Getting from 5k to 10k runs

Hi all :) my name is stephen and id love to hear some advice and opinions on how to go from running 5k three or four times a week and im now looking to try train myself for the longer distance of 10k?what the best way to achieve this?. Look forward to hearing from yas :)


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    I know a few people have had success with the Bridge to 10k which is a similar format to C25K.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,528 Member
    I was foolish when I started running again. I just went out and ran 5K. Fortunately, my body put up with it.

    What I did to increase distance was to try to go a quarter mile farther on each run than the last run. Every time I did that I called it a success. I didn't worry about speed. Some days I was faster, and that felt good. Some days I just dragged, but I tried to at least get in some miles even if I didn't go farther than before.

    Even if you get out and do "just' 5k, it's movement, and your body will thank you.

    Do you run on pavement or dirt? I am afraid to try road running. My poor old body.... I'm trying to start incorporating hills, but I have an awesome access to a relatively flat trail system a quarter mile from home. That is the perfect distance for a warm-up walk on the pavement and a cool-down walk after.
  • moonangel12
    moonangel12 Posts: 971 Member
    I second the bridge to 10k or similar program. Do you have a fitness watch of any kind? Or mapping apps? Both RunKeeper and Garmin have customizable programs in that you can tell them where you are currently and what your goal is and it will give you a planned schedule.