Chat Cafe



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Linda, so glad you are at the cabin safely but so sorry for being greeted with all the mess from the chipmunks, mice and ground hogs. How did they get in the cabin? Thru the chimney or an open area? Hope you can find the open area so you can close the area so nothing gets in again. You sure are getting hot weather. Stay safe my friend. big Hugs and I’m praying! 🤗🙏

    Susan, I posted in the Prayer Request thread an update on my appointment last week regarding the treatment I have been on the past 6 weeks.
    So glad you are enjoying your both granddaughters. I am sure Colin enjoyed taking the girls to all their activities and giving the oldest a driving lesson. Baking cookies with the girls will be so much fun. Your tacos and burritos sounded so yummy.

    Marilyn, thinking about you and praying for you.

    Will say good night and God Bless. 😴🙏🤗
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 762 Member
    I’m sorry I haven’t checked in with this team before now! I’m not very active on MFP so I forget to get on here. I miss the daily feed that helped to keep up with my friends! It is hot here in Florida, over 100 some days with the humidity. My hubby and I have been staying in a lot in the a/c !
    Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,872 Member
    My daughter and two grandkids are up the mountain fixing the spring that gives us water for the trailer. There is a wire cage around it to keep the water clean as it comes out of a crack in the rock but the wild animals try to get to the water to get a drink and break the wire cage. It also naturally gets leaves in the fall also so they are cleaning it out. The rest of us, 2 granddaughters and Glenn and I, are sitting in the shade enjoying the breeze and 72F weather. When they get everything fixed and cleaned, I will fix lunch for them.

    Judith- the cabin was built in 1932 out of logs. The mice and chipmunks get through cracks between the logs and any other little holes they can find. The ground hogs burrow under the cabin and chew the logs. They can't get in the cabin but make messes around the cabin and are noisy especially at night fighting each other. It is pretty normal around here to have cabins that are not used continuously to have small animals in the cabins. There is not much to do about it.

    Susan - I'm glad you are having fun with your grandkids.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,732 Member
    Linda, yes, it's fun having the girls here. Yesterday they enjoyed earing out for lunch. We went to a Craft store so they could buy beads after that, and they played more games with their friends. Today we are driving up the Coast to visit their uncle and cousin. Their aunt will be at work. Your cabin sounds so interesting and you are definitely in the woods with all the wildlife! I'm glad it is cooler there and you can enjoy some peace. It's like a retreat from the world...

    Welcome, semsmith. I miss the news feed too. They say it wasn't used much but I used it daily. Where ate you from? I live in Queensland, Australia.

    Judith, I caught up with what is happening
    medically for you on the prayer request thread.
    Wish I could hug you in real life....
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    edited June 26
    Thank you Linda for catching me up with the news on your cabin. Actually it sounds much like my Grandparents cottage that was built about the same time. They took over the cottage in the 60’s from other family members who no longer could maintain it. As a young girl I spent a lot of Sumner holidays in Northern Ontario. My Aunt and Uncle had a cottage beside my grandparents. Every new season we would have to set traps to get rid of the mice. Hope you enjoy your time there and at the trailer.

    Susan, so glad you are enjoying being back home and spending time with your granddaughters. Hope you got all your license renewed and got to all your appointments.

    semsmith5408, Welcome to our Group, so nice you were able to come by, look forward to getting to know you better. May I encourage you to participate on the threads and get to know the other team members. They are a great group. We have a lot of fun on the Game Threads.

    Marilyn, just want you to know you are missed and thought about. We all are praying for you and hope you are feeling stronger and better.

    Have a great evening and week ahead. Sending you my Love and Hugs ❤️🤗

    Thank you so much for all your Prayers and Support! You are so appreciated! 😇
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,732 Member
    Judith, yes, fot my driver's license renewed with no problem. The Dept of Transport is well organised and efficient. Col and I were only there about 20 minutes and we both got served with no fuss. We enjoyed a day out with the girls yesterday. Today we're baking cookies!

    Thinking of you all, Judith, Karen, Marilyn and semsmith.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,872 Member
    Today was fishing and swimming day. We went to the National Forest to fish in "Soap Creek". The water was rapid but we caught some trout and really enjoyed the scenery. We went to the lake close by for people to swim or wade. It was very overcast and got cooler as the day wore on. We had a picnic lunch after fishing and my grandson helped me cook dinner. We do not get to see him very often so it is nice to work together and have some 1 on 1 time with him. It has been a very good day.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    That’s wonderful Susan that you got your Drivers Licenses all renewed. 20 minutes is fantastic. Surely faster then our Motor Vehicle Office. Our office serves renewal for Drivers Licence and ID Cards along with our MSP so one stop for License, Medical and ID registration renewals. Having said that our office is full and we are there usually for at least 1 hour. So glad you enjoyed your day with the girls baking cookies. Yum yum! What kind did you make?

    Linda, Fishing and Swimming sounds like fun and a great day to spend with everyone! And Trout is one Fish I have always loved. Have great memories at my Grandparents cottage fishing for Trout and then we’d come back to the cottage and have a Fish Fry. So scrumptious! So fun to have a picnic and your grandson helping you cook dinner. It’s so fun making memories with our grandkids. Sounds like a wonderful day for you.

    Marilyn thinking of you. Hope you are ok, it’s been ages since you have been here. You are so missed my friend!

    Have a good night sleep all! 😴🛌
    Hope to see you all tomorrow! 🤗🙏
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 762 Member
    Any activities around water sounds good to me, it’s so hot here in Florida and the high humidity makes it even worse! Looking forward to getting to know everyone. I haven’t been very active on MFP but do love meeting new friends! I’ll check out the activities!
    Have a great Thursday everyone!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,732 Member
    Nice to know you are in Florida, Semsmith. Yes, do check out some more threads and join in where you wish!

    Judith, our Motor Transport office was busy too but they made everything run so we. We lined up out the door with a security guard but the line moved quickly to a receptionist who determined why we were there and gave us a number each. We sat down on couches till called to our respective counters. It was all quick, efficient and civilised. About the cookies, they were chocolate chip with walnuts. The girls have been sharing them with friends and they turned out pretty nicely!

    Linda, your day sounded so nice and relaxing too. Glad you are getting to enjoy so.e time with your grandson. The girls have this week and next week off school so that why they are able to be with us. School restarts for third and fourth term then. This is their winter mid year break time. Today there will be more tra.pining and ten pin bowling, I'm told. They tried swimming in our complex's pool but found it too cold!

    Marilyn, remembering you in prayer.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,872 Member
    It is good to have you here Semsmith. Were you in Spark also? Do you want us to just call you "semsmith" or by your first name?

    Susan I am so grateful you are able to spend good time with your grandkids. Right now my grandson is doing magic tricks with my granddaughter. He is really good and we are having a wonderful time of laughter.

    Today we drove around the property to check the trees we put our initials on in 1988. We had a huge fire about 5 years ago and our poor trees have been dying slowly. This year is probably the last year they will be standing. Our two oldest grandkids got a driving lesson on mountain roads. They were very careful driving. They are just learning to drive on regular roads too so they are learning focus well. We also went to fish but did not catch any. The weather was perfect but it started to rain as soon as we got home. I am enjoying listening to the rain on the roof. We should sleep well tonight.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    edited June 28
    Sorry All I was struggling all yesterday. I’m feeling a little better now, will catch up with threads later today! Love and Hugs ❤️🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,732 Member
    Judith, take care and come back when you have more energy.

    Linda, I am loving your stories of the woods. I'm so sorry about the fire though.

    Hi everyone. Today we take the girls home. It's a 2 - 3 hour trip each way so we shall be tired when we get back. Colin wants to leave in less than an hour and I have much to do. The dogs are coming with us. So all is well. I am just checking in here for now!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Linda, so sorry to hear about the Fire and loss of trees. You said back in 1988 you put your initials on some of the trees, were you able to find any of the trees left with your initials? Hope you did or at least have a picture of it. Would be so nice for your grandkids to see. Was nice for you to drive around the woods looking at the property. I am so impressed that the girls did so well on their driving through those back roads especially with just learning on the city roads. You and your hubby are great teachers. Good training for them and to be so focused on their driving. Nice you went fishing but sorry you didn’t catch any fish. Good your weather was so nice the whole time you were out with raining after you got home. Enjoy your time at the cabin!

    Susan, so nice you have had such a nice time with your grandkids. I am sure you will miss the girls. Have a safe trip, great you are taking Archie and Jasper with you. I am sure the girls will enjoy having the boys travel the few hours home. Do the boys travel well? Thanks for asking after me. Today has been a better day. I ended up by posting in some of the threads a second time.

    Marilyn, I see you on the main MFP sign in but want you to know we all miss you here. Good you can keep up your streak. Prayers are with you!

    This weekend we celebrate Canada 🇨🇦 Day! It’s our Holiday Weekend! July 1st is Canada Day! 🇨🇦 From my Home to your home, Have a Blessed Weekend! 🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,872 Member
    We made it back safely to our home in Grand Junction at a little after 4pm. I am in the midst of washing all the sheets from the day everyone stayed at our house on Sunday night plus all the linens and clothing that we used up at the cabin. When we came home we unpacked the truck then took a shower and laid down for a little. My CPAP battery ran out in the middle of the night and I tried to stay awake since I knew that if I went to sleep without the machine coupled with the high altitude, I would have problems breathing. Most of the work of my CPAP is to keep me from breathing very shallow while I sleep. Shallow breathing in high altitude is much worse than here at the house. I did stay awake for several hours playing mind games but did fall asleep for a little while. In all I got 4 hours of sleep which was not very restful. I am now working on the third load of sheets but will leave some for tomorrow.

    We are getting lot of rain in the past 24 hours. It rained yesterday morning then later during the night and now it is thundering and lightening and raining huge drops. I hope that we do not get hail that would hurt out garden. We have some really nice tomatoes starting out on our plants that I am looking forward to eating.

    Tomorrow we are going to an antique car show. Our friend has her car to display and wanted us to come see it. She offered for us to ride in it but it seems that each time she has offered, we can not do it. I will try to take a picture of it for you to see. We also want to go see the movie "Inside Out - 2". I don't know if you have seen the first one but it is about a girl in the tween years and all the emotions that she goes through. Each emotion (joy, sadness, fear, anger and disgust) has a cartoon person attached to it in her brain that we see on the film. The second movie is about her emotions as a teenager. She has the same emotion as she did in the first movie and then anxiety, envy, embarrassmentand ennji (weariness, bordem and dissatisfaction) are added. Maybe if we see it we will understand our teen grandkids better. 😃

    Judith - yes we did find the trees and took pictures but most of the bark is off the trees now so not all of the initials were showing. It seems that a lot of the Aspen trees are dying off but I don't know if it is just their cycle or there are boring beetles or a disease that is causing it. I hope that you are feeling better and can do what you need to do. We did finally catch one brown trout so Glenn cooked it for breakfast and shared it with all who wanted to taste it. I am not fond of fish so I did not take any so the others would have more.

    Susan - it sounds like you had a good time with your grandkids too. i hope you can get some rest too after your 4-6 hour trip taking them home.
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 762 Member
    Please call me Sandi!
    Yes I was on SparkPeople and really miss the connections there. It is nice to fine friends from there here and also meeting new people.
    Judith, Happy Canada Day! Praying you feel better.
    Susan, I, too, am glad you get to spend time with your grandchildren. I have four and none of them live close by. I did get to see them more when they were small but now my daughter live in Colorado which is a long way but our son lives in Orlando which is just a few hours away.

    We don’t have plans for the weekend, just Church tomorrow and lunch with some friends. Not even sure what we are doing the 4th either. Just trying to stay cool.

    Have a good Saturday everyone!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Linda, so glad you made it safely home to Grand Junction. Happy you saw some of the trees with your initials. It’s a shame hearing about such lovely Aspen trees dying off. Thank you for asking after me, feeling better today! God is Good! That’s great Glenn caught a trout, trout is one fish besides Halibut I have always enjoyed. Hope you enjoy the car show and it would be nice if you got to take a ride this time. Hope your weather improves, you sure have had a lot of rain lately, but have read in our weather thread you had good days and very warm days; 95 degrees one I read. Sorry about the CPAC battery running out. It’s great you have the machine that helps with your breathing. Take care and have a great weekend my friend!

    Sandi, I am so glad you are on here with us, I remember you from Spark and was happy to be friends with you for many years there and now it’s awesome we are friends here as I was and have been with Linda, Susan, Lori, Marilyn, JC Willow and so many more. Thank you for wishing me Happy Canada 🇨🇦 Day! And yes today I am feeling better. Thanks for your support and for asking after me. I also wish you a Happy July 4th. Do you have any plans to celebrate your special day? My Brother and Family live in Boston.

    Marilyn, thinking of you and praying for you.
    Susan thinking and praying for you too. In my previous post I replied to your posts.

    Have a Blessed Weekend Everyone! 🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,872 Member
    Sandi - we live in Colorado like your daughter. We have two homes one in Denver that our daughter lives in and we stay in when we are visiting the grandkids and one in Grand Junction which is our retirement home. Where does your daughter live?

    Marilyn - so great to see your posting again. I hope that your cold is better but sorry about your vertigo. It sounds like your cold may be affecting your inner ear. Vertigo is hard to deal with and makes it hard to be up and about like you want to be.

    Judith - I am so glad that you are feeling better. Yes we have had a lot of rain which is very unusual but I prefer it to the 100F that we were having. Today is overcast but does not look like any rain.
    Happy Canada Day from me too.

    We did go to the car show but it was very hot so we did not stay long. Here is a picture of our friends car. She had it shined up until it sparkled.

    Here are also some pictures where we fished on Wednesday and Thursday. it was really cool and peaceful and the mountains were spectacular. It does not show very well in the pictures but a camera can not show the grandour. Next time we go to the cabin - which is next week again, I will take my more professional camera and I will see if the mountains show up better.

    Our oldest daughter and granddaughter will be at our house on the 4th of July and stay a few days then go to the cabin with us and our other daughter on Monday through Friday. I am looking forward to seeing them again. I am not necessarily looking forward to all the work it takes to get ready thought but as I have said before, it is memories that are the most important.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,732 Member
    Linda, It sounds like we had very similar weeks. Both of us were looking after grandchildren, both travelling, and both using CPAP machines. I just ordered some replacement parts for my machine today. Next week we get our11yo granddaughter back again as the rest of the family is tied up with work and other commitments and she is still on school holidays. I loved the pictures of your mountain areas and that car is very special!

    Marilyn, welcome back. I hope you ate feeling better.

    Judith, it's good that you are having better days. Happy Canada Day for tomorrow. We don't celebrate any special days in July here. Yes, the dogs travel well and are more than used to the car after our 9 month road trip. The oldest granddaughter doesn't like dogs so sat in front and the youngest granddaughter and I sat with the dogs in the back. The oldest granddaughter was having driving lessons with Colin (she calls him Pop or Poppy) as well so it worked out better that way.

    Sandi, good to know your first name! We have 9 grandchildren and 2 of them live a long way away, it takes us 4 dsys to drive up to them. 3 we don't get to see, and the other 4 live close enough to drive to - one lives an hour away and 3 live two hours away. I hope you have a nice 4th of July.