semsmith5408 Member


  • J - Jicama I’ve never tried this!
  • Please call me Sandi! Yes I was on SparkPeople and really miss the connections there. It is nice to fine friends from there here and also meeting new people. Judith, Happy Canada Day! Praying you feel better. Susan, I, too, am glad you get to spend time with your grandchildren. I have four and none of them live close by. I…
  • E - Endive Not my favorite green for salad!
  • Any activities around water sounds good to me, it’s so hot here in Florida and the high humidity makes it even worse! Looking forward to getting to know everyone. I haven’t been very active on MFP but do love meeting new friends! I’ll check out the activities! Have a great Thursday everyone!
  • I’m sorry I haven’t checked in with this team before now! I’m not very active on MFP so I forget to get on here. I miss the daily feed that helped to keep up with my friends! It is hot here in Florida, over 100 some days with the humidity. My hubby and I have been staying in a lot in the a/c ! Looking forward to getting to…
  • Sorry I’m not on here very much. I’ll get use to it one of these days! Our weather is still a little more like fall as it is cooler. Living in Florida it doesn’t really change that much like other areas. I’m able to walk most any part of the day though so that’s good. Happy November everyone!
  • I’m waiting on our weather here in Florida to feel like fall! Have some errands to do today. Wishing you all a nice Friday. 🥰
  • Good Saturday morning everyone. Praying you all have a wonderful day!
  • I finally found this team!! Yeah! I believe I found how to join! So glad to be here and look forward to meeting everyone. I was on Spark People since 2009 and so thankful to find so many members here on MFP. Sandi