jasdebi2012 Member


  • just show them the muscles and tell them "you can't have these without weighting" or "going intuitive" (even if that's a word). If intuitive eating was not a made-up a thing, then people wouldn't be having deficiencies. Intuitive eating relies to someone not undereating or overeating in average, but not everyone is able to…
  • I'm not a doctor, but yes, dizziness on its own can be anything. The positive thing is it could be that you are standing up faster than you used to because you got rid of that extra weight and also strengthened your body. When we stand up our blood pressure takes a sudden & fast drop, and that can cause dizziness. Do you…
  • Personally I don't believe in "cheat" days. You can "cheat" on your exams, or your partner, or things like these, where a 2nd person is involved and you have some responsibility over them (e.g. as a student to study, as a lover to be loyal and so on). When you have "cheat" days, whom are you cheating? Yourself? That's like…
  • I am 176cm, however I have problems with my thyroid (hypothyroidism) that made me gain weight... and apart from walking I am unable to be more active. That is generally my expected values I'd say...
  • Yup. In general, I would advise to create your own food entries, if you want to monitor everything else. I have found several mistakes in other entries, and I realized it was much less time-consuming for me to do the job myself than correcting 1000000 different things. Another example is that you can personify your…
  • Obviously! For example, you mentioned "moderation" and giving in to your cravings because you can't tell "no" to yourself. For example, one should be in position to oppose and win over all the dark voices in their head. People shouldn't only aim for a healthy body, but for a healthy mind as well. Weight loss or lifestyle…
  • 1.76m and 111kg here. I have lost at least 30 kg (66lbs) in the last ~2 years. Although that is very difficult to say for sure as I was not monitoring myself and I was not very watchful throughout this period. So before I must have been going up/down really slowly. The true change in dieting happened ~3 months ago, when I…
  • So what you see is ~350kcal and contains... it is still low, but I tried doubling my portion sizes: 130g chicken breast fillet ~100g broccoli 50g cheese cream 60g tomato 50g corn 0.2 cucumber large 2 teaspoons of olive oil [1 went for the chicken and the other for the salad mixture] For dinner I will have 2 eggs and I…
  • Hi @mmapags , thanks. Yes, for that reason I'm asking for recommendations. Generally my intake the last week was at around 1300kcal. I'm not sure for proteins, as I get on average about 65g per day (with ups and downs). And yes, I am on a diet and that's why I was looking for health boosts for my calories. Hi @Lietchi , I…
  • Hi everyone. I'm on my 31s. I joined this community just a couple of days ago to help me track faster my daily calories and general consumption as well as the burning. It has been working very well, with a goal of losing 1kg/week (which can as well be 0.5kg), and I need friends to keep me motivated!
  • Hi everyone, I'm Christos from Greece, although I'm in Germany/France atm...