Juliexx00 Member


  • Really, I’ve been very good!
  • @quilteryoyo slowly 🤣. I wear yaktrax, strides are shorter and knees are higher, core is definitely more engaged.
  • Age 46 5’9” Highest Weight: 172 January 8:160 1 week in!!!! Success! No junk food ✅ Tracked all food and drink ✅ Stayed under calories ✅ Run mileage 29.25km 🏃🏻‍♀️⬆️ Steps 105,350 ✅ Strength workouts 2🏋🏻‍♀️⬆️ Swim workouts 0 🏊🏻⬆️ Pounds lost 7.2 ✅ Inches lost 4✅ Goals for week 2: Keep going!!! Add at least 1 more strength…
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? 4.25 30 min run outside!!!! It was very slow as my running path was a little snowy Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes 1 pass day used (Jan. 04)
  • January 1: 6 January 2: 2.5 January 3: 5 January 4: Rest January 5: 3.5 January 6: 8 January 7: 4.25 29.25/100 Finally made it outside. -2C/28F and it was very snowy. Felt great though. 4.25km on this stuff.
  • January 1: 6 January 2: 2.5 January 3: 5 January 4: Rest January 5: 3.5 January 6: 8 January 7: 25/100 Weather here still sucks. Was super cold then got hit with snow and nobody shovels there sidewalks and never mind snow plows on the roads. At this rate if I want to get outside I might just put on the snowshoes and go 🤣 I…
  • Age 46 5’9” Highest Weight: 172 Most of adult life I was between 145-150. Went back to school 6 years ago to change jobs. Weight crept on then. It has been a yo-yo cycle since going from 157-170. This time I’m focusing more on it being about healthy living with the perk of weight lose instead of being all about the number…
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Treadmill 58 min 8km mix of jog and hill climb Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes 1 pass day used (Jan. 04)
  • Age 46 5’9” Highest Weight: 172 Most of adult life I was between 145-150. Went back to school 6 years ago to change jobs. Weight crept on then. It has been a yo-yo cycle since going from 157-170. This time I’m focusing more on it being about healthy living with the perk of weight lose instead of being all about the number…
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, slow, easy 24 min 3.5km treadmill Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes 1 pass day used (Jan. 04)
  • I've been involved in sports and exercise all my life, the majority of the time it having nothing to do with weight loss. You nailed it with the mental health part. The benefits I get from exercise far exceed weight loss.
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? No. My job is very physical, I ran through the grocery store and I cleaned my house, I know these fit into the definition for a "yes" for this challenge but when I started UAC I wanted the 20 min. to be dedicated to pure exercise. For myself I find planned exercise affects my mental…
  • Age 46 5’9” Highest Weight: 172 Most of adult life I was between 145-150. Went back to school 6 years ago to change jobs. Weight crept on then. It has been a yo-yo cycle since going from 157-170. This time I’m focusing more on it being about healthy living with the perk of weight lose instead of being all about the number…
  • Age 46 5’9” Highest Weight: 172 Most of adult life I was between 145-150. Went back to school 6 years ago to change jobs. Weight crept on then. It has been a yo-yo cycle since going from 157-170. This time I’m focusing more on it being about healthy living with the perk of weight lose instead of being all about the number…
  • 5km treadmill 13.5/100
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Treadmill 45 min some running then some hill climbing Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes @mshawski i hate the treadmill too. It’s like I no longer know how to run, my pace is so much slower and I don’t last very…
  • @skippygirlsmom that’s Ellie, she is a 7 year old Australian Shepard
  • Age 46 5’9” Highest Weight: 172 Most of adult life I was between 145-150. Went back to school 6 years ago to change jobs. Weight crept on then. It has been a yo-yo cycle since going from 157-170. This time I’m focusing more on it being about healthy living with the perk of weight lose instead of being all about the number…
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? 👍Today was such a physical day at work, tired my body right out but I dragged my butt to the treadmill and did an easy 20 min 2.5km jog followed by a leg and ab strength session Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? 👍Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?👍 Yes
  • One of those nights where the run just felt like crap. Only managed 2.5km before I gave up and switched to lower body weight workout. Can’t wait to run outside, hopefully this week it will warm up a little. 8.5/100
  • Age 46 5’9” Highest Weight: 172 Most of adult life I was between 145-150. Went back to school 6 years ago to change jobs. Weight crept on then. It has been a yo-yo cycle since going from 157-170. This time I’m focusing more on it being about healthy living with the perk of weight lose instead of being all about the number…
  • Exercised?: 40 min upper body weights, 37 min 6km run, 20 min hill climb, 30 min stretching Calories?: Yes Tracked?: Yes
  • Very jealous of the warm weather some of you are having. -20C (-4F) here so I decided the treadmill would be safest. 6km to start the year. 6/100
  • Hi Everyone, My name is Julie. I’m really good at starting a healthier lifestyle, not very good and keeping it going. So goal 1 is to keep going longer then 2 weeks. Not sure what the weight goal will be I’m just going to concentrate on making good food choices and keeping the exercise consistent. My diet is so bad that…
  • YOUR CHALLENGE STARTING WEIGHT FOR THIS CHALLENGE: 167.2 YOUR CHALLENGE WEIGHT LOSS GOAL: 145 January 1: 167.2 January 8: January 15: January 22: January 29: January 31: January Goal:159 January Actual: January Loss:
  • Hi Everyone Fairly new to the group. Attempted a start a few months ago but ….(insert all flimsy excuses here). Have done every race from 5km up to marathons. Would like to do some more half marathons this year. Really thinking of committing to a Spartan race at the end of August 🥴. I have a decent base right now so I am…
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?5km run 33 min Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?yes Something I’ve learned and still have a hard time with is the importance of adding strength training. Cardio, no problem.
  • June Goal 100km 6/1: 11km 6/2: 4.5km 6/3: 5km 6/4: 9km 6/5: 3.75km 6/6: 12km 6/7: rest, 30min HIIT and 2km walking hill repeats. 6/8: 9.5km 6/9: 5km 59.75/100 km completed for June