k8richly Member


  • @Kdmontgo215 I forgot to welcome you! You didnt say how old your kids are but they sound young. I lived through having 3 kids under 5yrs old (now 11, 14 and 16yo!), while also working and I had no time for me. Its such a tough situation! I maintained / regained my fitness by working it into play time - I remember doing…
  • I am so freaking DONE with big family meals and leftovers. We go all out with a nice big turkey Christmas dinner and then my husband's family is really into New Years too (big family meal, heavy on the meat, potatoes, wine). Plus my 14 yr old loves to bake, so to get her out of bed and off her screens during this last week…
  • Hello 2023! The last 2 months of 2022 were not great (family stress, work stress, no routine, hurt my back, blah blah blah) but I love me a new reset and fun goals, so here we go!!! 2023 GOALS: - strengthen glutes as per physios orders (Bret C program?). Strength, period. - get back to soccer and hockey - bootcamp 2xweek -…
  • Hey @CeeBeeSlim did you actually pay for Bret's online program "Booty by Bret"? Seems expensive to me. I'd rather pay for a personal trainer IRL. Or did you just follow an out-of- a book program? Me and my booty are committed to change in 2023!
  • There is amazing support and motivation right here! I never make formal new years resolutions and I scoff at all those people that join gyms on Jan 1 and then drop out by Feb 1. But it does feel like a new start and so why not use Jan 1 to turn over a new leaf!? My body, my mind, my family was under a fair bit of stress…
  • Thanks guys. Will check him out and take it slow/light. 12 weeks sounds like a long commitment but that's me being impatient. Thx!!!
  • Hey all, merry Christmas! Sheryl, I think it is cyclical and motivation is self-prophesizing - if I'm on track with nutrition then I don't want to ruin my progress, then im motivated to stick with it and eat well. It feels good so i continue. Likewise, if I'm eating crappily then it's a downward spiral of unmotivated…
  • @JBanx256 is totally Fitness Santa. hee hee 😜. @CeeBeeSlim I was blocked from Groups for a couple days too. Frigging MFP. @SherryReuter - the afternoon slump is hard for me too. I especially notice if I haven't had enough protein at lunch. Have you tried topping up whatever macro is low instead of going for sugar? Your…
  • I propose we start a new thread called "ask JBanx anything" since we seem to have hijacked this one. 😆 🤣 I have some basic startup questions about strength training.... Here we go: whenever I go beyond free weights and increase my load, my lower back acts up. It acts up, I have to ease off and then I'm back to square one.…
  • Oh guys, you crack me up. Burger king drivethrus and christmas cookies are simply bumps in the long road guys. Let's keep our eyes on the prize! (So I say while I munch on my world famous sweet and salty xmas nuts). Turkey in a BBQ? That's a new one to me, but why the heck not! I only have 7 people for Christmas dinner…
  • Holy Hannah, I missed a few days and there's so much to catch up on! (We're a chatty bunch 😀) @SparkSpringtime69 this is a major loss! Was it over a year or what period? Congratulations on the measurements! Amazing! @Antiopelle I would've assumed that deepsea diving would cause havoc on your inner ear but that's…
  • @CeeBeeSlim we are back at pre-Covid busyness and it's a bit insane. Kids sports, holiday recitals, office parties etc etc. So busy but it also feels good. As long as we stay healthy and I can keep the schedule straight! But I agree the lockdowns also taught me to slow down and balance life a bit better. Quiet family time…
  • @CeeBeeSlim it's all in the clothes/shoes. Get yourself properly dressed / equipped for the cold and it is suddenly a wonderful workout. And a nice reason to go shopping 😀 I stopped trying to keep up with my husband's drinking and snacking. For a couple years I thought I needed to have a beer or eat chips with him to be…
  • And I forgot to state my December goals; Basically maintenance. Keep up bootcamp x2 week, running 1 or x2 a week, strength 2x week and a deep stretch at x1 week. I must log accurately. Wine or beer x1 a week. Heres a December challenge: NO cheese. It has the same fat content as butter and we wouldn't eat straight butter,…
  • Thanks for starting December @zenobia9777! And congrats on your 5k! Why do you feel it wasn't fast enough?! I'd say that for someone who doesn't run much, droppng a sudden 5km in 41min is amazing. And....you do you. You're getting the heart, joint and muscle benefits as much as the speedy guys. Spend your fitness minutes…
  • Just dropping in to say I'm following along with this chat, learning and weighing my options (sorry, scale pun). I'm makng some fitness changes soon as I need to shake things up. @CeeBeeSlim it sounds like you're doing all the right things including wine and ice cream in moderation!
  • Thanks everyone for the kind words and virtual hugs. I'm doing ok and I even got to my bootcamp HIIT class this morning - first time in over 3 or 4 weeks. I chose light weights and took it easy but it felt good to move again and see my friends. Normal is good. Any and all movement is good. And I have a feeling that…
  • Hey gang, 👋 sorry I've been quiet. My father passed away peacefully in his sleep on Wednesday and it's been a rollercoaster of emotions and, frankly, emails and paperwork. I am grateful I was there in early November to move him into palliative care and said my in-person goodbyes while he was still lucid and awake. At the…
  • @CeeBeeSlim - do it! Give your scale to a trusted friend and just give it a try for a couple of weeks. No Weighing!! I bet you find that you start zoning in more on how you are "feeling" are you feeling,,,fit, fast, strong, light on your feet etc?. These will give you other points if reference to assess progress beyond the…
  • Darn bake sale at work yesterday. All for a good charitable cause but hard to resist. I ate several "oatmeal bars" pretending like those were healthy despite the delicious chocolate chips.... Today is a new day for new choices!!
  • @CeeBeeSlim I never thought of it as IF but I don't usually snack after dinner - I'm too tired or I'm too busy! So you go from 8pm to when in the morning? On the weekends I try to hold off breakfast for a while and sometimes go to 11am or so. But I always have my cup of tea or coffee. Does that break the fast? My problem…
  • 5'3" 49yrs old Nov 1- 130? Nov 11 - 129.5 Thanks for all your kind words everyone. It was a hard 2 weeks of hospitals and eldercare but I am back home. My dads health is declining but was relatively stable so I just couldn't stay indefinitely. I'm sure I will have to fly back put soon enough. I love the quote @SherryRueter…
  • @CeeBeeSlim I responded to your Diary with a comment about triscuits!! Your diary is all i can see of you. MFP is really with both of us - I still can't see anything and if I try to access your profile is shuts down my app! So weird and dumb
  • @CeeBeeSlim can you share this ST program with me? I'd love to see how you're going about it. Sounds like it's really working for you! How many weeks are you in? As soon as I'm home and back to a routine (and my gym!) I'm gettin down to business. And I still can't see your profile or pic (in fact it bugs up MFP for in…
  • @CeeBeeSlim I personally think that's a pretty low calorie intake. We are the same height and weight and MFP has me at 1,400 for a .5lb/wk loss. Even at 1400 I often eat over on busy cardio or strength days. I used to be at 1,200 but I was fooling myself and not really hitting it because I simply needed more room so that I…
  • @CeeBeeSlim yay for being friends! I've also been 129-130 for a year or so. I think it isn't just water weight when you are sore and overloading, it is new muscle which weighs more than and is replacing your old fluff. It's Magic. You've noted some super NSVs about old clothes fitting etc - I try hard to focus on those…
  • 5'3" 49yo CW: no idea. 130? Oh friends, I'm catching up and checking in. You guys are amazing. Im sorry I've missed the last weeks as I had to fly home to Vancouver urgently. My siblings and I moved my father out of the hospital and into palliative care in his home. He's doing OK but it's impossible to know how long he has…
  • @ehlexa - I lost 15lbs about 2 yrs ago and have kept it off through good nutrition, watching my macros and staying active and fit. But I had gained the weight recently and I've always been a bit of a gym rat and athlete so it was kind of an easy loss as I was happily returning to my 'normal' state. That having been said,…
  • 5'3" 49yrs Oct 2 - 130.5lbs Oct 8 - 130 lbs Oct 19 - I forgot to weigh in and now the batteries are dead on my scale. Sigh. Oct 22 - new scale - 130.5 ? Will weigh again in the morning. Nekkid. LOL @CeeBeeSlim there's no way you aren't taking advantage of hotel gyms - you are one fit committed mama! I have elder care…
  • 5'3" 49yrs Oct 2 - 130.5lbs Oct 8 - 130 lbs Oct 19 - I forgot to weigh in and now the batteries are dead on my scale. Sigh. Hello all, I love that there's so much news to catch up on! @Antiopelle, OMG enjoy Greece! Your husband sounds like a pretty healthy, inspiring individual. You all have inspiring stories with all the…