Hello there, If you are gaining weight with a vegan diet I am not surprised. They eat a lot of rice, potatoes and pasta. That is an absolute no no. Low fat meat protein sources are best. If you eat carbs and sugars you’ll gain weight.
Exercise is important and recommended. I would suggest using the My Fitness Pal app to the fullest extent. Use the food diary to record what you eat. Look at it as it helps you think about it in terms of what you are eating. It’s sort of like a form of accountability. When I eat bad I think twice because the food diary is…
I try to limit my meals to 665 calories. That is what my doctor wants me to do anyway.
Here you go!
Hey great post! To decompress I like watching YouTube videos about tech. I am a Mac Apple fan and I like learning about all the latest technologies. What are your interests? I think it is about as simple as that. Find something that is meaningful to you whether it is reading, long walks or drawing a picture. We all have…