malliemajorz Member


  • I am trying to lose about 50-60 more pounds by next year. I do have a food scale, and I try to walk 10,000 steps everyday along with HIIT workouts. As I replied to the other person, most of the days I am not even close to reaching 1,200. I normally consume 800-1000, could that be a factor?
  • This might be the problem. Most of the time I am only consuming between 800-1000 calories. I do have about two cheat meals a week though where I might go over a little bit of my calories, but I never thought of it that way. I will try that, thank you!
  • Yes, I calculate all the calories I consume daily very carefully, I am very sure I never go over 1,200. I am 5’4 and 180 now, my starting weight was 209. Is there a chance my body could be becoming used to my deficit, therefore it is burning less?
  • Yes, I calculate all the calories I consume daily very carefully, I am very sure I never go over 1,200. I am 5’4 and 180 now, my starting weight was 209.