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  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    As Judith said we who live in BC Canada are living with smoke to breath and horrendous wildfires. A lady that takes care of our daughter on Thursdays lives 10 miles out on a small ranch. She has had to move out her horses and donkeys who are all suffering from the air quality due to the smoke. She lost one of her dogs to heart failure and lungs not working due to the smoke and her other dogs are now showing stress. She is under a lot of pressure, suffers with asthma and sounds horrible when she talks due to air quality, let alone that the fire is so close to her home.

    We did have a bit of rain as did Kelowna so a lot of the smoke has cleared out - and it has been cooler. But it is turning back to heat as we are expecting it to be in the mid 90's today and throughout the weekend. The heat doesn't help. My husband was cleaning out the car (we are not allowed to turn on the sprinklers or wash the outside of the car due to water restrictions but he got the inside cleaned - and he came in looking disgusted - said the ash on the car was terrible as he could write a letter all over the car with all the ash. Not good. But the Lord is with us, we personally haven't lost anything, but dealing with staying at home inside after such a long stretch of covid just is not what we want. And now I hear that there might be new restrictions re the new strain of covid - a lot of places are bringing back the wearing of masks. We are really living in the end times aren't we. So glad I know God as I do otherwise it would be a bleak time in life

    Praying for all of you - am holding up as best as I can. September 12 I go back to the hospital to have my fisquala (re dialysis preparation) to be repaired - September 1 will be 1 year that I was taken to the hospital with the doctors not sure if I was going to pull through as the numbers were so low. And they are surprised that I have not had to be on dialysis yet but we are taking all precautions. And I know why I haven't had to use it yet - the Lord is taken care of me keeping me free from dialysis as long as possible as the quality of life goes down the tube when that happens.

    Anyway, be safe, eat healthy, get enough sleep, move a little more then you normally do and most important take lots of time to spend with the Lord as He is the one that is in control.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Thank you Susan for sharing. The Birthday cake sounds so yummy. And the chocolate covered macadamia nuts and picturing them all around the edge of the cake sounds so nice. Not too worry about taking a picture as your description gave me a good picture in my brain of how it would look. So glad to hear your hand is slowly improving, it’s great you had the injections as it appears they are working! Praise God!

    Yes the Wildfires are widespread across BC and have caused such devastation here with Families displaced and loss of property and homes! The smoke covered communities and skies are a real concern. As it causes Breathing issues especially for those with lung diseases! To give hou an example: read below:

    Today our Air Quality Index reads a 5 Moderate Health Risk for inhaling Particles from the Wildfires in BC, a reading between 4 to 6 on the Air Quality Index tells us it’s a Moderate Health Risk for those with Lung Diseases and overall is a threat and risk to your Health! Anything above a reading of 6 is a Severe Threat to your Health! There is smoke covering our Skies and our Community with Temps of 71 degrees. Thank you for those who are praying for us. I’m praying for all of you who are experiencing and have Wildfires in your Community! 🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Severe Weather/Air Quality Alert 🚨

    Smoke is causing or expected to cause poor air quality and reduced visibility.

    (August 25, 2023) Metro Vancouver Regional District has issued an Air Quality Advisory due to high concentrations of fine particulate matter that are expected to last until there is a change in the weather. Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley are experiencing elevated concentrations of fine particulate matter. The fine particulate matter is primarily due to smoke from wildfires burning throughout BC and Washington State. This advisory will remain in effect until further notice. Smoke concentrations may vary widely across the region as winds, temperatures, and wildfire behaviour change.

    Postpone or reduce outdoor physical activity while fine particulate matter and ozone concentrations are high, especially if breathing feels uncomfortable. Exposure is particularly a concern for people with underlying conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) including bronchitis and emphysema, and other lung diseases, heart diseases, and/or diabetes; individuals with respiratory infections; pregnant people; infants and children; older adults; and outdoor workers (e.g., construction and agricultural workers). Individuals who are socially marginalized may also be at higher risk (e.g., people who are experiencing homelessness or are underhoused).

    Our air Quality Index is reading a 6!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Thanks for the update on the wildfires. Even if not directly associated with the fires themselves, there is so much damage caused in the inhalation of the smoke and the particles. I know it looked was like snow was falling at our house a few years ago when we had our wildfire. Has the damage be mainly property damage? I hope people have been able to get away from the fire so there are not deaths as a result.

    I made the casserole yesterday and it was delicious but there was a lot of carbs from the toasted bread squares. Today I have felt tired which I attribute to the gluten in the bread. I will try to find the e-mail that had the recipe so I do not have to write it all out and post it in the recipe thread.

    We went ring shopping today. I wanted to get a new wedding band for my husband since his has gotten so worn that it is sharp in places and cuts his finger. We found a really nice white and yellow gold band for him and also found a dainty band with diamonds that fits around my original ring. We paid $125 for my ring 50 years ago but the prices of rings has really gone up since then so getting a whole new set would have been beyond our budget. My husband was really hoping that I could keep my old one for memory sake so we compromised by getting the extra band to add to it. Now we both have new bands to celebrate our anniversary. I feel like the parties have kept me captive for so long that with the ring purchase, I am done and ready to go on to something new!!! You all are probably tired of hearing about it too. 😁

    Marilyn - such a great quote and picture today! I have put on my calendar your fistula repair for September so I can be praying for it to be successful. I also pray that it will be a long time before you need to use it if at all.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Linda, how lovely to have new rings too. I don't think we are tired of hearing about the parties. I fo relate to the thought that such events can hold you captive. Do you feel lighter and freer now they are done? I would plan some do nothing time if it were me!

    Marilyn, thank you for your updates on your health and the fires. The ash fall sounds terrible. I feel for the lady who cares for your daughter too. Even if you aren't directly impacted by the fires, there is so much collateral damage. Praying for your safety and for the success of your surgery. Congratulations on your success about maintaining and improving your health these past 12 months! Praise God!

    Judith, the smoke sounds so heavy and thick. I am really glad you have good air-conditioning filters. With all the extra ash, do they need to be cleaned at all? Praying for you. Glad you enjoyed the cake description. I looked up the maps of fire affected areas of Canada as thr news has been so quiet about it. It is appalling how much of the country is burning. I had no idea about it even bring in the NWT, completely engulfing the area I once lived in. Even Yellowknife residents have had to evacuate. It's awhile till fall a day winter, but I am praying for relief in the form of rain for you all. Hugs.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Marilyn - thanks for the reminder to be grateful in every circumstance. Growing up we had a poem above the sink that I would read everyday as I did dishes. It was "Thank God for dirty dishes, they have a tale to tell. While others may go hungry, we are eating very well. With home, and health and happiess, I shouldn't want to fuss. For by the "stack" of evidence, God's been good to us." Although I have not lived in that house for 53 years, I can still quote it. It made an impact on me for sure.

    We took a trial run to go to Montrose to get something out of the trailer to see how tired I will get on Wednesday as I drive my husband home after his surgery. The round trip was 2 1/2 hours which is about equal to the one way home on Wednesday. The road will not be in the mountains much and it is all interstate so it should not be too bad. Even my husband said I did well today. I am pretty proud of myself! He usually does all the driving where ever we go.

    Our irrigation system for the grass gets water supply from the Colorado River. This monring when it ran, there was mud stains on the grass and on the patio and sidewalk. The mountain rains must have caused a lot of run off into the river. Hopefully the water will clear soon. My flowers do not like their petals and leaves to be covered with mud. I have to wash them off with house water so they will grow better when this happens.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    We do forget gratitude. I am grateful for all that and more, Marilyn. Let's pit our friendship on that list.

    Colin does all our driving too, Linda. That's a big thing, you driving all that way.

    Church today. I need to run.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Yes I am so grateful for you gals who are such good friends. You have blessed me more that you will ever know. God has brought us all together as such a time as this. God is so Good!

    Speaking of the fires, I hoped with posting the Alert I received would give you an idea of what we are dealing with here in BC and the NWT, the fires this year is one of the worst years we have ever had. So much devastation, loss of homes and properties. My hear goes out to these families.

    The smoke has been really bad and it continues. Today our Air Quality Index was reading a 5 then later it read a 6! Today I stayed indoors all day, tonight I went out briefly to water garden and pick tomato off vine. Gave away another half dozen today!

    Marilyn Thank you for the quote on grateful, a very good one. I will be praying for you in September for your fistula repair. Praying it will be successful surgery. And of course praying for your safety and your family that God will keep you safe from these wildfires.

    Linda, so nice you and your husband bought new wedding bands to celebrate your 50th wedding anniversary! I never tire from hearing about your parties. The recipe sounded so delicious and look forward to seeing posted in our Recipe thread.

    Susan you asked about my AC and cleaning the filters, every season my SIL takes AC out of window cleans it and wraps it up in protective wrap to keep it clean over the winter. Thankful I don’t have to deal with it.

    I am very tired so calling it a night. God Bless you all, my prayers go with you…❤️🙏😴
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    I woke up this morning to hearing rain pouring off the roof beside my bed. My husband said that it rained for over an hour so now all my plants are well watered with fresh water from the clouds not the muddy kind from the river.

    Judith - I had to look up NWT to see what it stood for today. Is it a part of Canada like Brittish Columbia is? To me a territory is land that does not have full rights as our "states" have. We have 14 territories all together but only 5 major ones. This group really has taught me many things both here and in the games.

    Today's sermon was about the "one another" passages and how improtant it is to have close friends who can lift you up as well as remind you of things that need a little work on. We can not see our faults as well as an outsider can and if they are a really good friend, they will gently help you see things. Harsh words have no place in a good friendship. Proverbs 27:17 says “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”. Of course, when done in love it is appreciated.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Linda, reading about rain, oh how I would welcome rain at this point, with the wildfires here a good downpour for several days would surely help. Our forecast said rain on Tuesday- Wednesday. I hope it happens! And yes like you I have learned so much in our group forums. Thank you for sharing what was discussed in your Sunday’s sermon. Yes Harsh words have no place especially in a friendship but one can speak words that are gentle and kind that one would receive readily.

    Marilyn, love your quote tonight. Thanks for sharing. My thoughts are with you and keep you in prayer for God’s protection that you will be safe from the particles from the smoke and your community kept safe from the wildfires.

    Today we have Smokey haze and the Air Quality index is reading a 5-6. It’s been extremely hot here with temps of 91 degrees.

    Susan, thinking of you and Colin and my prayers are with you both!

    God’s Blessings, be back tomorrow! 🙏❤️😊
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Linda, I found this on the Web about Territories and Provinces in Canada:

    "There is a clear constitutional distinction between provinces and territories. While provinces exercise constitutional powers in their own right, the territories exercise delegated powers under the authority of the Parliament of Canada.6 Sept 2022"

    So the NWT has different rights than a Province like BC.

    We have the Northern Territory (NT) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) in Australia and the NT is treated in a similar way to the Canadian NWT. The ACT is where our government sits though so they are treated differently. Must research the difference. We have other territories too:

    The other "Australian territories are:
    Ashmore and Cartier Islands.
    Coral Sea Islands. ...
    Indian Ocean Territories of Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands. ...
    Jervis Bay Territory. ...
    Norfolk Island. ...
    Australian Antarctic Territory. ...
    Heard Island and McDonald Islands."

    The US has territories too:

    "US Territories and Freely Associated States:
    American Samoa.
    Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
    Federated States of Micronesia.
    Republic of the Marshall Islands.
    Republic of Palau."

    Thus endeth the new information for the day. Lol!

    Judith, I have been praying for rain for you all. 🙏 I really hope you get that predicted rain.

    Marilyn, thank you for the lovely wishes for today. ❤️

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Marilyn - yes today is not always appreciated as people have to go back to work after a fun weekend. I was not too happy to get up because I did not sleep well. It was all my own fault because I got involved in reading a very intense book about a girl that was a Jewish Christian but was captured by the Romans and made a slave. She has gone through a lot of hard times for her faith but has stayed true to her Christian beliefs. At the end of this book she is betrayed by her mistress that she has given her life for and is put in the arena with the lions. This is the first book of the series so I know somehow she will be brought out alive in the next two books but I was so distraught I had problems getting to sleep. The author has written some very intense books! I did not want to stop reading to make sure the girl survived.

    We hear tomorrow about what time my husband's surgery will be scheduled for on Wednesday. We will be driving to Vail tomorrow afternoon and staying the night so we do not have to do the drive really early on Wednesday. The surgeries start at 6:30 in the morning and are finished by noon so we do know it will happen in that time frame. When I had my hip replacement several years ago, they did knee replacements in the morning and hips in the afternoon so I was not scheduled until 2pm. We were able to drive to Vail the morning of the surgery since it was later in the day.

    Judith - I would gladly give you some of our rain to help with your fires and air q uality. Hopefull the weather report is correct and you will get some rain soon. Thanks to you (and Marilyn) for the updates.

    Susan - thanks for the clarification about provinces and territories. I did not realize that Australia had a territory down in Antartica. I guess I will have to get out my globe and see where you are located.

    Prayers for all of your safety. We all need God's hand around us protecting us everywhere we go.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Evening Hello

    Wow, a lot to learn that I didn’t know about your part of the world Susan, thank you for doing the research and sharing it with us. I agree with Linda I will pull out my Map Book of the World and have a look at Australia! It is a beautiful country from pictures and short video’s I’ve seen online but after reading all that you shared there is so much to learn.

    Linda, I will keep your husband in much prayer for successful surgery on Wednesday. It’s a good idea to drive there tomorrow so you don’t have to get up so early. Thank you for your kindness regarding our wildfires here and hoping we get rain here that has been in the forecast; they are saying cooler temps and rain tomorrow. Here’s hoping.

    My prayers are with you all for everyone’s safety.
    Please keep us updated Linda so we know how your husband does with the surgery!

    It’s my bedtime now so it’s goodnight and God Bless! 😴🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Judith I do hope and pray you get that rain. How is the air quality now? Glad you and Linda enjoyed my lesson about Territories in our three countries. Australia is not just an island. It is an island continent the same size as mainland USA. We are also not part of New Zealand. I could go on and on but maybe I will just leave it at that for now. Lol!

    Linda I will be thinking of you and your dear husband as he has his surgery. 🙏

    Marilyn that was a nice acrostic you found.

    We had some rain with thunder and lightning today. It was very welcome as things are dry here too.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Just a quick Hi and Bye as I check in. We are about to leave for the hospital. My husband is sceduled for 9:30 tomorrow morning so at least I do not have to get up too early. I was hoping we were not first in line and had to be there at 6:30.

    Talk to you all later.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    All the very best for your husband's surgery, Linda. Drive safely. I am praying for both of you. 🙏

    Marilyn, I loved today's quote. I said much the same thing to a friend earlier today. Enjoy the different things that come into our lives for a season... ❤️

    Judith, I was so glad to read you had some rain!! Praise God! Will keep praying for more 🙏

    We have a hailstorm coming over here. The thunder has started. The storms are supposed to last until midnight. It's just after 5pm now.