BrightEyedAgain Member

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  • Today I wore skinny jeans over my gym leggings. These used to be my goal jeans. Now, even over leggings, they were only tight in the calves where I've gained muscle.
  • Bump I just reread this thread. It has always been inspiring to me, so I wanted to make sure others saw it as well. Cheers to springlering62...I really appreciate what you bring to MFP.
  • When I get a discrepancy like that, I usually adjust the logged time to make the calories match the lower number from the gym equipment. Or, maybe I split the difference if I think the gym machine underestimated. Basically, I'd rather underestimate my exercise calories than go over, and I monkey with the minutes to make it…
  • After a year at my goal weight, I finally got up the nerve to give two bags of larger sized clothes that I'd been holding onto "just in case." They're going to a darling lady who is thrilled to get them. Her enthusiasm gave me the push I needed.
  • I can see it, too! That's such a good feeling to like your face in the mirror. Congratulations! You're smart to go ahead and lose the freshmen fifteen before it become the graduate's thirty. I wish I'd tackled the issue like you have instead of letting my weight creep up little by little until it was a big number to lose.…
  • I have shin muscles. I didn't even know shins HAD muscles.
  • I bought new running shoes and didn't need the wide size anymore. My feet have shrunk enough to feel just as good in the mediums which are easier to find.
  • My advice is to log as best you can even though you know it isn't accurate. Plan the night before which meals will be your big ones, and which you plan to be careful about. I agree with the poster who said take the stairs as much as possible. And be deliberately inefficient about walking places like your cabin. You can get…
  • Today I went to put on some sandals with ankle straps, and I had to use a new hole to buckle them because the old one was too big. It still amazes me to think I've lot weight in my ANKLES!! The body is a mysterious thing.
  • My NSV is I wore a necklace today, and it looked GOOD!! I've always avoided necklaces because my neck is short and they looked/felt terrible on me. But today I fished out one that someone gave me, put it on, and rocked it! Having a slimmer neck makes a huge difference.
  • Even with the heatwave we're having I was still able to enjoy my walk in the park yesterday. Heat just doesn't bother me the way it did forty pounds ago. So that's one NSV. The second is this: last Summer my NSV was being able to buy my tank tops in the boy's section at Walmart at $2.97 instead of having to order Women's…
  • I'm glad you've identified something that will work for you.
  • What worked for me today was confronting a friend who really hurt my feelings yesterday. Normally I don't say anything. I just try to let it go, but I was still upset today from it. So I took a chance and told her how I felt. I didn't expect an apology. At best I hoped she'd think about it and avoid hurting me again in the…
  • Before a week long series of family visits, I want to lose one more pound to get down to the lower part of my maintenance range. That'll give me a little more cushion for eating all the family foods I don't get at home. It won't be the end of the world either way. If I gain, I know how to lose it. But, if I eat at a…
  • Well said!! This is one of those posts that makes me wish I could hit multiple buttons--LIke, Inspiring, Insightful AND Hug!!
  • @yirara I'm intrigued by the licorice root thing because I know I have a tendency toward low blood pressure. I'll have to get some to try before bed and see if that helps my sleep. Like you, I don't sleep well if I exercise at night. Thanks for posting!
  • @springlering62 ... a quick google search says that being freezing cold after a workout can mean dehydration, low blood pressure, or you didn't eat enough before/after the workout. There's also a drop in body temperature that comes naturally and can be more dramatic in women. Obviously, that's quite a range, but maybe you…
  • That's a feat!! One I aspire to as well. Congratulations!!
  • Oh that's so wonderful to hear!! I'm so happy for you.
  • 1.) Use your initial enthusiasm to build habits that make it MINDLESS to stay on your plan later on when you aren't as focused. For example, take the time to build meals in MFP that you can fall back on whenever you don't know what to have for dinner. Find the restaurants where you can eat out and stay on plan. You won't…
  • Nobody told me how much I would end up liking my FEET. Seriously, I have a weird fascination with my newly thin feet. I never even NOTICED my feet before, but now I stare at them all the time when I'm in the bathtub, and I'm actually looking forward to sandal weather. Who knew my feet could look graceful instead of…
  • I went to Walmart today and bought shorts and swimsuit bottoms in a smaller size than last year. That's an NSV in itself, but another one is that I plan to wear shorts this Summer at all.
  • Talk about a TRANSFORMATION!! You are one of the people I wouldn't have known on the street as the same person. Your face and everything about you looks so different!! Congratulations on your perserverance and success. You look fantastic!
  • I ended up in a weird mood after going through my closets today, so it's a good time to refocus on the positives... 1.) The too-small tank tops I ordered last year look great on me now. My shoulders actually look GOOD, and I don't have the boob fat anymore at the armholes. It's been decades since I felt good in sleeveless…
  • Last week, I ordered new yoga capri pants for Spring, and they arrived today. ALL the ones I bought last year were in dark colors, but all my new ones are in bright colors and loud patterns. I didn't even realize that until I went to put them in the drawer, but apparently my confidence level is a lot higher now than it was…
  • Fabulous quote, and I love how you staged your current photo to match up with your old one. In addition to the belly being gone, your skin looks so much healthier. The inflammation flush is gone in your face. Congratulations on a job well done!! Glad you took time to post the resuts.
  • This morning I put on my Summer yoga pants from last year, and they look like pajama bottoms. They stay on, but only barely. Hard to believe they fit tight a year ago. I'm still not used to being this small around. @JenKindo I love your Amazon comment...I was wishing there was a way to reset my sizes, but now I'll look at…
  • I spent last week at home on the couch because of a cold, but yesterday I went back to the gym. That's an NSV in itself, but the real one is this: my first thought when I walked in the gym was, "It feels good be MYSELF again!" I love that my true vision of myself now includes going to the gym. I truly don't feel like me…
  • That's fantastic!! You must have great all day with that shirt tucked in. Yay!
  • What a happy post! It's actually kinda neat that the photos are out of order because you can REALLY see which ones are before vs. after. Your hands are amazing!! If I were in your shoes I'd probably spend the whole hand looking at them in wonder. I hope you can get all your pretty rings resized to wear again. Meanwhile the…