Heading toward a healthy heart.

Wake up call...cholestrol is skyrocketing. Must control with excercise and diet. Hoping give/get support.


  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    This is the place to be then :)
    My dh takes cholesterol meds.; wish he'd change his eating habits. :( Too easy just to pop pills without trying so kudos to you for taking a stand!!
    I wanted to lose some pounds for mostly vanity reasons but when I retired, my blood pressure shot up(weird, you would've thought it would be the reverse)so I then had more motivation. I added 30-60 minutes of brisk walking a day and my BP has improved a LOT. :) You will see big changes!! Good luck :)
  • deanvm
    deanvm Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, popping pills and continuing on with your regular diet is easy. As a retiree, I am determined to lower my LDL with the help of a dietitition and exercise. Not all of us are the same.
    It is odd that your B.P. shot up, but I had difficulty adjusting to the free life. Walking is great, you get to see cool stuff and meet people walking puppies!
    Best of luck with your healthy life style.