JordanS9592 Member


  • 15 pounds in 2 months is a pretty aggressive deficit. I would imagine that having such a large deficit might contribute to feeling tired. How much weight are you trying to lose [/quote] It’s a bit hasty to say its an aggressive deficit without knowing I’m 340, 6 3”, and a 27 year old. Also, it might help to know that my…
  • I lost 15 pounds in 2 months. I was doing everything right, but I have sleep apnea and no matter how fit I’ve been as an adult, I always seem to be lagging behind others
  • Why do you say there is no reality behind it?
  • Because where I was at before, I was losing weight but I felt tired all the time. I need more energy.
  • @cmriverside What do you think I should do? I already messed up this morning, eating two saisage egg and cheese bagels, and two hostess pastries. I still have a thousand calories to spare. If you were me, given my history, how would you proceed?
  • @LyndaBSS I always enjoy your encouragement
  • @cmriverside Wow, I have never heard of diet breaks before. Perhaps I should consider taking one to avoid what has happened to me in the past. I could adjust my goal to weight maintenance for one week on the app, then switch back after one week. This could help with keeping this going for a lifetime.
  • @cmriverside I appreciate that, but what I’m saying is I usually turn one day into every day quickly. I’m trying to turn it around this time before it gets out of hand. My calorie goal is not too low, as I lose about 2 pounds per week at 328 pounds with an intense 6 day exercise regimen.
  • Thanks for the help you guys
  • @Holly92154 thank you for taking the time to write out that encouraging post. I will find a way to hang in there. Nothing will stop me.
  • Okay, I should have mentioned that I have. CPAP and a sleep doctor, I took the sleep study and everything. I don’t drive when I can’t so don’t think I go around driving when I’m sleepy.
  • Wow, that article pretty much answered all my questions. Thanks!
  • @PAV8888 Thanks for the thorough response. I will take these things into consideration. I’m thinking of consulting a nutritionist to devise a personalized plan.
  • I don’t see how the exact measurement is relevant. I sweat an abnormal amount of water during a workout, which I’ve weighed to be about 3-5 pounds, oftentimes equaling close to a gallon. Drinking 2 gallons of water has not had an adverse effect on my abnormally large body thus far. However, if someone has research to show…
  • Maybe it’s a lot for you, but I’m 340 pounds and I sweat about a gallon of water with every workout.
  • Thanks for all the advice and support. Much appreciated.
  • So much water because I’m 6 3 and over 300 pounds, so much exercise because I want to lose weight and I enjoy it. To give an example, last Friday I swam 60 laps in 75 minutes, lifted weights for 30, and ran a mile in 11 minutes.
  • I eat 3000 calories per day so I can get enough protein to maintain muscle. I eat clean though, typically something like eggs, Cheerios, almond milk, cherries, oranges, blueberries, tuna, almonds, protein powder, pure protein bar, ground beef, pasta, etc.
  • It worked. I’m down to 80. Thanks!
  • I feel pretty good. There’s no feeling like the endorphin high of a hard workout.
  • @Katmary71 Thanks for these tips. I have the same problem. But it’s weird, I have kept one tub of vanilla ice cream in my freezer. It’s like a badge of honor every night I refuse to eat it. It shows me that the ice cream has no power over me. @LivinLifeHealthy84 Thanks for the support brother.
  • Thank you @LyndaBSS . Your story is an inspiration. It has been a bit slower for me unfortunately. I lost 60 pounds on my first attempt, gained most of it back. Lost 40 pounds my second try, gained it all back. This is my third and final go, and this has to be it. I refuse to live the misery my parents and family went…
  • @Predsfan2013 Congrats!
  • @AliNouveau That is inspiring. You can do it, no matter what life throws at you.
  • @Pickle107 Moving more easily sounds amazing @Polariceflow That is a solid reason that I can relate to @rednote49 I have a closet full of clothes that will fit me when I lose 30 pounds. It is annoying but also motivational.
  • As a person with sleep apnea, I have the same problem. This video changed my thinking in a lot of ways. I realized that ultimately, I was using tiredness as an excuse to not exercise, when in reality I am capable of exercising even when I’m tired. I’ve never seen someone fall asleep while going for a walk, so I figured if…
  • I am going to walk for one more hour, and I’m not eating again until tomorrow.
  • @lorrpb that is so inspirational @turnpike1920 you can do it! @mattig89ch Sounds like a healthy way forward! @resale3108 Biking sounds like fun, but it messes up my back @LyndaBSS I’m so sorry for your loss. It is inspiring to see you handling that kind of pain and still staying fit. It leaves me with no excuse. @awdouth…
  • I have lost and gained 40 pounds three times in the last 2 years. Trust me, I feel your pain. Don’t give up. Keep fighting. You can do it. It won’t be easy. But it is possible. One day at a time.
  • Good story and advice