

  • Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is what keeps me going and thinking my goal is do able. I would greatfuly enjoy to loose 50 lbs :)))))
  • Don't feel alone. :) I am the middle size on im my circle, the only one who cares how I look and feel and I am the youngest. Friends from Face Book told me about this site. I am not quite sure yet my self how it totaly works but I have already learned some new things about food controll and tracking I didn't know :) you…
    in New Comment by NativeFawn August 2011
  • I am mommy to a 9 1/2 yr old and then I am a CNA for a wonderful women My family has taken to call hger Grandma Net Net and i take care of my mother who has Cancer:flowerforyou:
  • I am very new here but I am addicted to the same drink and feel the same way about "Diet " anything I like to use Real Lemon juice in my water bottle and that hepls change it up some. I also heard that the lemon can help with digestion but dont quote me cause I see nor feel any differant
  • I'm new here but I get the same way every time I eat any Ice cream or very faty foods. Feels sluggish all the way down and then here comes the tummy upset