moonangel12 Member


  • I will check that out - thanks!
  • I don’t have huge amounts of experience, I don’t tolerate cold well (in that one cold weather run takes its toll on my body, sometimes for weeks, but I hate indoor exercise so I take my chances sometimes)... I have found this year that breathable is key! I wore a light rain jacket for my first below freezing run of the…
  • Thanks for the info on softening the enamel - makes sense, and what I was thinking was likely the case. Trying to decide to mention it to my mom or not - after all these years she might be a bit hard on herself about it.
  • Can you explain more on the downsides of brushing vs. rinsing? My mom is fighting to keep her teeth (receding gums, decay, infections) and has gotten to the point of brushing 5+ times a day (pretty much after eating or drinking anything). The dentist told her it was way overboard, but not sure how much she has cut back.
  • I know women have weight fluctuations month to month based on cycle and hormones, as crazy as things are PP it’s not a stretch of the imagination for them to be playing a major role in what you are experiencing. (I had a weird hormonal “side effect” after giving birth to my children in that my face went crazy with…
  • It is crazy how different protocols and procedures are from place to place. My friend ended up on a month long quarantine thanks to how the NC health dept. handled her family’s case (husband brought it home from work) - husband was confirmed, the wife and children all came down with it as well within days but didn’t bother…
  • Fun idea! I am doing a virtual 4mile run as part of a local race series... they keep the money local which I like (fitness programs and awareness in the community which is has a high drug/obesity population, programs to get kids outside, etc.)
  • I second the vote to find something similar so you at least have an idea. You know it wasn’t zero... or break it down into ingredient estimates if it had obvious pieces to the meal (nor logical for something like a salad with toppings but not a casserole).
  • I second the bridge to 10k or similar program. Do you have a fitness watch of any kind? Or mapping apps? Both RunKeeper and Garmin have customizable programs in that you can tell them where you are currently and what your goal is and it will give you a planned schedule.
  • We have electric baseboard heat and I ordered a surprise heated mattress cover for my husband! Each room is controlled individually so we leave the bedroom off until just before bed, but the sheets are still frigid cold. Now, to find a heated toilet seat for him :D
  • Outdoor Hands is my favorite hand lotion - i have had great results with it... it doesn’t leave the same coating as O’keefe’s (I have sensory issues so I couldn’t do that one).…
  • I would start with a search for “30 Minute Meals” - they will give you some recipes to check out. Many will start with a general time allowance for both prep and cook time. You might take longer at first as you practice your prep skills, but that smooths out and gets faster in time (both gathering ingredients and getting…
  • Are you measuring or weighing your food? And is that for everything, even prepackaged or “per piece” items?
  • My dog eats a LOT of things I wouldn’t 🤢 I trust her for safe water sources (long story), for some reason she is more particular about that...
  • The calories MFP gives you are based on the info you put in and as long as you have a goal set (pounds per week) it will give you the info you need to lose at that projected rate. There are charts on here (but I never remember where to find them) that have the details you need to set a safe deficit (if you don’t have much…
  • Welcome back! I wish you luck on this journey!
  • I started back running in 2018 with a second round of C25K after a near miss with colon cancer - read that excess weight around the middle can increases changes so I wanted to make some changes... then a hysterectomy followed so there went all progress. Restarted last year, and running paired with MFP has left me 30 lbs…
  • There was a cereal they didn’t have and I got a text with a picture of the shelf asking if I wanted anything as a replacement, a little while later, right before checkout she texted me “good news! They found 4 boxes in the back!” So I know she definitely made an effort to get everything at least, and reached out for…
  • I grew up with it drilled into my head to never refreeze thawed meat... I never knew why, but always thought it was a food safety issue as adamant as my parents were. Maybe not and it’s more about the texture? I too vote to cook it and freeze the cooked product.
  • Who would have ever guessed we would be having conversations on the safety of grocery shopping? What a weird world... I did do grocery delivery for the first time. It was effective enough to get us through, but weird for me. I am bit particular about some of our staples (produce especially) so I didn’t order as many fresh…
  • I remember, years ago at a family birthday party as a young adult, my sister let her daughter and her friends decorate the cakes. Licking fingers, touching everything, one good sneeze with visible airborne particles over the cake, etc. It ruined me forever... one incident of many for my germaphobe tendencies. Blowing out…
  • You have a right to your assumptions, but they are just that. Assumptions. I didn’t say what we were out and about for, just said that many others were as well due to it being the week before Christmas. We had necessary errands to run, and the kids stayed in the car with one parent or the other for all but one or two. We…
  • COVID has officially hit our house. My oldest started a sore throat yesterday, very slight change in temp. Really, very few symptoms pointing to COVID. I took him to Urgent Care for the swollen, sore throat assuming strep. They swabbed him for strep, flu and COVID. When the lady came back in in full garb asking more…
  • We live at the intersection of 3 states, and an easy drive to a 4th - it is CRAZY the differences from state to state, even in the relatively same area!
  • This has been my favorite eye-opening example that happened to me personally... a poor sliced loaf of gluten free bread, shared with two other members of my family (so not as much of an opportunity for things to “even out”).
  • I have had minimal luck with barcode scanning - either they are the incorrect serving sizes or out of date info (sometimes it’s not even the right food!). Double check anything and everything you scan, I rarely use what pops up. And packaged goods can vary by weight from what it says. Per pkg/piece/slice is not your best…
  • I eat back all my exercise calories and have lost at the expected rate for over a year. That is with accurate logging of both food and exercise. A sprint triathlon usually came in around 900 calories, so 700/day 6 days per week does sound high. What kind of exercises are you doing? Some devices and machines will…
  • Another twist is not sweetening it at all! I discovered savory oats thanks to MFP - cooked in chicken stock with sausage, mushrooms, garlic, onion, cheese, and an egg on top. The first bite played tricks on my brain, but oh so tasty!
  • Now that snow is coming, it’s time to start daydreaming about spring flowers, right?? I got my Baker Creek Seed catalog a couple weeks ago - drool worthy! My parents were visiting and my dad, who had previously declared he is not planting anything next year, started planning out a few things to try - mission accomplished 😁…
  • We’re in the same boat - we live in a tiny branch of WV, bordered by Maryland and Virginia... you cross borders multiple times going pretty much anywhere it seems. Most people work in a different state than what they live in (our area is a “bedroom community” for people that work in Washington DC - they commute and hour…