LinsdayMV Member


  • Awesome post, love this message.
  • I lost 50 pounds between last March and September, and maintained it throughout the fall, so I definitely think it is an achievable goal! Developing caloric awareness by using this website was key. I am ready now to go on to lose the remaining 40 I want to lose. Good luck!!!
  • I agree with what everyone else said, and I would also suggest you go right out and buy yourself a bathing suit that makes you feel beautiful and comfortable for your trip! You deserve to feel good in the clothes you wear WHILE you are losing weight, not just the goal weight! Good luck!
  • I woudl love to hear suggestions on this, too!!!!!
  • Go to the bluenose website and look up past race results for your age group. That'll give you an idea.
  • This is such a great post - so motivational! I just completed week 5, day 2 and it is an insane jump this week - 20 minutes! I agree, though, it is amazing in that moment when you hit your stride and actually feel comfortable in the running moment. Yay!
  • If I compare your day job (momming, interacting with your busy children, maintaining a household and all the busyness that that can bring) with my day job (sitting at a desk for 8 hours, except when I walk to the office meeting room or bathroom) I would say your day is definitely more active than mine! So, if a sit on your…
  • This is a great question - I would also like to hear what advice others have to offer. I really want to avoid a diet mentality, and the guilt thing is a key part of that! Thank you for posting!
  • Hey Linds - I slow down as much as I have to to be sure I can finish my jogs, and use the walks to recover. My understanding is that speed work comes into play after you have built a solid running fitness foundation, and there are a lot of training techniques you can eventually employ when you get to that place (hills,…
  • Thanks for the great suggestions! I am going to stock up on trail mix, switch to regular yogurt, and have a bowl of milk and berries tonight!
  • I agree, Zumba is fabulous! I havent done it for very long but one hour of straight cardio HAS to be positive for weight loss!
    in Zumba? Comment by LinsdayMV April 2010
  • Wow, great recipes! How do you find the ginger blends in? I use a Magic Bullet to make smoothies, sometimes it isn't the greatest for harder and/or frozen foods.
  • Great idea - I am totally in! My goals: 1. Start and complete an 8 week 5k running prgram 2. Stop eating in front of the TV and eating while reading. 3. Try to only eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full. First time in a long time I have looked forward to Monday! :)
  • Thank you for sharing! I also struggle with binge eating and it is amazing how you can shovel in a huge amount of calories without even being aware of how much you consumed when you "wake up" after the binge. I am also focusing on just being mindful of when/how I eat. One of my goals is to eat when I am hungry, but I…