@k8richer -37 today. Feelin' it. My weight is not doing what I want, but I pretty much have to do what only I can right now (perimenopause and surgery recovery) to maintain and keep muscle. I just really like pizza.
I just wanted to stop by and say keep it up everyone! You're all doing amazing things!
@wunderkindking I love the pants fitting goal. It's one of the reasons I have my goal where I do. I just refuse to buy larger clothes, and don't mind if things get a little baggy!
@k8richer I can do modified push ups (on an angle, knees, etc.) Body weight exercises are okay, according to my physical therapist. Also, I was able to do 3 sets of 12 push ups pre-surgery. I think I'll be okay!
Starting weight 153 Goal weight 146 Ultimate goal 140-145, depending on muscle. Might do the push up challenge. Will decide tomorrow.
@k8richer We're only this week getting some decent spring weather. It's been colder than usual and we've had a few days of snow. I'm still walking, and I might drag out the ol' kick scooter next week. :)
@k8richer I'm back at it this week. I'm not allowed to push/pull/lift more than 10 lbs, nor bend or twist if avoidable, so the weights I normally do are off limits, but I'm managing to find stuff plus my physical therapy to burn some energy and calories. I eat enough magnesium in my food that I don't need to take more, but…
Boy, am I tired of menopause transition!
March goals: I just had back surgery, so consistent physical therapy and whatever strength training I am allowed to do for the rest of the month. I couldn't eat for a while due to opioids and lost weight rapidly, so I expect to put on a few more pounds as I eat normally now. I'll reassess at the end of the month.
I took a year to work up to one, then worked up to six. You can do it! I can't do anything overhead currently, but I'll follow along.
@k8richer I'm only just now getting back to this. It's been a rough bit here, but I think some of the worst is over. Maybe just a little more of the worst?
Ditto on the muscle building.
I forgot to add my pup. She's a jerk, but we still mostly love her.
Looking into it...
5'7" 51 yrs old End of Jan goal 150 Don't remember which day!-154 1/24 151.3 I think I can do it. ;)
- its the symptoms like bad sleep that wreak havoc on our NEAT, motivation and will power. I did discover an FB group called Menopause Chicks - check it out. Armed with info from there, Ive got an appointment with my doctor to get on top of it. I do wonder if addressing my hormone balance will help with my various aches,…
I am here to commiserate! I have had a knee replacement and a spinal fusion and when I tell people I need to watch my weight they think I am calling myself fat, which I am not. Any extra weight doesn't feel good because I have metal in my body! I've always been really active and pain and perimenopause have slowed me down…
Ugh. I am so up and down right now. I'm going through perimenopause, and every time I have a hormone surge, my weight fluctuates. I'm having to constantly change my goals, which is fine but still frustrating. I should still be able to get to 149 by the 1st, but I'm also aware that it just might not happen this month!!
Something to think about: You are still a good person, no matter what or how much you eat. Your worth has not changed, just how you feel about yourself, and THAT IS OKAY. It's hard to have perspective when you are in the middle of something, but to a stranger on the internet, you are doing great, because you have reached…
Hey all, do you post your stats weekly, or stick with month beginning/end?
I had a knee replacement about 5 years ago-it was such a good decision! Good luck with everything!
My January fitness goal is to lose a pound a week. I haven't weighed today, but that should put me at 149 or 150 by Feb. 1. I'm also going to check into this group once a week. I'm feeling a little disconnected from people, and I know I need connection for my mental well-being, which leads to my fitness. Ultimately, I'd…
I only did so-so with my goals this month. I've been traveling a lot to help out family, and it's been super hard to control my food and get in enough exercise, so I'm looking for more results in July.
Thank you so much! I haven't been back to this group since I posted that pic.
Just found this thread! 5'7" 147 End of June goal: Keep my height the same. Kidding. 144. I took this photo because I was feeling badly about myself in general, but definitely about my fitness. I look just fine!
Airy Breezy I can!
Good luck!
I'm trying to get 100-115 grams of protein daily and IT IS NOT EASY. I thought I'd just start eating a whole roasted chicken per meal. ;)
Adding you both today. Thanks!
Tracimckinney, do you mind if I add you too?