Paulawilldo Member


  • DW, My organic delivery service started out with just organic milk and some other dairy products in 2016. Over the years they have branched out to include an amazing range of healthy delicious organic items including fruit, veggies, meats/poultry, jams, eggs, prepared foods, and more. They are pricey but worth it in my…
  • Shari, Good for you for handling the printing situation with the executives. I am sure they realize how much you care about the work you do. Sometimes the "higher ups" aren't in touch with the day to day realities of the work place. I pray they resolve the situation in a way that works well for you. Today was my "day off"…
  • So disappointing that the Mexican restaurant wasn't good! Good Mexican food is wonderful but Mexican done poorly can sure be dreadful. It strikes me as strange that you cannot print at work. I hope that issue is resolved for you. I was fairly tired all day today. I didn't get enough sleep last night, and I felt it all day.…
  • Shari, So good that you planned some time with your close friend. Such relationships mean so much to our overall well being. They need to be both treasured and nurtured. They are true blessings. I did well today. I got a delivery from my organic vendor, including meats and veggies. We got some beautiful cucumbers and grape…
  • I admire you having your guests this week Shari, especially with so much you have going on to get ready for you trip and working too. You must be a very organized and good manager. I had a good day in term of my OT session today. I felt strong and able to do well with the therapy. I know I have a long way to go, but today…
  • Happy Anniversary DW! Such a wonderful milestone for you and your DH to celebrate. And so kind of you taking donuts to work to celebrate. Enjoy your special dinner too! Congrats on joining Planet Fitness. There is one not too far from where I live. Both my OT and my PT gals work out there faithfully. Oh Shari, having…
  • Shari, woo hoo for you with your scale success again!!! What you are doing is sure working. So happy for you. And such good timing with your trip on the horizon. Nice that the cement work was completed before the rain arrived. Will look forward to seeing your pictures of the project. Today's meeting was ok but felt odd to…
  • Shari, thank you for allowing me to vent and for understanding my situation so well. Your prayers were heard as the prez called me again today in a much nicer tone. We didn't discuss yesterday's conversation, and today's conversation was shorter and somewhat pleasant. I suspect she might regret some of her words from the…
  • Shari, Holding those 2 pounds off is terrific! Yay for you! I had another full and productive day. But it had some drama from the "prez" again. Our inter-church group is meeting here on Sunday afternoon as they voted at the last meeting that all meetings will now be at my home with various member providing cake/pie etc.…
  • Shari, You are wise to recognize how important it is to enjoy the moments of each day. I appreciate that you wrote that because it is a good reminder for me too. I had another full day today and stayed on track with points, though I was tempted to stray. As luck would have it, I got distracted and didn't reach the snack I…
  • DW, It sounds like your potential new job could be quite interesting and rewarding. Helping young people with employment opportunities is a worthy endeavor! Is whole foods similar to clean eating? It sounds like it could be...avoiding processed foods, etc. Shari, I suspect that June will fly by for you with your trip on…
  • Yes I will be driving to the haircut. My plan is to stop on the way there at the drive thru bank and at the grocery store to do a grocery pick up (will be nice to not have a delivery fee). I ordered mostly non perishables because John and I won't be able to take the groceries from the van to the house, except I for a 3…
  • Celebrating your 2 pound drop Shari! Congrats! And seeing such progress after attending a wedding is really terrific. Sounds like the wedding was very similar to an Orthodox wedding. We do stand most of the time for all of our church services and worship. Ukrainian Catholic practices are very close to Orthodox, with the…
  • I had a good day for my food choices. John and I made chocolate dipped strawberries. It was a very delicious treat for us....healthy sort of, especially since we used dark chocolate for the dipping. I spent some time resting and reading so overall a pretty good day. A friend of mine (the retired nurse practitioner) had to…
  • Shari, I am interested in how things went for you at the wedding. I hope you had a pleasant time, perhaps reconnecting with some family members. Was the wedding in a church? Hope your DH gets better with providing support. Some men seem to be avoidant when we need them the most. I did pretty well today considering I was…
  • Shari, Thank you for praying for my friend and her DH. It is such a tough thing to go through, especially as her 89 year old mother will also have to relocate with them when they do. She lives alone, just a few miles from my friends who are the only family living nearby and who see her just about every day and do all her…
  • Shari, all those little wee bits add up to success. Congrats again. Keep the momentum going. I had a busy day today because a friend called me in the morning as she needed to talk. Her husband is losing his job after over 30 years in the same position and always doing well. It boils down to new management taking over…
  • Shari, My friend in Louisiana had a similar bird problem. His was a red male cardinal. He was advised to try putting blinds on the window or removable decals (decorative or hawk silhouettes) spaced 4 inches apart up and down and 2 inches apart left to right. He said the bird's behavior could be attempt to protect its…
  • Congrats on your weigh-in good news Shari! That should be quite motivating. So happy for you! I started out doing well today with food choices but caved when I had a sweet craving in the evening. I am really trying to avoid sugar as much as possible. I am focusing on healthy choices, but those darn cravings sometimes win…
  • I haven't stepped on the scale in quite a while. I need to do so soon because I feel like I have gained weight. I am hoping to drop a few pounds (at least in my mind) before I brave the scale however. We are still enjoying the lamb. It was a relaxing and enjoyable Memorial Day for us. And I still managed to take care of a…
  • Shari, Thank you for the explanation about the teeth and heart. It makes sense to me and helps me understand Craig's situation. I had a pretty full day today. I did some "to do" list items. Later I made a leg of lamb that I purchased on sale around my Easter time but didn't make it till today because had too much other…
  • Shari, I have read many times that muscle burns fat. So as you build your muscles, you likely will burn more fat (though I doubt that you have much fat to burn!). I felt good again today even though it was a day without any of my therapies. I did a few of my exercises and plan to do more tomorrow. Craig was taken to the…
  • DW, You have such a busy schedule but I bet you could eventually find a little time to go to the gym, perhaps when some of your current commitments wind down. The more you do it, the more you might want to do it. Shari, Congrats on your Tuesday workout. I am looking forward to learning how you do and how you enjoy it. I…
  • Shari, Congrats on your gym membership! Its convenient location is terrific as is the bonus of being able to take your DH with you. I applaud you for taking this important step for your health...additional weight loss is a plus too. I had another very good day, getting into the van again, this time with my PT after having…
  • Shari, finding a balance with work and personal life is indeed a challenge. I had to work hard at that when I was employed because my hours were demanding and the job was just about always stressful. Of course I needed time to take care of John's needs too. I think I did a lot of stress eating in those days which only made…
  • DW, I hope you were able to get off work early. I think you deserve some "me" time, if you can squeeze it in. Enjoy the free evening if you get it, without stressing over the cleaning too much. Shari, I find you and DW to be very warm and caring. So even with introvert tendencies, if you have them, your warmth and kindness…
  • A very restful and relaxing day for me. A bonus was not having to cook thanks to the Greek food! Happy Victoria Day Shari! John holds a high interest in Queen Victoria and the British monarchy in general. He is quite knowledgeable about such things. I learn a lot from him!
  • Shari, I am surprised you had a Godfather but not a Godmother. Usually the practice is if having only one Godparent, the person is of the same sex as the child. It is nice that your cousin honored you to be her son's Godmother. Being a Godparent is a special honor and with it come essentially a lifetime of…
  • DW, You are such a busy lady. I don't know how you do it all. No wonder you are tired. I applaud you for getting to laundry and dishes. With all you are doing, that alone is amazing. I hope you get some down time soon to take care of yourself! Enjoy your long weekend Shari! Our long weekend is next weekend. I suspect you…
  • Congrats on your good news at the scale Shari! So happy for you. I am happy too that your course is beneficial and helpful. A winning week for you. Thank you for your encouraging words about my therapies. It means a lot to me. I had OT today and was able to get into the van twice, after about 40 minutes of therapy before…