Chat Cafe



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Another great quote yesterday Marilyn. I let my perfectionism get in the way when I make mistakes. A better way to see it is, I am trying and getting better with experience as your quote says.

    Today is laundry day and cleaning day. We have had a great time with my daughter and granddaughter here but it will be good to get back into a semblence of a routine. With the surgery, my routine has changed for sure. Just keeping enough ice frozen for his ice machine takes quite a while to do. I am freezing water in plastic cups to make large ice cubes that melt slower than just the ice cubes in the fridge. Wednesday will be his first day of physical therapy so maybe they can give us some pointers on doing thigs more effeciently. He is having trouble with pain in his right leg so is using my cane to walk. With the left shoulder surgery and right leg hurting, he has not been getting the exercise he has gotten before the surgery.

    It was cooler, windy and cloudy this morning and we got a little bit of rain. The sun is brightly shining now which will help my clothes dry outside. I really like my little clothes line that I have to hang out clothes. It is not very big but it is so nice to bring clothes inside and smell the clean smell.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Linda, I do hope the icing won't have to go on for much longer. May your husband's pain settle soon. He is blessed to have you.

    Marilyn, loved the two quotes. Let's all keep trying and learning.

    Judith, praying for more rain for you all in thr fire areas.

    I am visiting friends and friends are visiting us today so will stop here. Have blessed days, everyone.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    You all are the "right person" to give me a virtual hug and make things all better as the quote says. 💖 My husband is getting a bit more awake and getting up to walk today. I have to take out his nerve block today and I read that his pain may get more intense after this because he will be feeling the pain as it really is. Up to this time the block has been numbing some of the pain. The church is starting to bring meals to us today and will do so every other day for 2 weeks which will help out a lot! One less thing to think about today.

    My daughter had a hard trip back to Denver. There was a 5th wheel trailer that turned over on the interstate and they closed it for several hours as they tried to get it back on it's wheels. All traffic was diverted to the old mountain pass we had to go over before the interstate was put in. It made her trip more than an hour longer. Today some of her clients canceled which in this case was good because she could lay back down to rest after the long trip yesterday.

    Judith and Marilyn - I continue to pray for the wildfires and the air quality as you breathe. Maybe with Fall coming the firefighters can get more control.

    Susan - it is a blessing to be able to care for my husband. Sometimes it takes a little more patience but we are trying to put things together so he can have everything next to him and if I need to be gone, I make sure he is well prepared before I leave.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    edited September 2023
    Marilyn, such a great quote you shared. Thank you.

    Amen Linda. We can trust God for all things. He cares and loves us with an everlasting love.

    Thank you all for your prayers. When I first received the call my my Surgeons office telling me that another surgery had been cancelled and was hoping mine next week would go forward. For the moment it totally unglued me for a better word. I was stunned and totally left numb. But at the end of the day I knew where discouragement was coming from and I refused to accept it. After all it is my God who fights my battles including cancer and cancelled surgeries so I gave it all to Jesus. I am still here to fight because God is the One who has kept me alive. He has a plan for me and I am going to keep fighting and Trust God!

    Bottom line: God is Good!

    Susan I continue to keep you in prayer. Linda, how is your hubby doing? Continue to pray. Marilyn, how are you and continue to keep your health and your safety and protection from our wildfires in our lovely Province of BC

    God Bless you all, be back tomorrow! ❤️🙏

    P. S.

    My WIFI was crashing so left and posted what I have but came back to respond to what you posted Linda so am editing as I read about the trip your daughter had, so glad she is safe but sorry about 5th wheel turning over. Hope no one was seriously hurt. It was good in spite of detours and length of trip she could rest some.

    Thanks for praying for BC’s wildfires and air quality. I left a report about the wildfires in the Weather Thread that were out of control over weekend. My air quality remains at 4! Temps have got cooler since weekend!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    edited September 2023
    Judith, I am so sorry for the emotional roller coaster you have to go through with the surgeries and cancellations. Praying things go ahead as planned on the twelfth. I'm also praying about the wild fires and air quality issues. The Lord is indeed good.

    Linda, That is very good to be so organized. I have never had to take out a pain blocker before. I do have to insert a device for Colin's insulin pump every week. It took me a while to get used to that. In the end, I decided it was all for his good and that I must be able to do it, so I overcame the feeling that I was hurting him. Sorry for the stress your daughter was under and like Judith I hope no one was seriously hurt in that accident.

    Marilyn, sending vurtual hugs and I hope you get plenty of real ones from people you love.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Today is a good day - the Lord has given me the strength to stay motivated and on plan since Sept 1 and the weight is coming off. 5 pounds gone since then and looking forward to making great steps forward for the month of September.

    I am going to see the kidney doctor this afternoon - do this every 3 months.

    Praise report re my progress is this. One years ago September 2022 I was admitted by ambulance to the hospital with kidney failure and spent 10 days in the hospital. They said at that time that my health was in jeopardy - touch and go - and they were sure I would be either dead or on dialysis by Christmas 2022. Well here it is now September 2023 - am still alive, kidneys have crashed 3 times in the year - and I am not on dialysis. I have been given a 2nd change from the Lord to get with the program and make changes. As my doctor said last week - 'someone is looking after you and keeping you out of the hospital - what are you doing about it - eating and sitting getting ready to die OR changing up your food and exercise level in order to live' -- the doctor said it is my choice -it was an awakening moment for me. I have had cancer 2x, diabetes, celluitus on my legs was so bad they thought I might have to have them removed below the knees and now kidney failure. But the Lord has uplifted me, showing me the love he has for me - I can't go back and live in the past thinking that I should have learned my lesson BUT I am ready to show the Lord that I do care about the gift He gave me with this body - so for the rest of my life I am going to take care of it - I am going to honor my Lord by being obedient and taking care of my body mainly because it is his Holy Temple. Hard? That is a word I will no longer use with respect to changing my eating - I will just eat correctly as I believe this is what my Lord wants me to do. I will walk the treadmill for exercise as I believe this is what my Lord wants me to do. I will share all the blessings He gives all of us and not be embarrashed or ashamed to say that I am changing my eating and exercise to please my Lord. It is through Him I live

    Praying for all you lovely ladies - remember that you are greatly loved and the Lord only wants you to take up your cross and follow him completely.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    True words Marilyn. We need to make the decision on a daily basis to take up our cross. If the decision is daily, it not as hard to keep as to say "I will do this for a week or a month" only to not do well half way through. That makes it hard to be motivated but daily with His strength it is doable.

    My husband had his first physical therapy appointment today and is really sore and tired. He has homework to do each day to keep things mobile. Our therapist had a student with her so she did a lot of explaining to her which was really interesting to see things from her perspective. My husband made the appointment before the surgery forgetting I am not an early morning person. It was for 8am so I got up at 6:45am so I would be awake to drive by the time we had to leave. Since I got to sleep late (as is my usual pattern), I only had 4 hours of sleep. I did go back to bed when we got home and so did he. I am hoping that his fatigue will lessen as things heal and his body does not have to work as hard as it is now. I did not sleep well yesterday either because our neighbor is getting a new roof put on and they start hammering and sawing at 7am. They worked for 12 hours then came back today but only after noon. What is wrong with people who like to get up so early? They and maybe you all are saying the same things about me getting to bed so late. It takes all kinds of people to make a world. I was really good at working the evening shift (3p to 11p) or the night shift (11pm to 7am). 😄

    Judith - I am praying that your surgery will be still on the schedule. When you said another surgery was cancelled on the same day, I was thinking "good, this way there will be extra time for yours" but I see now that you were saying if one was cancelled yours might be also. How is the air quality? Marilyn was saying on another thread that her air is much better. I don't know how close you live to each other.

    Susan - I can understand the difficulty you had at first working with Colin's insulin pump. I am glad you are feeling more comfortable doing the change each week.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Linda, our Air Quality is a 4 tonight, when it’s between a 4 to 6 there are more Particles from the Wildfires we breath in which is not good for us, actually dangerous. Good thing our temps were cooler for few days but it got warmer today. You asked if I lived close to Marilyn, no we live in the opposite direction of each other. And yes we had a day or two our air quality was better.

    Yes about the surgery, my Surgeon’s assistant called to tell me that this past Tuesday another patient of theirs was cancelled and they hoped mine would go forward which I am believing for.

    I am praying for your hubby’s physiotherapy that it will go well and he will have a speedy and full recovery and healing! Thank you Linda for keeping us updated on your hubby’s progress!

    Thank you for praying for my surgery and for the wildfires here in BC!

    Susan, thank you for your kindness and your love, appreciate your prayers and for praying for our BC Wildfires. Of course my prayers are with you and Colin!

    Marilyn, congratulations on your weight loss! You are doing Great! Indeed you are taking the lead and looking after your body and doing all the right things. And yes Amen, , as you said, we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. I join with you and take a stand and look after these bodies God has given us. Glory to God!

    Have a Blessed Good Night Sleep 😴
    Off to bed 🛌 I go!
    Good Nite my Friends 😴🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Judith, I do hope and pray your surgery will go ahead and be greatly successful, and that the fires start to come under control, clearing the air of danger. 🙏 ❤️

    Linda, the physical therapy after such a surgery is the worst. May it pass quickly and may he heal well. I knew you would understand about me being Colin's 'nurse'.

    Marilyn, I love your success already and especially love how the love of the Lord is motivating you and changing how you are thinking about your health! Praise God!

    I had a day of wanting to just stay home in my Pyjamas but Col dragged me out to an appliance store. He decided we needed to replace our 24yo refrigerator so we picked one out. It arrives next Tuesdsy.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Sending hugs, Marilyn.

    Colin got up at 4am to go fishing with a friend. I am just surfacing myself and got up at 7am. The dogs wanted to go outside. Not much planned today except for prep work for classes and I a m taking some online training myself. I may go help a lady who cannot work out the Stampin' Up! website but that will be after lunch. It's supposed to rain.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Susan - I am surprised that your refriderator lasted as long as it has. Having a new one will be nice though. It seems that the appliances that were made in the past work longer than the ones that are made now. We have a freezer that is going well that we bought the first month we were married. The appliance store we bought it from no longer exists but the freezer is fine.

    Judith - I am glad you have had better air quality. i'm praying for rain for you and your area. Hopefully if you have not heard of a cancelation for your surgery it means a greater chance it will be done.

    Glenn took his first full shower today and is really tired out. It took twice as long as his showers before the surgery but there are so many things to unfasten and rearrange with his big sling it takes longer to do. Hurrying him and moving quickly causes pain. His joint has become a little stiff but the exercises he has to do here between his Physical Therapy appointments will help with his flexibility.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Susan, your fridge did last a really long time. Appliances made years ago sure were well made. Hope you enjoy your new one. I can identify with you with not wanting to go out but with Colin encouraging you to go it’s nice now that by taking that extra effort you now have a brand new fridge! Yay Susan, so happy for you. Hope you enjoy helping the lady with the website for StampNUp she was having trouble with. Hope your prep work goes well and you had a great day!

    Linda, yes hoping my surgery goes forward. Have a friend here in building who will come and look after my cat with spending time with her and feed her wet food at supper. I have travel containers that keep enough dry food and water enough for several days. She will be fine for the 1 or 2 days I’m in hospital. So glad to hear Glen was able to get his first shower on his own since being home from surgery. I am hoping as he does the exercises between physiotherapy his flexibility will improve and the pain level will decrease! My prayers continue. Our air quality remains at a 4 but is better than the 5 and 6 we once had. Thanks for praying.

    Marilyn, great quote today, appreciate you sharing them each day!

    Have a great evening, see you tomorrow! 😊🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Second session of PT today. She did a lot of massaging to get the fluid out of the arm and back into the lymph system. My husband said it really did help the pain. He has a large area that is still swolen near his elbow that was concerning him. The physical therapist said it was probably the bicep muscle that was cut when they did the other repair work. We were under the impression this muscle that was torn many years ago was also going to be repaired with the new tears but it looks like the surgeon was not able to do this. Things are healing up well and he is having less pain daily. He wants to try to see if he can drive so we are going to just go around the area where we live to see how he does. I am afraid that his large cast will not allow him enough room to even close the door on the driver side but we will see. We are going to exercise soon and he will be doing the recombent bicycle to get exercise of his legs. After that we will go grocery shopping for a few things then pick up his new wedding ring that was resized from the jewlery store. I am sure he will be resting and icing his shoulder after all of that exercise.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Thank you for the update on Glen today. Happy the physio helped the pain level. How did the driving go? Was Glen able to drive around the community that he was hoping for? I am trusting the swelling will come down as he iced it and does the exercises the physio has instructed. My prayers continue for you both.

    Prayers for Susan and Marilyn.

    Our Air Quality is not good so I am staying indoors mostly but when out watering garden I wear a mask to protect against the Particles!

    Off to bed now, see you all tomorrow!

    Have a blessed Weekend! 🙏😊🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    On our way to get the new wedding ring yesterday, I had an unfortunate incident. The sidwalks on Main Street are a bit curvy because they have planters and trees positioned along the way and the curb follows the sidewalk. As I was walking along not paying attention to the sidewalk because I was looking for the name of the jewlery store, my foot hit the curb and I fell flat on my face in the gravel that was around a tree. There were a lot of people along the street who were eating their lunch at restaurants in the outdoor spaces so they came running to see if I was OK. I tried to jump up quickly and say I was OK but people were still worried about me. I had scraped my elbow and lower arm so it was bleeding a bit. I tried to make a joke about just wanting attention which make one man say - "Oh you were jealous of all the attention your friend (my husband) is getting from his surgery"? That broke the tension and then we laughed and we went on our way. My arm is still sore and my hip hurts today but I am fine. I am so glad that I did not break anything because we can not afford to have both of us unable to care for ourselves.

    We had our monthly Women's Fellowship time at our friend's house this morning. She opens her house for anyone who wants to come to talk about anything on our hearts and to enjoy a friendship time. I took a coffee cake that had a streusel topping on it that people seemed to really enjoy. We also had fresh sliced peaches.

    My husband's driving experiment went OK. When he did not have his sling on before the surgery, he was able to hold on to the left side of the steering wheel and position his arm on the arm rest for stability. Now that he has the sling on, he can not move his arm forward so the steering wheel is out of reach. I prefer that he has two hands on the wheel when he drives incase some emergency comes up but he said he felt safe on the side roads. When we go back to Denver the first week of October, he is hoping that the steering wheel on the truck will be easier to hold and he can drive in the city and in the crazy traffic. I am hoping so also because I do not like to drive in traffic. I will be driving to Vail on the 14th to take him to get his sutures out and the wound checked. The traffic is not too bad on that part of the drive so I can do that.

    Marilyn and Judith your surgeries are coming up soon. Prayers continue for a good outcome.