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  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Yes, no one us perfect, Marilyn, only Christ is, but how much we do learn from mistakes. We win or we learn (Brenda Ster).

    Linda, thinking of you and hubby. I pray all is going well with his surgery and you are coping well with it and thd driving.

    Judith, hope the rain comes back and the fires are soon history. Hope you are alright.

    I am having a quiet day here today.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    It has been a very long day! It was very convenient that we went up yesterday to Vail so we werer close to the hospital. It was actually right next to it so it was easy to get there and to pick my husband up in my car. The surgery did not last very long but the longest time was the prep time and the recovery. We were at the hospital for 7 hours. The doctor told me that the damage was worse than what the MRI looked like when he first had the injury. I do not know if he did too much and injured it more or it was just time that we waited. Anyway, there was quite a bit of muscle damage as well as torn ligiments and they found arthritis. He said that my husband will need additional surgery at a later time to replace the joint. It will not be like the ones I took care of in the hospital but it is called a "reverse replacement". My sister-in-law has this surgery and did really well. Instead of replacing the joint with prosthetic parts as it normally is done, the humerus (upper arm) bone is replaced with the socket and the shoulder blade becomes the ball. I'm sorry if I am too technical for some of you but I think it is really interesting. It is normally done with people who have damage to their joint like my husband had. My husband is not having pain because they did a nerve block before surgery and has a machine attached at the top of his shoulder that is injecting medication every 3 hours to his nerves that keep things numb. The machine is going to be attached to him for five days. At the end of that time, his pain should be managable. He also has an ice machine that keeps ice water running through tubes in a shoulder shaped insulated piece of material. It puts ice water through for 30 minutes then cycles off for 30 minutes. It is much easier than having to put ice packs on it constantly. I just need to make sure we keep ice in the machine to keep the cold water as cold as it should be. He will be sleeping in a reclining chair tonight. We have the one from his Mother that is electric and reclines or elevates so it is easy to stand up.

    Time to get my husband ready for sleep so I must go. See you tomorrow.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Linda, Praying for your husband that surgery goes well and his Surgeon brings a good report back to you both. Praying for a speedy recovery with no complications and pain kept down to a minimum! ❤️🙏

    Susan, yes we had some rain was supposed to rain for 3 days in a row and we got 1 day, not enough to really change things or the Air Quality much. Our temps are cooler and Air Quality today was reading a 4. Yesterday I was just not feeling well that is why I never got here yesterday. Today I feel better.

    Marilyn, praying for you and praying for safety! And thank you for todays quote, yes, make your days count.

    God Bless your evening, sleep well my friends! 🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Hi Lindz and Judith. I just called in to see if there was any news from you both. Linda, so glad this surgery is done. It sounds like a complicated one for next time but it's good to know there could be an excellent outcome. Colin's shoulder surgery was complex too and recovery was less painful than we expected. I hope your husband's healing goes smoothly from here. Glad you didn't have to drive too far at all!

    Judith, it's understandable that you are having good and bad days. Glad you felt able to check in today. I just looked up a map of the Canadian fires and a smoke map too. It's still looking bad but they seem to be getting the central fires under control at last. Your weather forecast seems to be promising a bit more rain. Praying that happens. Take care, my friend.

    God be with you all.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    My husband's nerve block is wearing off so he is having more pain today than yesterday. We are trying to keep up with medication, icing, exercises and positioning to keep him as comfortable as possible. HIs pain might be worse also because he was up early working on his computer writing e-mails. He is the type of person that can not tolerate not being busy. I am encouraging him to sit quietly in his chair and read or something like that instead of trying to jump back into his work so soon. i'm not sure how successful I will be with that one though. 😃

    Judith - I am glad you are cooler temperatures. As Susan said, we are always glad to hear from you but do take time to rest when you need it. We will "hold down the fort" for you when you don't feel able to do this. We are team Judith all the way!!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Saw my doctor today for a number of things - he as a real help. He also was very blunt which is what I needed. He said not to say 'I will try to change' but rather just do it. He said when I decide to have more carbs than I should or a pop I have decided that I am not worth it and would prefer to die. He reinforced that should I really want to live and improve my kidney function I just need to change up what I am doing. Quite saying I don't like veggs, just eat them and over time I will learn to enjoy them. He mentioned that a quick way to harm the kidneys to drink pop or juice. Also said whether I want to or not I need to get up and move a lot more than I am even when it hurts. He kept reinforcing that it is what I put in my mind re I don't like veggs, or I will try - all of that makes it to easy to not eat properly.

    So as of now I am getting serious. He informed me that in 4 months if I have no processed foods at all that there is a good possiblity that I could bring my kidney function up to 25 or there abouts. So if nothing else I am going to take up the challenge an eat with no complaints as I should to see just how correct he is.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Marilyn, that is such good news! I know it won't be easy, but it sounds like you have a real chance at improving your kidney function! The mind is so powerful, if you have made decisions like that, you CAN do it. I am so excited for your decisions to improve your health! 😀 🙏

    Linda, so sorry your husband isn't resting after his surgery. Maybe his Doctor needs to talk to him like Marilyn's did. Colin's Doctor told him he would undo the good work of the surgery if he didn't follow directions, so Col actually took notice of him. He is like your husband, always needing to be busy. He doesn't use the computer much but was tempted to drive, lift things etc. I was so relieved when he decided not to do those things till he had healed enough. He got a good result that way. You have my sympathy.

    Judith, here's hoping the smoke is clearing and you are having a better day.

    I am going to a music recording session for the Choir today. I will try playing my flute with the pianist. That way the Choir will have recorded music to practice and sing to in their end of year concerts.

    Happy autumn to you. It's the first day of our spring here. Jacaranda trees bloom here this month. This isn't my photo but aren't the trees pretty?

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Marilyn, this is good news hearing about improving your kidney function, I am so happy hearing how positive you are in improving your health. All these changes won’t be easy but I know you can do it. You are strong in the Lord and God will provide for you and give you just what you need! My prayers are with you 🙏❤️

    Linda, thank you for words of encouragement and kindness. You made me chuckle when you said Team Judith all the way 🤭🤭🤭 Sorry to hear about your hubby trying to get back to doing everting he did before the surgery, I hope he slows down and rests and allows his body to
    recover. I will pray about this and that pain will cease and he will feel much better.

    Susan, your Spring Trees and colours of Spring are so beautiful. Love the picture. Will be thinking of you as you play your flute. Trust your hand and wrist will be just fine. No pain or discomfort. Our Province has extended a State of Emergency for another 2 weeks as the wildfires are burning. The Air Quality and Smoke is still a problem, it varies from one place to another. Today our Air Quality was reading a 4 in my immediate area. Thanks for all your prayers.

    Will be back to post our September Team Monthly Challenges (Goals) for September! 🙏❤️🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Susan - thanks for sharing the beautiful blossoms. When we were in California I saw some similar trees but not in the amount as your picture. I hope things went well with playing your flute for the recording for the choir. That will be very helpful for your rehersals.

    Judith -I was checking the fire map for Canada and it looks like they are getting a little smaller but still is huge. I pray for everyone's lungs to be protected. Even if a person never smoked in their life, they are getting damage similar to cigaretes inhaling the wildfire smoke.

    Today my husband it taking things easier. I think with all the pain medications wearing off after surgery, he is feeling pain and it is making him have second thoughts about jumping right back into work. Pain can work well in this area. Our vet said he did not give dogs much pain medication after surgery so they will not harm the surgical area by doing too much too soon. I guess it works for husbands too. Our daughter will be leaving Denver tonight to come here. It will be good to have an extra pair of hands to do what needs to be done. We are learning of new things he can not do that we had not thought about. Last night he said, "Oh no, I can't floss my teeth." We will be buying the floss with a handle so he can do it one handed for a while.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Linda, you are so right about the function of pain! Glad hubby is starting to work with his body now. Having a whole arm out of action is daunting but your other arm can learn so much. Good thinking on the Dental floss. 🙏

    Marilyn, lovely quote today 😊

    Judith, I do hope the air quality improves quickly. The fires have been so devastating for you all. Hugs and prayers. 🙏 ❤️

    The recording session went well yesterday.

    We're off to visit son's family today so I had best get moving.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Evening Hello Everyone,

    Marilyn, thank you for quote, Yes I agree it’s what’s in the heart that makes you rich! 😊

    Linda, so glad hubby is learning and working with pain and taking things slow, I like idea with the floss with a handle, good idea you had Linda!
    Thanks for keeping our Wildfires in your prayers and following them on the Map you looked up. So appreciated!

    Susan, so glad your recording session went well. Hope you enjoy your family time today! You asked about our air quality and that you are praying for us, thank you so much!

    The air quality was a 4 today and tonight it is a 3!

    It’s late now so heading to bed, Good Night and God Bless 🤗🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Day 2 of my challenge with my doctor and all is well
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Judith - I am so glad your air quality is down a little bit. It should be easier to breathe now.

    Marilyn - love the quote. It is so true that determination to do something is more effective than just trying. I can see your determination in your changes the doctor said to do.

    Susan - I am glad that you were able to record the music. The injections in your hand worked well. I hope your visit with family was good. How far do they live from you?

    My daughter came in from Denver late last night. Even though she is sleeping in right now,jJust having her here helps me feel supported. I have a long list of things that need to be done today. She said to put her to work so I am taking her at her word. 😊

    We had a wonderful rain last night but unfortunately I had washed clothes yesterday and had hung some delicates outside on the clothesline that I did not want to put in the dryer. They are really nicely rinsed again so I will leave them outside to dry again.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Linda, the family we visited yesterday is an hour's drive away. They are the closest of our family geographically. It was a nice visit. They took us out to lunch. Today is Father's Day so they wanted to spoil my husband for that and for his August birthday. Glad your daughter is visiting and willing to be so helpful.

    Marilyn. Hooray hooray! It's great to know you are doing well with your lifestyle changes. That's fabulous news!

    Judith, glad the air quality was a 3 last night. It's not a good reading but is so much better than a 5. Will continue to pray. 🙏

    It's Sinday and we have been to morning church then out to lunch. I having a little rest before evening church.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    edited September 2023
    Evening Hello All

    We had a hot 🥵 day today, 85 degrees but in middle afternoon we were pushing 90 degrees, the heat really affected me today and the Air Quality in my area was not good, unfortunately the particles from the wildfires hovering over us, has changed the air quality that was reading a 5 and then tonight it’s reading a 4 which is still not good, tonight we have 78 degree temps. Thanks for praying for BC Wildfires! Have a blessed
    evening! 🤗 I am heading to bed, just wanted you to know why I wasn’t here today! 😴💤
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Sunday Blessings

    Here is an update from Fire and Weather Services:

    I’m very thankful that today our area is much better but we are still under alert. The temps are cooler today, 67 degrees, rain is in the forecast and says rain (which sounds strange) but forecast says 9 minutes of rain then is cloudy remaining today; hopefully this week we will see more rain.

    My Son’s area where he is closer to where Wildfires have been raging are still under a higher alert as the conditions are more severe: the following report tells you why our weather has been intermittent with Smokey Haze and poor air quality, some days worse than others!

    Smoky Skies Bulletin - September 02, 2023

    These regions are being impacted or are likely to be impacted by wildfire smoke over the next 24-48 hours.

    In the northern parts of the Province, increased fire activity due to strong winds will lead to increased levels of smoke and poor air quality. Conditions may still be intermittent depending on local wind patterns. In the southern parts of the Province (my area) smoke conditions will be patchy and localized, especially in areas with local fire activity. Conditions may be variable throughout the day.

    Thank you for continued prayers! 😊🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    The wind can be helpful to blow away the smoke in some areas but it also moves the smoke into areas making the air quality worse. I hope you get the rain that is forcast. Of course, the rain can cause mud slides on the denuded ground after the fire so there is a delicate balance with that. I don't mean to be a "Debbie Downer" at all. I am just speaking from experience. A mud slide closed the canyon just last week from our fires a while ago.

    We had chuch in the park today. We had a guest minister who had come here on a golfing tour. Several of our friends from Denver and from Grand Junction are joining him this afternoon to golf. The minister grew up in Denver and was a fellow elder with us for many years. We have lots of good memories from our time together. It was so good to see him although my husband stayed home to rest. The sermon was recorded so he will be watching it later. He was preaching in Mark about the stories of Jairus's daughter being healed as well as the woman with the bleeding issue. Jairus had lots of authority and lots of money and the poor woman was on the opposite end of the spectrum as unclean, probably poor because she was an outcast and had spent all her money on doctors who did not good. The contrast is very big. Jesus knew that Jairus was in a hurry but he stopped where he was going and took care of the woman's needs.
    Jesus does things on his own time as needs arrise in spite of anyone's opinion. The woman could have been stoned for what she did but Jesus had compassion on her because he loved her. He loves us the same way. Our needs are important to him but he will meet them in his time and in his way. That is where trust comes in for us.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member