Just a small update, still maintaining/gaining I'm now 107.5kg
Could make sense. Thanks everyone! I'll up my caloric intake. I don't lift 2x a day now just 5x4 a day max.
For anyone who wants to see my chart here ya go! I definitely know that weight yoyos and goes up down, sideways and every other possible axis! But mine has stayed the same and gone up which is unusual for my circumstances.
Thank you!
Yeah I'll use this thread, sorry I didn't realize this one was for diets too. If I could delete the old one I would 🤫
I now have my belt, lifting technique is okay it seems (my step dad also used to deadlift) I do find getting towards the end of my set my form gets a bit janky though.
Thank you for the comprehensive reply! I appreciate it. I'll continue!
Thank you everyone! I'm really enjoying this community and the constructive criticism, I am taking it on board. I think I'll lower it to 5x6 of 80kg 3-4 times a week until I "feel" it's too light I guess? My personal trainer literally just did posture and form as he didn't have much time, he only had about 20 minutes with…
Thank you! I wouldn't go as far as to say I have body dysmorphia, (I do suffer with mental health issues) but I have extremely low confidence and extremely high anxiety, so I guess that doesn't help right?!
Indeed, I do. I am 173cm, my BMI is now 34.9. my target weight for now is 180lbs, I'm hoping for more in the future of course! But I'm also working on muscle too.
Hi! Yes I use a belt for my stomach to give me better posture/form and I have had a 1to1 trainer basically go through deadlifts and squat form with me. So I know the basics! Cheers
Thank you everyone! Might have given me loads more motivation to carry on with my diet. 🙌
What are the weights and what techniques are you using? Just curious and I'm also a beginner!
Beginner weightlifter here, currently just focusing on my core doing 5x6 100kg deadlifts twice a day, absolutely destroys me haha