Speakeasy76 Member


  • Coffee and other no calorie beverages, herbs, salt and spices,mustard, vinegar and things like garlic. When I eat lettuce as a salad I count it, mostly so I can get the "nutrition points," but if it's like a piece of lettuce and Alice of tomato on a sandwich I don't count. I'm also one of those more obsessive people so I…
  • Well, according to the link for another article at the bottom of this one, apparently the Mediterranean diet improves erectile dysfunction. So, maybe your risk for cancer increases but you can still get it up :D . Seriously though, what other thing that is supposed to be "good" for us are "scientists" going to find is…
  • There are two periods in my life that I would consider the worst. One is when I would try to diet to lose some weight, and either restricted too severely or just wasn't eating the right kind of things to keep me satiated for longer periods. This lead to some pretty serious binges--to the point of extreme nausea and…
  • This reminds me of the sad "grilled cheese" I used to make when I was 14 years old on a 900-calorie per day diet. Now, I know better. Ho early, I would just use a slice of real cheese for about 35-45 more calories and maybe even a tiny smear of butter in addition to some real olive oil spray. If it works for you, though,…
  • People do deadlifts (actual deadlifts) at the squat racks all the time at my gym. There is typically only extra barbell in the barbell stand and the weight plates are right there with the squat racks and not by the spare barbell. It just makes more sense and a lot more convenient to do deadlifts at one of the 3 squat racks…
  • No. I often feel tired and achy regardless of exercise. After my workouts I might feel sore, but often feel energized, which is how I want to feel.
  • Here was a pet peeves of mine today: A young woman probably in her early 20's seemed to spend at least half of her time posing for selfies, which I assume she's gonna post on some social media account. She maybe did 5 exercises in total, if that. I know what other people do at the gym shouldn't bother me if it doesn't…
  • So I'm physicallyactive in way or another every day unless illness or schedule prevents me. I go to the gym 3 days a week for total body strength/weightlifting with at least a day in between and have reload weeks in my programming. However, even with those there will be days when I just feel like I need to rest. That…
  • Thanks everyone. I ended up taking a nap and then going for a long walk outside. I intended to take a "coffee nap" after my one cup of coffee for the day, but what I thought was going to be 20-30 minutes ended up being an hour! So, I definitely think I needed that nap. I actually program deloads into my training and vary…
  • My daughter has donated some of her candy to me--either ones she doesn't like but I do (like Almond Joy) or she knows it's one of my favorites (like Peanut Butter M & M's). I've been having one each night after dinner, and I have no guilt whatsoever, nor the temptation to eat more. I was also never one to sneak candy out…
  • Thanks for the recommendation. I have seen the Jordan's syrup at TJ Maxx but not sure if I bought any. I may try one. Unfortunately, certain preservatives (especially ones that end in "ite" or "ate") tend to give me headaches, so I try to avoid them. I bought some of the NuNaturals vanilla and cocoa syrup. They were very…
  • I went to 2 stores yesterday: Walgreens and the grocery store. I looked in the clearance section mainly for Halloween decorations, but also just to see what candy was left. There was hardly anything besides candy corn and the Autumn mix.
  • Nah, not everyone has an issue with candy being in the house, me included. I have so much candy right now in my house, and already had quite a bit before Halloween. If I want a little bit I may have a piece some, but honesty a lot of it (especially the cheaper) stuff just isn't worth it to me. It's taught me a lot about…
  • I may just have bad luck with my Fitbits! My son got a Fitbit Inspire, that was actually "gifted" to him by his grandparents as they got one free through Medicare. The sleep tracker is WAY off. I mean, we already knew he was a restless sleeper and this confirms it, but no way is he getting a little over 3 hours of sleep…
  • The Norwex-type cleaning cloths actually work pretty well, and I even think the one for windows works better than doing it the old fashioned way. You can buy knockoff ones that are not part of an MLM scheme on Amazon called e-cloth.
  • Thanks everyone for your insight. The 35% discount was enticing and I was thinking about getting the Fitbit Sense, which is more than what I would have spent originally given my history with Fitbits. However, reading the insight here and other customer reviews, I decided to get the Vivoactive 4s. I found a good deal on a…
  • 2 Homemade vegan oat banana pancakes, about 4 oz of fat free plain Greek yogurt with leftover mashed banana and raspberries, and coffee with collagen protein powder and a bit of oat creamer.
  • Have you increased your water intake from what you were consuming before the increase? A lot of fiber can lead to constipation if you don't drink enough water, especially if you had a dramatic increase in fiber intake. The types of fiber make a difference, too. Insoluble fiber is typically what makes stool easier to pass,…
  • I have "lost" four pounds in a week even while maintaining as a 5'8 45 year old woman with an average weight of 135. I agree that 1500 sounds low, and even when I was about 10 pounds heavier I never ate that few calories on purpose. The lower you go below your TDEE, the more muscle mass you will probably lose along with…
  • So much yes! I would much rather a doctor admit they don't know the answer, refer me to another professional or even look up his/her resources during the appointment to try to find an answer. It shows humility and genuine concern for the patient, not just making up answer or trying to brush off the problem....or just…
  • Now that you mention your BP being low, mine tends to run low, too. Never made that correlation until now.
  • I used to struggle with this a lot in my early-mid twenties, and still do a bit at night. Mine started with extreme dieting, and ironically (or not, to many who know this struggle) bingeing would get worse anytime I restricted my diet, especially in a more extreme way. Mine also worsens with anxiety and stress. What has…
  • I discovered True Nutrition based on a recommendation from a fellow MFP'er. You can customize your powder based on type of protein and flavor, plus any added supplements you might want. There are so many options, but not only are they decently priced there are minimal ingredients.
  • I can overeat things like roasted salted pepitas and roasted dry edamame, which only contain the nut/bean and salt. In my case I know it's the salt + crunch that makes me want to eat more, so do have to be cautious when I eat things like this. However, I would never just eat salt by itself. I also think the act of…
  • That's awesome! "Only" 9 years at this point. However, if I hadn't stopped after I had my kids for a period of about 2 years (although I did exercise on and off in that time) it would be 24 years.
  • It seems like you are using the terms "addiction" and "addictive" interchangeably. I also think it's not a strong argument to say that you can't have an addiction to food just because one needs food to survive and therefore can't completely abstain from it to recover. Are certain foods inherently addictive to some who are…
  • My ob commenting on me gaining too much weight while pregnant was one of two times a doctor has ever commented in any way about my weight (the other time being when I had lost some weight). I and my baby were healthy, too, but I knew I was gaining too quickly, and I wasn't a small person too start out with since my weight…
  • I don't know if this has been said already, but the closer you are to your goal, the closer you should be eating to what will be your maintenance level if you actually want to keep it off. Also, when you don't have much to lose, it's not intended to go quickly (again, if you want to keep it off). As someone who has had a…
  • Thank you! I had my vit D levels, iron assay and B12 tested back at the end of September, but I'm going to schedule an appointment with a new doctor and asked to get the others tested as well. I'm on an iron supplement since my iron blood serum level was found to be low in April. My B12 was actually high when it was tested…
  • Here's one that's yummy: Combine a ripe smashed banana with 1/2 cup rolled oats (not quick), 3/4 cup milk of choice, 1/2 t vanilla, 1.5 T unsweetened cocoa powder and dash of salt. Cook according to directions on oats can. You can add a sweetener if you like (although I find if the banana is pretty ripe I don't need one)…