Thank you both for your response :smile: So... basically, discipline not to stuff my face with "his" food is what you're saying.. ;) I can do that (well, to an extent already doing that). Guess, as you say, it's more the habit of doing things that way :blush:
Hi :smile: Just found this thread, and you're talking (well, technically writing) to me. So, apparently I'm a control freak. When life becomes too much for me to deal with, I handle it by taking control. I control who I meet / spend time with (think: I'd rather hike alone, than going to a party), my calorie balance…
I split my goal into a "main" macro goal, a step goal and then mini goals to get closer to each step goals. Currently looks like this: Macro goal: Lose another 16.3 kg (~36 lbs) to reach a healthy BMI of 24 Step goal: Lose another 5.5 kg (~12 lbs) to reach a BMI of 27.5 that will put me in the middle of the overweight…
Congratulations!!! What a great effort, and success story, thank you for sharing! Keep up the hard work, and cherish your results! <3
Yeah - starting to realize the poll is missing an alternative for this exact "option" ... :)
The bold - hate it when that happens.. Then again, it rarely does as I'm (almost) a compulsive planner. :laugh:
Adorable pup - get what you're saying. I've got two GSD boys, 2.5 and 4.5 years old, their both mentally stuck at the 4-24 months stage. Just love when they start playing (is dinoseering a word?) at 4:30 am...
Sorry to hear you are struggling. With issues you describe, I wouldn't feel right offering too much advise, as experimenting too much may upset any of those conditions. I'm happy to offer support, though. BTW, even if there's a limit as to how much protein can be absorbed at one given time, for me personally, I still find…
Not everyone could (should?) be :wink: :D
So far it seems (from this very scientific research, counting 18 participants which may or may not include those of you that have commented), we have 50% cheaters and 50% "non-cheaters" B) I agree with all of you above that simply states "because I consciously allow it, it's not cheating" or "If I go over my goals, I…
That's the way it works for me as well :smile:
No need to say sorry - absolutely agree :smile: as said above, just curious what people think :smile:
I agree - that is how I go about it as well :smile: I don't think of it as cheating as long as I properly plan and allow for (whatever) I want to include. Just appears like the phrases "cheat days" or "cheat meals" appear all over, so curious what others think :smile:
would be happy to be your friend (my diary is public, but in Norwegian, so not sure if really helpful for most) 😏
...easy... want to fit into that super hot outfit that'll make Mr Platypus' jaw drop to the floor....
Playtime with my Gentleman <3
Was going to respond to OP, but this pretty much said it all! To OP - it's a few days since you started this thread, hope you're feeling better :smile: