deanvm Member


  • The heart wants what it wants. If I don't give my body the right stuff, my sweet little heart will attack me again. <3 :'(
  • I can offer encouragement to assist in your endeavor. I'm not sure what a sleever is, but it doesn't sound enjoyable. I'm avoiding statins for unusually high HDL. I've chosen a cardiac care clinic and a team consisting of a dietitian, exercise physiologist and cardiac MD. I rue the day that I disappoint them by not keeping…
  • Yes, popping pills and continuing on with your regular diet is easy. As a retiree, I am determined to lower my LDL with the help of a dietitition and exercise. Not all of us are the same. It is odd that your B.P. shot up, but I had difficulty adjusting to the free life. Walking is great, you get to see cool stuff and meet…