I'm really sorry they tried to harm you, and you did really well by putting distance in between you and them as quickly as possible. You didn't deserve that, nobody does. If you want to stay in a relatively small apartment and exercise, you can get a ton of versatility out of a sandbag and a couple of kettlebells. That's…
Just the area between the top of my head and the bottoms of my feet
Girls: What's your opinion on guys who can't start or tend a fire without it immediately going out? If you work in insurance, you shouldn't answer, I know y'all love that trait.
I saw a tow truck break down earlier. Ironic huh?
I've got the first half of that.
I'm wearing my wife's belt.
When she's the only person laughing at my messed-up jokes.
I really wanted fast food today. Didn't go for it, ate my meal prep instead. I really wanted to ask a coworker to grab me some gummy worms or Oreos when he went to the gas station. Didn't do it, had an apple instead. I really wanted a bottled soda and told myself if I did 50 more squats I could buy it. Did the squats.…
For me -- and your results are certain to be different -- the 65 pounds that I lost helped, but the half inch off of my neck was probably what did the most of it. I had a really nice CPAP with a companion app that would tell me about how many apnic episodes I had per night. When I noticed that number got down to 3, I asked…
I have cured my Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Posture and eye contact.
Two! How about yours?
Stubby lil tree stump legs.
It's also the debut of Tenacious D.
Psh I grew up in a town of 2,000 in Tennessee. I think I can translate.
It's a Pauly Shore/Stephen Baldwin movie from 1996. It wasn't good.
That depends. What sort of accent to do you have?
Best I can do is Biodome
When I don't understand what she's talking about but I like her voice so I don't interrupt
When she gives me ideas for what to do with all the stones in my yard.
I don't mean to brag, but mine are literally the cutest.
Does that include his own pets?
When she has birb memes
Did someone mention thighs yet?
When I know that she'd be okay without me, that she doesn't need me, but she chooses to spend her time talking with me anyway.
When she posts images of her balcony, tub, and other appealing features of her house.
I got Milwaukee taste on a Black & Decker budget.
When one of her breasts is larger than the other two.
Try and stop me, copper