Coronavirus prep



  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,478 Member
    ElioraFR wrote: »
    We are trapped in our apartment by an old man who goes for dialysis three times a week. Poor soul, he can't make it up the stair well in one go and is desperate for air by the time he reaches our landing so he sits on the window pane there until he catches his breath, meanwhile breathing heavily and in gasps. This has been the situation for over a year. We tried to keep a record of when he was scheduled to be picked up by the health department but it seems irregular. Which means he's there maybe 5 days a week talking on the phone, as he seems to like to sit there if they are late picking him up, or they have rescheduled him for another day. In our Department ( County? ) almost all new and recent clusters have come from hospitals, health centers or elderly homes. Unfortunately this man doesn't like to wear the masks. The hospital gave him one during the early shut down but I havn't seen him wear one on the way back from his dialysis often. Usually he takes it off as soon as he gets in the door. The stair well in our building makes it impossible to social distance. There would only be at most two feet distance or if two people pass on the stairs, impossible without touching.

    My husband has written to our landlord asking himto notify the building committee that everyone should wear masks in the public areas of the building. Masks will be obligatory beginning August 1 all over France. I hope it helps. We can't even get time to take out our garbage as it is! :(

    Would you be able to ask the guy (either in person social distancing) or via phone what his schedule is so you can avoid meeting him in stairs? You could begin the conversation with "so we can keep you safe". I would think if you know he is going for dialysis 3 times a week you know him well enough to approach him in this manner.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Any tips to share, now that we have some practice under our belts?

    Not helpful for you, but I've gotten more practiced at ordering for delivery.

    I go to the office 2-3 times a week, but order all groceries (some from the farmer's market) and also order from Target and Home Depot, although I've gone to HD and other gardening stores since they've opened.

    Here, there are currently no shortages.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    Diatonic12 wrote: »
    @baconslave I'm from the last vestige of the wild, wild west. I don't say because we don't want any more company. B) If your phone is not ringing it's me. I'm not a hand wringer by nature. ;)

    You might appreciate this from a neighbor.

    Just a word of caution.

    "Before you come to our area to visit you must be aware of what is happening here.
    We're doing OK here right now with COVID cases. We watch in horror as the rest of the country spikes and wonder how long before it makes its way here.

    So if you plan on vacationing at our mountains, rivers, lakes or on our prairies this summer, I think you should know that red ants and bedbugs have infested hotels and motels across the area due to a wetter than usual spring. Mountain lions have eaten all domesticated animals and some smaller people. The poison ivy has overtaken all other vegetation. We have had bear sightings at every park and town. Watch out for the jackalopes, they have been extremely aggressive this season.

    We have Bigfoots INVADING OUR PARKS and Porcupines "stabbing" small children should they dare to enter the forest. Skunks have made their way over and multiplied at unprecedented rates and wander the local campgrounds in packs. Murder hornets!?! We’ve got great black clouds of murder hornets, and swarms of Mormon crickets and grasshoppers. Scorpions have been congregating in massive quantities under rocks and logs. I’m pretty sure all private tiger owners have released their cats into the streets of our cities and towns. Head lice now fly... right beside the bats."

    So stay where you are, in your own province, state or county where it's safe!
    Seriously, PLEASE DO NOT COME HERE... ✋🏼 🤗

    Truth is stranger than fiction. Over the 4th, a mountain lion came in and ran off with a dog one day and a cat the next.

  • ElioraFR
    ElioraFR Posts: 91 Member
    I’m also worried because our Department has gone from barely any cases to 2.99, nearly three to one infections. it is the fastest re surge in the country atm. Partly blamed on tourism as we are near the sea and our population goes up high in summer.
  • ElioraFR
    ElioraFR Posts: 91 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    ElioraFR wrote: »
    Well I’m 70 years old and my husband has copd and aesthema. Why can’t this man just wear a mask and slowly walk up to his apartment instead of blocking us? of all people in the building he is most likely to bring Covid 19 disease in as he rides in an ambulance 6 times a week and spends 3 or more hours in hospitals a week. Are others concerned about their unventilated hallways and stairs in apartment buildings?

    I moved from a condo (4th and top floor) to a house in 2017, and am super grateful for that. My old neighbors were mostly young (30 something), and likely would not be all that careful, so that would have been stressful. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.
    I’m happy for you! We didn’t make it out before the resurgent spread. unfortunate!

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    ElioraFR wrote: »
    I’m also worried because our Department has gone from barely any cases to 2.99, nearly three to one infections. it is the fastest re surge in the country atm. Partly blamed on tourism as we are near the sea and our population goes up high in summer.

    Yep, many co-workers (NW Tennessee) are going on vacation to beaches in FL, AL, etc. They keep telling this story about how it isn't very risky, but I find it hard to believe.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    kushiel1 wrote: »
    ElioraFR wrote: »
    I see someone disagrees with my experience of being in an apartment building where it is impossible to social distance when trying to go out. What is it you disagree about?

    It wasn't me, but maybe the idea that you are trapped in your apartment because someone sits on the landing (whether or not he wears a mask while doing so). Hasn't it been proven that brief exposure of that sort (and no way of knowing if he's actually a Covid + person) isn't a risk, that it's more of a risk for longer exposure? So you could go down the stairs (with your mask on) without pausing near the guy and therefore get out of your apartment as needed.

    Haha nope, that's not it because someone disagreed with your post too. :/ I think people just like the attention that being disagreeable brings. :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I'm getting more and more frustrated at the number of people not wearing masks. They have been mandatory in Pennsylvania for months. Thanks to rising Covid numbers, the state has recently added restrictions that are likely to bankrupt a lot of businesses (25% maximum capacity for restaurants, no bars can sell liquor unless they serve meals, etc.). Despite the rising numbers, about half the people at Lowes weren't wearing masks, and about 1/4 of the people at the 'good' grocery store. At Sheetz (a minimart/gas station) probably 3/4 had no masks. All the stores had signs out front saying they were required. Nobody was enforcing the rule. I wanted to say something, but didn't want to deal with possible violent confrontations, so kept my mouth shut. There were a lot of folks over 70 who were maskless.
    Wow, I find this shocking. Where I am everyone has always worn masks in stores. I've never been to a grocery store or any store for that matter where 100% of the people weren't wearing masks since before May.

    @Noreenmarie1234 where are you located? I'm in Massachusetts and have seen excellent mask compliance since before the state-wide mandate went into effect May 6.
  • ElioraFR
    ElioraFR Posts: 91 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    ElioraFR wrote: »
    We are trapped in our apartment by an old man who goes for dialysis three times a week. Poor soul, he can't make it up the stair well in one go and is desperate for air by the time he reaches our landing so he sits on the window pane there until he catches his breath, meanwhile breathing heavily and in gasps. This has been the situation for over a year. We tried to keep a record of when he was scheduled to be picked up by the health department but it seems irregular. Which means he's there maybe 5 days a week talking on the phone, as he seems to like to sit there if they are late picking him up, or they have rescheduled him for another day. In our Department ( County? ) almost all new and recent clusters have come from hospitals, health centers or elderly homes. Unfortunately this man doesn't like to wear the masks. The hospital gave him one during the early shut down but I havn't seen him wear one on the way back from his dialysis often. Usually he takes it off as soon as he gets in the door. The stair well in our building makes it impossible to social distance. There would only be at most two feet distance or if two people pass on the stairs, impossible without touching.

    My husband has written to our landlord asking himto notify the building committee that everyone should wear masks in the public areas of the building. Masks will be obligatory beginning August 1 all over France. I hope it helps. We can't even get time to take out our garbage as it is! :(

    I didn't disagree with this but I imagine people are disagreeing with you being "trapped." I agree that this situation is inconvenient, but how long does it actually take? Even if two hours per day, 3-5 days a week, there are many other hours in the day.

    I agree using the word "trapped" made me sound like a drama queen, which I ordinarily am not, far from it. We do feel it is important to stay at home and only go out for essential things so that others who have to get out to work can do so safely and with the space for social distancing.

    By the way we have isolated since February, do shopping online and have it delivered. We feel it is good for everyone to stay at home unless its really a necessity to be out.

    Right now our area is inderging a very rapid rate of a re-infection surge after months of very few cases.
    I admit ito having a feeling, a little bit like entrapment, even if it does sound over dramatic.

    The influx of tourists is baffeling because there has been nothing much like beach weather. Mostly clouds and showers most days, temperatures are just reaching 70F this last week! I suggest most tourists ar not that happy with their holiday choices this summer here. Especially with the latest rising case numbers. :D
  • ElioraFR
    ElioraFR Posts: 91 Member
    We never know when he will actually be going out and many times he does not go out, just sits on the stair well talking on the phone.