LeeMclafferty Member


  • So you think its bc I use serving sizes on packages? I weigh anything that the serving size says some number of oz. I find it hard to believe but ill try.
  • @KHMcG I am eating 2000 calories atm, it's hard to hit sometimes though. I'm a supervisor for tech support, so desk jockey full time. And I work in an auto body shop 26 hours a week. I excercise daily, but since the Covid19 stuff, I am doing 100 pushups a day and hiking on the weekends. Also I'm 5'11".
  • @AnnPT77 @L1zardQueen when I am logging things I put exact weights and ingredients. I just wasn't about to list off the weight of every peice of chicken for the last month. They range and I document appropriately. The chicken and vegetables are cooked on a propane grill and I use nothing extra, plain chicken and vegies. I…
  • I started about 2 years ago. I've lost about 70 lbs, which is great. I stopped tracking fir about 6 months and gained about 20 back, so I started tracking again since January and came down 16 lbs and I'm back to where I was pretty much. But I can never get past this point. And like I said the weight isn't super important,…
  • Okay, So I gave it a full 6 weeks. and I am STILL at 237 I go down a pound or 2 then back up. I worked out 15 days in February (3 days some weeks, 4 others) and so far 3 days a week in March. I took Pictures at my first day before this post then every week after. Attached are the photos labeled week 1, 2, 4 and 6. I cant…