Welcome to the fit fam madhouse!
Did we go to the same school? I literally did that haha.
I'll pass, but can I use that washboard to do my laundry?
Ignoring me for her cool friends.
Outstanding beginning! Welcome to the family!
Always looking to meet new people to keep things fresh and motivational! Feel free to toss me an add.
Would you damn whipper snappers keep it down and get off my lawn! :D
Sounds like a plan! Count me in as well.
Geeks unite! SciFi junky myself even though I love the outdoors with a fierce passion. Star Wars Return of the Jedi was the first movie I ever saw in the theaters. I was hooked for life! I have 50lbs to lose. Would love to have like minded friends in my corner and be in your corner as well. Add me up Scotty!
Hello there! Welcome to the party, always looking for support and friends myself. I have about 50lbs to lose myself.
I start over every day. Kids will be kids. Even if they laugh its always best to show them by example, but that's just me. We are each our own on this crazy journey.
flapping wildly because
Seeing eye parrot
President of the DnD club.
Really Awkward Dysfunctional Individuals Serving Horseradish W H A M
Nothing to Lose
Stargate Atlantis
Last of the Mohicans
Mighty kind, thanks!
Something About Mary
Some people no sense of humor... hard pass now.
12 Strong
Pour me up!
They weren't as
Into The Wild
Obviously not afraid of the wilderness so I got the feeling we could Gilligan Island the place.
BA! Takes his doggo on hikes! Hat's off!
What happens in the Foxhole stays in the foxhole.