazing job you look great!
  • JMDHikes
    JMDHikes Posts: 9 Member
    Thank You!!!! Its funny because since I have cut down on sugar and junk food I find myself wide awake after only 5 to 6 hours sleep where as I used to get 8 to 10! Its great im waking up but I would like to have the full 8 tbh

  • JMDHikes
    JMDHikes Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you Peachvine!

    Thats a great list....The no screens before bed resonates with me 100%. I think that is the hardest habit to break....I try to read but for some reason find it hard to sit still (hence why practiscing meditation!)

    I get frustrated with my practice but I read to see it like lifting a dumbell for the mind. The more your practice the better adept you become. It made me view it as all the frustrating sessions i just have 1000s of thoughts and cant focus are still benefiting me!

  • giancarlov1191
    giancarlov1191 Posts: 493 Member
    With regards to no screens, I actually have a self-imposed No TV/Netflix/YouTube challenge running from May-September. Basically I cannot watch anything at all UNLESS I have already gone out to the gym/see friends/run errands that evening after work, and not at all on the weekend. Since starting, I've been so much more productive and have been sleeping much better!
  • JMDHikes
    JMDHikes Posts: 9 Member
    Think I must try that! Well done and I am glad its improving sleep!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member
    edited July 2019
    I usually set myself a Countdown Challenge every month (after seeing something similar on someone's Instagram page). I give myself between 5-10 goals each month that are not scale related that could be either fitness, nutrition or well-being related.

    My July goals are:
    • To complete each week of my 5km training plan this month.
    • To complete at least 4 strength training sessions this month.
    • To maintain a 3500 weekly calorie deficit on average this month.
    • To do yoga before bed at least 2 times each week.
    • To listen to 1 guided meditation or binge-eating hypnosis session each day.
    • To complete my journal daily.

    Previously I've also used things like allowing only 90 mins of TV Mon-Fri; ensuring I get at least 7 hours of sleep; setting an average protein, fat & fibre intake; not using my phone for an hour before bed; setting a step target or an amount of time spent running or rowing per week.
  • JMDHikes
    JMDHikes Posts: 9 Member
    Ooooo thats good. I need to set better goals. I have specific goals for weight etc but I think I need to set goals for general health and wellbeing.

    Like meditate 3 times a week. Write down what I am grateful for in a diary etc : )