Showing my husband how to do a spiderman pushup yesterday. That's right, hubby. Daaaammmnn indeed.
I've taken over all snow shovelling and leaf raking in our household. Also, forgetting where I put things contributes a LOT to my step count.
Lizzo and running
Yes with both wifi and mobile :(
Kitten lol.
I use this, it's free and the variety of workouts is amazing
I had a hysterectomy at 39 and I am now 50, so technically no menopause, but I seem to be having symptoms regardless. Caffeine and sugar are no longer my friends and I am allergic to dairy. Because of the dairy allergy, getting enough protein and calcium is a challenge. Strength exercises definitely help a LOT with knee…
Omg, another Philly girl here! I have lost 90lbs and have 14 miserable pounds left to go.
My joints are telling me to stop running in the cold and get back on the "dreadmill" ☹️
It snowed here today. Not enough to accumulate, but still enough to discourage me from outdoor exercise☹️
Hi. I'm Amy. I am 50 years old and a little over two years ago I said I didn't want to be fat and 50. I weghed 244.2 pounds. My knees and back hurt all the time, my hands were always tingling, and my digestion was a mess. Today I am 155.6 pounds, 15.6 pounds from my goal weight of 140 and I feel MILLION TIMES BETTER. The…
Still have about 15 pounds left till my goal of 140.
The first picture was July of 2017. The second picture was August 2019.
Yeah, I always get 2,000-3,000 more steps on google fit than I do on mi band even though I turned of step tracking in google fit. I just try to ignore the extra.
I chose 140 because it puts me at a healthy BMI range but gives me a little wiggle room
Sometimes I walk at night.
Met a friend one day while working to work.
Just a little hike in the woods
I have lost 86 pounds and I have 19 pounds left to lose and am struggling a bit. I used to plateau with each 10 pounds, but now I am fighting each pound like it's my worst enemy(which it is). Everyone is telling how great I look, and asking when I will stop losing weight. I just want a normal BMI. :|
Thank you!