manyasin Member


  • One time I got changed in work to go straight to the gym, a colleague asked where I was going then said "you don't need to go, you're beautiful as you are." Having to explain to someone that my desire to be healthy and fit doesn't make me any more (or less) pretty.
  • Water is important to keep your body hydrated and all your organs functioning properly i.e. it can improve your digestive system. Some people also feel more full after drinking a glass of water, which is why a lot of people drink a glass of water before eating a meal to prevent overeating. But just drinking water without…
  • Congrats on the weight loss! I know you may feel disappointed in the amount at the moment, but that comes up to around 0.5lbs lost each week. That's still a consistent weight loss, especially considering you have fibro and PCOS. Like others have said, there's a good chance you've started to gain muscle. My advice is to…
  • I don't record the amount of steps taken daily as a portion of your daily steps are just normal everyday activity, but when I go for planned walks or runs I use the app RunKeeper. It records the time, distance and if you put in your stats it'll give a pretty accurate calories burned which you can log on MFP. There's lots…
  • I was having a rough day last week so decided I'd have a "treat day" and bought a bar of chocolate. I only ate a portion of it and I started to feel ill. I can't eat as much junk food as I used to anymore, and it just ends up making me feel worse!
  • I gradually lost 3-4 stone about 6 years ago, I got to a maintain weight where I was content, I was active and enjoying exercise, I was eating well and not having to think about calories, and I felt good and strong. During this time I even had a few surgeries on my stomach, and somehow managed to reign in the weight gain…
  • I want to start off by saying we have all been there, you are not a failure, you've just had a bad few days. The important thing to do now is to accept it, put it behind you and not overthink things. I will also say that this is likely going to happen again, because that's life! Weight loss journeys are not a straight line…
  • They work in the sense that if you are in a calorie deficit when drinking them, then you will lose weight. However, as someone who enjoys food and cooking, the experience is pretty miserable. I also stopped using them and went off the rails, gaining the weight back. It is much more rewarding to put some time into cooking…
    in Shakes Comment by manyasin June 2020
  • I'm doing intermittent fasting and try to stop eating by 8pm. If I'm having cravings I usually brush my teeth and hide away in my room to avoid going anywhere near the kitchen. I try not to go to sleep too early though as I'll end up awake at 3am!
  • Ahh, chub rub. The bane of my life, especially during summer. I've tried so many products but hate the idea of having to reapply talc or creams when I'm out during the day, so my go to is cycling shorts under whatever I'm wearing. Now there's a brand that's targeted towards women but they've also advertised with men…
  • Try to gradually reduce the amount of soda you drink each day, perhaps try switching to the "diet" varieties, they're still not great but it can help get through the withdrawal stage. I try to only have soda on weekends now as a kind of "treat" to myself, or when I'm being social and use it as a mixer with alcohol, but I…
  • Hi there! I would like to lose 100lbs but realistically my first goal is to lose 50lbs, and making little goals of 10lbs along the way. I only started last month so I've got a long way to go!
  • Either you are not eating enough or you are not recording your calories properly, I recommend buying a set of kitchen scales and spend some time weighing out your food, you might find that your eating a lot more calories than you realise. If not, then 900 calories is very low and is definitely not recommended, especially…
  • The realisation that I was buying clothes two dress sizes bigger than what I've been for about five years. It started off as "oh it's just because of my big hips" and "I just prefer a looser style", when really I was in complete denial that I was two sizes bigger now, maybe even starting to push three sizes bigger. I…
  • It sounds to me like you're jumping into the deep end here! 1000 calories is way too low, and having low daily calories and doing intermittent fasting means you're more likely to stop as it'll be too much to handle. If you're struggling with the intermittent fasting there's no harm in extending it to 10am - 8pm, but try…
  • This happens to me when I change my diet, even if I'm eating the right amount of fibre, fruit and veg, drinking water etc. I find after a few weeks it does settle down once your body gets used to the change, but in the meantime continue drinking plenty of water, maybe try drinking a coffee in the morning and try some…
  • Also from the UK! I've been going for walks, luckily my local area is very quiet so I don't see many people. I used to be exercising around 5 times a week before lockdown, I'd do weights at the gym, cardio classes and swimming. It felt like a total shock to the body to suddenly drop to a small walk every so often. Somehow…
  • That's amazing progress!
  • Hi there! I only just restarted my healthy eating plan this week, tomorrow is my first weigh in! As someone who has tried every diet under the sun, my only advice is to be honest with yourself. Make calorie counting part of your daily routine, I use the barcode scanner on my phone app and weigh my food to make sure my…
    in I'm new Comment by manyasin May 2020