Coronavirus prep



  • lokihen
    lokihen Posts: 382 Member

    This is a decent summary of what has been tested and what isn't known yet about the vaccines. Also covers some FAQs.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,741 Member
    NPR story tonight went head-on to "what did scientists know about Covid transmission and when did they know it". Text summary & full audio (4 minutes) at

    Sample quote, from a virus transmission researcher at Virginia Tech: "So back in January, the understanding of how viruses spread through the air was really primitive and incorrect. . . . There were a very small number of people in the world, I think, who really understood at that time how viruses spread through the air."

    There's more, about the early research and how it influenced public-health behavioral recommendations.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    Speaking of hand sanitizer. Living in a cold winter climate (Minnesota), I’ve always steered away from it. Until covid. I’ve got a real issue with dry, chapped, cracking hands. The hand sanitizer makes it worse. Believe me, I’ve tried everything for softening my hands. It’s really bad this winter. Can anyone relate, and does anything work?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Yeah, me too. The hand sanitizer makes it worse.

    I do like it toasty, and heating with wood, it gets really dry in the house in the winter. I’ll try your recipe. I do use it only when I’m out and about, and wash my hands as soon as I get home, and slather on lotion after washing my hands. We feed the birds and it’s kind of hard maneuvering and filling some of the feeders and heated bird baths, so the winter gloves come off a lot outside, which doesn’t help. In a normal year, it’s tolerable, but because of covid, more frequent washing hands, and sanitizer, it’s really bad right now. I’ve been retired 3 years now, but it was really bad this time of year passing colds/flu around at work, so I’ve been washing my hands for at least 21 seconds for a long time. It gets to be a habit.

    Oh, I meant to ask - do you use a humidifier to counter the wood stove dry air?

    Mom has a wood stove and that room gets super dry. I haven't seen her humidifier make an appearance yet this year and will ask her what's up with that.
  • moonangel12
    moonangel12 Posts: 971 Member
    Outdoor Hands is my favorite hand lotion - i have had great results with it... it doesn’t leave the same coating as O’keefe’s (I have sensory issues so I couldn’t do that one).
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    Thanks everyone! You’re the best! I have a lot of things to try on my quest for battling dry, cracking hands.

    We don’t have a humidifier, but do have two cast iron tea kettles filled with water on top of the wood stove.
  • JaxxieKat
    JaxxieKat Posts: 427 Member
    Can anyone relate, and does anything work?

    As someone with eczema, whose knuckles are cracked and bleeding every winter, I can totally sympathize. With Covid, this year has been particularly rough. I use O'Keefe's Working Hands religiously. If it gets really bad, I'll apply an anhydrous lanolin emollient (like Bag Balm) and put cotton gloves on my hands before bed. Usually, though, the O'Keefe's is sufficient.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Speaking of hand sanitizer. Living in a cold winter climate (Minnesota), I’ve always steered away from it. Until covid. I’ve got a real issue with dry, chapped, cracking hands. The hand sanitizer makes it worse. Believe me, I’ve tried everything for softening my hands. It’s really bad this winter. Can anyone relate, and does anything work?

    I get extremely dry skin in the winter. Not as bad as an adult, but when I was a kid, the bottom of my feet would get so dry that they would crack open and bleed. I found that keeping my feet suffocated is the only way, and has worked well for decades. For other skin, aquafilic ointment works very well.