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  • Posts: 10,044 Member
    Marilyn, great Quote you left. Thank you, hope you are feeling better these days. My prayers are with you. Always good seeing you back posting.

    Susan, thank you for sharing about the time you lived in the Mining Town in the NWT, such an awesome experience for you and the family. Nice the Mine company relocated the Homes to another town when they closed the Mine down! Hay River is a nice place to live, I know it’s so North and I guess the winters were harsh. Did you try any winter sports like skiing and or ice skating? My kids loved ice skating and tobogganing. I loved ice skating and cross country skiing. At one time my daughter and I did Cross Country skiing. I always find it fascinating hearing about which Mine does what! Yours with Lead and Zinc would of been interesting as they
    mined for them. Hope you enjoyed your Card
    Class. What kind of cards did you make? I would love to see the Orchid plants you repotted. I am sure they are both beautiful!

    Linda, sounds like a great 70th Birthday party for your friend, video tributes are always so nice to watch. Brings back so many memories. You made me smile on the Ice Cream Cake you served at the party. I am surprised it didn’t melt more especially in the heat you have been having, but it was cute that Glen said about handing a spoon to everyone to eat their cake as it was more liquid than cake! 😁 it is always a lot of work when preparing to have quests stay in your home, you are so kind to have your home open to those who are in town. Such a brilliant idea in using the electric knife to cut the memory foam to size for your mattresses. I am sure your beds are so comfy for your guests.

    Barb, your prickly pear plant sounds like it would be a lovely plant, this is one plant I have never had. Are they hard to care for? Glad your hubby got the lawns mowed. Your Rag Rugs you were washing brought to mind you don’t see or hear about these rugs much these days. I always liked them. My Grandma had couple in their cottage. And Doilies I love them and have several in many shapes and sizes and use some on my side tables. I have an oversized one I use in centre of my Diningroom table with one of my tablecloths. You brought back so many memories of the Fall clouts that we had back East, the rich reds, golds, orange and yellow colours were all so vibrant. And your camping, My husband and I camped a
    lot when the kids were little, so fun and the memories were great. Thank you for sharing all about your travels and the summer you worked as a Counsellor with the Navajo People. I’d love to hear more about that awesome time you had.

    Sandi thinking of you and hope the shortness of breath has eased off for you. Let us know when you have your appointment with the Pulmonary Specialist. Have they checked your heart? I ask as I have shortness of breath and mine is related to heart. Trust your Foctors get to the bottom of this and find out what the cause is and be able to treat it and bring you some relief!

    In closing, I posted an update in our Prayer Request Thread about my Repairs. Will let you go there are read it. So appreciate your prayers and support!

    Take care all, hope to be back earlier in the day to post in all our threads before it gets hotter.

    So it’s Good Night and I guess it’s Good Morning to some of you as it is almost 1:00am Friday Morning Pacific Time Zone! God Bless you!
  • Posts: 1,142 Member
    Thank you everyone and I so appreciate your prayers. So far the pulmonologist haven’t called setting up an appointment but my breathing is some better. I don’t know if I met that my Mom had asthma and she and my Dad both smoked for years and as a child I breathed in a lot of second hand smoke. It seems strange after all these years that could be the problem. However our bodies are complex!
    My hubby contracted Covid again, this is his 3rd time! I’m trying real hard not to get it. So far I’m good, sleeping in the other bedroom helps.

    Looks like everyone is staying busy! I have a funeral to go to today.
    Hugs and prayers🩷🙏🩷
  • Posts: 6,554 Member
    edited July 2024
    Sandi, glad to hear you are breathing better. Sounds like the smoke could have caused a problem. I also have asthma and grew up in a household with the same smoke. I'm sure it made the difference. Sorry your husband is sick and hope he recovers soon and you don't get it. Hope the funeral is not too stressful today.

    Judith, thank you for the update about your poor flooded house. I am praying about it getting fixed. Yes, as a child in the NWT I used to ice skate. The mining company gave us kids the use of a warehouse with a plastic lined floor to be our ice rink, and even paid for a skating teacher to come help us learn to skate. It was cold enough for the ice in the v rink to stay frozen without any help all winter. I had a toboggan and a part husky dog. I used to hitch him to the toboggan and give other kids rides. We also used to go snow shoeing. There were no hills to ski on in the tundra. We had a gym and used to play badminton. Indoor board and card games were popular and adults took turns teaching us crafts like candle making, clay jewellery making, knitting, sewing, cooking, playing musical instruments...we had no tv and only short wave radio back then so all this kept us from being bored. . In the short summers, we used to ride our bikes and build play houses in the woods.

    The cards we made at my three classes were all the same designs. Here's a couple from yesterday's class:



    I'll have to take orchid photos later.

    Linda, It sounds like you are so organised. Your guests must love staying at your house. It sure sounds hot with the ice cream cake melting before your eyes! Glad you went to bed so you could get the last few things done with ease. I understand pushing yourself and am guilty of that too. The world goes on, whether we are ready or not! Take care of you.

  • Posts: 1,084 Member
    Susan I loved the pictures of the cards. Amazing work!!

    My orchid finished blooming & I repoted it too. Then I lost a leaf and one of the top split and came off. Never had that happen before.

    Sandi I will add you to my prayers so that you can breathe better. I'm sure it's smoke from growing up. Wisdom for Drs. ASlso praying for your dh to get bettter and you not get sick.

    Marilyn prayers for you too.

    A 70th bday. That will be my age this year on my bday. (I guess born in 1954 like me).
    Hope all goes well with your guests & then the move. Prayers all goes well. I believe it's not a far move but still it's a move! Prayers.

    Prickly pear can be grown outside and that's what I do. They have spears that can be quite prickly. I have it in a planting pot, which I got a bigger one yesterday. In Wyoming they just grow in the grass what grass they may have. So they can take some cold.
    I even saw prickly pear jam. Which I never tried and doesn't appeal to me.

    Judith prayers continue for your health and condo and all. I hope you are getting your sleep too.

    Today I am tired having gotten up at 5:40 to get to my dd house to watch Evan, Blake's younger brother 20 months most of the day. I did some housework for them too.
    Jean, our dd, hubby will be away for 3 weeks in August, and so I may be helping her some how. Tim her hubby will miss Jean"s and Blake's bday next month. So pray we can help her though it take 45 minutes to get there and back as I don't like the highway. It's too busy for me.

    I hope all have a good day!!!
    We have cooler temps here and less humidity, in fact below our normal is 89 & we have been in the lower 80's. Nice. Going down to the 60's at night. So nice. Rain maybe this weekend.
    Mariposa, our grand daughter who is an adopted embryo will be 2 so a party we have.

    The summer I was a counselor was in the 70's so not much I remember, except the Navajos and Zuni's I had were slow and had to wash their hairs to make sure they did NOT have lice. Fun.
    Navajo language hard to learn so that's why it helped us win WWII.

  • Posts: 9,724 Member
    We made it over the mountain to Denver this afternoon. We usually do not travel on Friday because the traffic is a lot busier especially coming from Denver. We had a couple of rain storms as we traveled. Our temperature difference was 99F in Grand Junction, 65F in the mountains and 85F when we got to Denver. I am glad to get away from the high temperatures for a week we will be here in Denver.

    Judith - I am glad that they were able to get a lot of water out of your carpet but sorry that there will be a lot of reconstruction in your ceilings. I hope that the water damage will not cause mold that would affect your asthma.

    Barb- thinking of you as you go to the funeral. We have a funeral this Saturday to attend. Loss is hard but it helps to know that our friend is no longer in pain and in the loving arms of our Savior.

    Susan - I love your cards. Does it take a lot of investment of money to get started for materials and cutting equipment? It saddens me that people do not send as many cards as they used to. Computers have taken over our communication even using only letters for words like IDK (I don't know).

    Sandi - I am glad you are breathing easier. I hope they can find a solution that makes breathing better. I will pray for your husband to recover quickly from COVID.

    Marilyn - good quote as usual. Some are very thought provoking.
  • Posts: 10,044 Member
    Sandi, as you were sharing about growing up with parents who smoked It does make you think about if it has contributed to the breathing issues. Having said that I hope it hasn’t. I am praying your Doctor will find the source and be able to help you. I am encouraged that your breathing is better today.

    Susan, thank you for sharing about all the activities you did when living in Hay River, you certainly had heaps to do with games ice skating and snow shoeing sounds so fun. I never tried that glad you did. I am sure you enjoyed the crafts you made, and candle making that really got my attention; that does interest me, I tried it once with a women's group, we made beeswax candles. The cards you made at your card making class are so beautiful. It is too bad cards are not mailed out as often as they once were. It’s extra special receiving a hand made card from a friend.

    Barb, thank you for sharing your story about Mariposa your sweet 2 year old granddaughter; you got my attention as you shared the special party you would have as you celebrated your “adopted embryo “ Mariposa! I would love to learn more about Mariposa. I love her name, is there a special meaning to this name your precious granddaughter you have been blessed with. Glad you got your prickly pear plant transplanted. You mentioned you saw a prickly pear jam, doesn’t appeal to me either. Didn’t sound too appetizing at all.

    Linda, so glad you made it over the mountain safely to Denver. It’s remarkable how the temperatures are so different between Grand Junction and Denver. You went from cold to really
    hot. Hope you enjoy the cooler weather while in Denver.

    Marilyn I continue to keep you in prayer.

    I wrote an update in our Prayer Request Thread. Thank you all for your prayers!

    God Bless you all! 🙏🤗😇
  • Posts: 1,084 Member
    Good morning all

    I have no furneral at all to attend. Sorry if I wrote that.
    Prayers for you (LInda) as she attends one. So glad LInda made it over the mountain. Enjoy the temp difference.

    I pray that the drs. can get to the root of your breathing problems and perhaps there is a link with growing up with smoking parents. Wisdom prayers. God is a God of healing and wisdom. Look at Solomon and all the wisdom God gave to him

    Continue prayrs for you and God knows whatever you have need of. He can read our desires and all. He answers prayers too.

    Prayrers for you rug, mold and all the changes for you. Plus your health. Please keep us posted. I feel like I may have missed about your rug. I am praying.

    Susan the photos are amazing. The cards look so good and encouraging.

    She is our oldest daughter. He married a theirs in heaven. I heard about snow flake babies and they went with Marie Lancaster who spedcializes in adopted embryos. They have the owners of the embryos chose the couople they want to adopt their embryos. Right now Hong Hong is pregnant and due in December. Since she had 2 ectopic pregnacies she CANNOT carry 40 weeks. So they will have the baby born by C section early. Mariposa was born at 36 weeks on day before 37 weeks. If so the baby will be born near my birthday in December.
    My bday is Pearl Harbor and I'll be 70 this year, and my bday is a Saturday. So I'm thinking Thursday or Friday.
    Mariposa's name is butterfly in Spanish. They like butterflies.
    Mei is May in Cantonese and that is her middle name.
    Mariposa is bilingual learning Cantonese from her Mom and English from her Dad. She now knows who speaks what langeuage so I hear more English with her when she talks to me.
    I turst this helps explain it all. If you know of any who cannot have babies have them look up Marie Lancaster. This adoption is cheaper than the live baby and the Mom experiences birth and the baby growing in side her.
  • Posts: 1,142 Member
    Thank you all so much for your prayers for my hubby and me, it means a lot. He is definitely feeling better and so far I’m doing okay. I am going to test us both later today.
    The funeral was really sweet and the remaining daughter did a great job. Her Mom was a sweet Christian lady and she was ready to go home to see Jesus!
    Susan, those cards are just beautiful! Anyone would love getting one of those.
    Hope you all will have a good weekend.
    Thank you all again. For the prayers🙏🙏
  • Posts: 3,620 Member
    Am doing much better - but this heat is getting to me

    We now have wildfires all around the city and closing in on us - a lot of evacuations and more to come. Please pray for rain no lightning to help put the fires out. Always nice to have summer but this is the 3 - 4th year we have had extreme wildfires and it gets to everyone. But the Lord is in control - not sure where we would go if the city was told to evacuate - with over 100,000 population it would be difficult but is scary to have the wildfires so close

    Be blessed - trust in the Lord -
  • Posts: 9,724 Member
    Barb - I read back and discovered that I meant that message about the funeral for Sandi. I wrote things down and evidently, it was late and I crossed my eyes and got the two of you mixed up. I learn a lot from this group. Today I was researching prickly pear from your notes. I may have had jam made from it at a restaurant a long time ago. I know it was prickly pear but not sure what it was. Google says the jam is sweet and bland. Since I have pre-diabetes and a history of insulin dependent diabetes in my family, I try to stay away from carbs and sugars so I will not be trying that jam if it is offered to me. Thanks for the explanation about the embryo babies. That is a wonderful idea to use these babies for adoption. I wondered what happened to embryos that are left over when a couple fertilizes more than they can use.

    Marilyn - I will be praying for your safety during the wildfires. It is a scary place to be when evacuation is needed. I was told once a few years ago that our area was scheduled for evacuation if the fire was not controlled but never really had to leave because the fire changed directions and we were out of danger. Does the smoke bother your breathing? I remember my CPAP filter needed to be cleaned frequently because it would get clogged with soot.

    Sandi - prayers for health for you and your husband. I hope you were able to avoid getting COVID from him. Near us, it seems that those with COVID are saying that the symptoms are not as severe as they were when we first heard of COVID. It is more like fatigue and cold symptoms. I hope this is what your husband experienced and not the more severe ones.

    Judith - I am sorry you may need to leave when the reconstruction is going on. Will you go stay with your family that lives near by. I do understand that the company may want you to go for your health especially as new things are showing up. I am praying that the manager and insurance person will come to a good settlement and you will not have to pay much. We had a leak in our refrigerator several years ago and soaked the floor in our kitchen and our flooring started coming up so I can imagine what your floor looks like. May God give you wisdom, safety, patience and perseverance during this difficult time.

    Susan - I enjoyed your stories about your youth and all you did. I never learned to ice skate even though we had lots of ice on our creek and around the house growing up. I did try roller skating once and that was a disaster so I doubt I would have been good at ice skating either.

  • Posts: 1,084 Member
    Marilyn. Where do you live as I know we have had haze from Canada fires. Prayers I hope the smoke is not bothering you.

    Judith continued prayers for you & all the changes you may have.

    Linda I hope you are getting settled in your place now by Denver ok.

    Sandi I pray you don’t get Covid & your dh is better asap

    Susan. How often do you ice skate? I use to ice skate before I got married. I’ve been married 46 years so not sure i could do it. It was a sport my sister enjoyed as there was a reservoir near our house growing up. I even had my own skates.
    Our daughters took some private lessons so know how to do ice skate.

    I hope all having a good day
  • Posts: 6,554 Member
    edited July 2024
    Good morning all. It's a little warmer today which is nice. It has been cold this winter in Queensland, Australia. We have more cold weather to come but the summers are so hot, I don't mind the cold.

    Linda, glad you enjoyed the stories of my youth. It sounds like you enjoyed your times on the creek! Yes, I remember finding roller skating was hard compared to ice skating. At least on ice, you have a bit more traction than on roller blades. I was never an expert skater but did have fun at the time. You can start card making with kits if you like. The kits usually contain all you need to make a bunch of cards. I started out with nothing in 2006 and just bought things as I needed them. I think I had a ruler, pencil, some glue, a few cheap stamps from a craft store, a wet washer in a Frisbee to clean my stamps, a couple of ink pads, paper and envelopes and got started. I soon got to know the quality of Stampin' Up! and started slowly buying tools and cardstock from them. They have kits to choose from now which is a fun way to start crafting. There may be a Demonstrator near you to show you some things if you want to see if you like making cards. 😉 Just search at stampinup.com to find someone nearby.

    Marilyn, good to hear you are doing better health-wise but those fires are sure a big concern. Will pray. 🙏 Keep us posted about how things are going. I hope no one has to evacuate.

    Sandi, glad your husband is feeling better and the funeral sounds comforting. It's so lovely to know your friend was a Christian 🩷 Thank you for your nice feedback about the cards. I teach little classes on cardmaking and currently have three small groups of ladies who come by each month to learn. Stay well.

    Barb, it's good to learn more about your family and life. How beautiful to know Mariposa's story 🦋. Thank you also for the lovely feedback on my cards. I don't skate anymore. I used to back in the 1960s. I just turned 70 too, so we're from the same era!

    Judith, I will go read your prayer request next. I am glad you are getting repairs done but keep thinking about how disruptive it is for you. I hope you are still able to get quality rest time and nutrition. Your kitty must be upset with all that is going on. Praying for you. 🙏💕
  • Posts: 10,044 Member
    Marilyn I hear what you are saying the fires are really bad and the heat has made me sick tonight, the flood issues are getting worse as far as repairs! Will report tomorrow.

    Our temps began at 95 and climbed higher humidity is not good.

    Marilyn please be safe! Love and Hugs…

    thanks Sandi Barb Susan Linda for your prayers and your love. Be back tomorrow! ❤️🙏🤗
  • Posts: 9,724 Member
    It is raining gently today and the temperature is in the 70's. I do love this kind of weather but do not get it in Grand Junction. It is 93F with 17% humidity right now so I am enjoying what we have here in Denver.

    Susan - thanks for the information about "Stamping-Up". I knew you were working with their products but I did not know if they sold outside of Australia. Having personalized cards would be so much better than store bought cards in my mind.

    Judith - I am sorry that you were sick yesterday with the heat. The flood issues sound terrible and that they are getting worse as far as repairs is saddening. I look forward to your report tomorrow.

    Marilyn - prayers continue for your safety both from the fires and the smoke. How is your fur baby? Does he miss his partner? I'm thinking it was Toby that was left but I may be mixing your dogs up with my friends who is also declining.

    Barb and Sandi I hope you are having a good weekend and staying cool.

  • Posts: 1,084 Member
    We are in clouds. We’re to get some rain this weekend & early in the week coming up. Only been clouds so far. Oh well. At least the temps stay down with cloud cover. 😊

    Judith. So sorry about the heat and then with smoke & repairs. Be so glad when repairs over & life returns normal for you. Praying Judith. Then there is your mouth & all too. 🙏🏻

    Marilyn. I hope the smoke & fires🙏🏻🙏🏻. Prayers for your dogs too.

    Susan. The stamping sounds so interesting. So glad you shared it with us all.

    Linda. I hope you are enjoying your new place in Denver.

    Enjoy the Lord’s day & start to the week. 🙏🏻
  • Posts: 6,554 Member
    Linda and Barb, you're welcome for the Stampin' Up! information. Actually, it is a US company that operates in about 10 other countries of the world, including Australia. Their head office is in Riverton, Utah. There definitely should be Demonstrators sprinkled around your states. And they are in Canada too, Judith and Marilyn.

    Barb, glad you are getting cooler weather in your hot summer. It lets you catch your breath a bit.

    Linda, my problem is staying warm. The weather is cool to me here. Lol! I wear long pants, socks and long sleeved shirts with extra layers as needed! Lol! Your weather sounds nice today.

    Judith, I was sad to hear the condo repairs are causing more stress too. 😩 I was concerned that that might happen. With the smoke and heat, you would not be comfortable either. Sending prayers and hugs.

    Marilyn I hope you are safe.

    Sandi, thinking of you.
  • Posts: 10,044 Member
    Thank you Susan for sharing Stampin’Up Cards. I buy from the company here in Canada and make Cards and also do Scrapbooks. I love their products. My daughter introduced me to them years ago that got me hooked. She thought I would like to have my own business with them but at the time my life was too busy with being a Leader and fulfilling Ministry obligations in my Home Church with Teaching Bible, Leading Groups and Speaking at Special Church events. But like you Susan I so enjoy making cards.

    Barb, thank you for your prayers. So happy it’s cooler for you. Having some rain I am sure has helped. Blessings on your Sunday!

    Linda, glad Denver is cooler than Grand Junction. Gives you a rest from the excessive heat.

    Marilyn JC and Sandi, thinking of you three ladies, hope this day finds you well!

    Thank you for your kindness and all your prayers. Think it all came down on me yesterday, Heat flood issues. Think the heat has caused issues with my pain levels. It’s been just over the top! Enough of that I will get through with God’s Strength. God Is Good!

    God Bless you all! ❤️🙏🤗

    P.S. I shared a New Language in our Homophone Thread: (Spanish Homophones) I found them on the internet and will share what I Learn! 😀
  • Posts: 1,084 Member
    I knit and crochet and with a new baby coming near my birthday, that keeps me busy.
    Mariposa will be a big sister and this embryo is her sibling. We don't know what it is but should find out in Hong Hong's 20 week so coming up soon.
    So I will be busy plus with the babysitting I do with the grandbabies.Plus making something for the new baby. Thank you. I'll keep it in mind if I ever have time.
    I do have a photo that I like to try and draw too, in my spare time too.
    Thankyou for sharing!!
    Have a great day all!
    Prayers for all and Judith especially with all that she is dealing with health and her condo after the flooding.
  • Posts: 9,724 Member
    I need to clarify for Barb and Sandi a little about my crazy traveling life. We have two houses so when I say we "travel over the mountain" it is from Denver to Grand Junction or vice versa. Our house in he Denver area is a two story 5 bedroom house that our daughter lives in and the one in Grand Junction is a small ranch style that is our future retirement home. All three of our children and 5 grandchildren live in the Denver area, we have all our doctors, dentist, are in Denver as well as our home church where my husband is an elder. Next year our granddaughter graduates from high school and plans to enroll in the university in Grand Junction. Our daughter will move to Grand Junction with our granddaughter and we will sell our big house and move to Grand junction more full time. In Grand Junction is where my husband's family live. We bought a house there so we could have a place to stay as we helped his sister take care of his parents. They have both passed away but we love living in a smaller town with less traffic so we prefer to be there more often than in the Denver area. We also oversee a church of 40 people that Denver started 10 years ago. We have some property that we inherited that is 150 acres of some flatland but mostly mountain near Montrose Colorado. It is at 8000 feet and we have a small trailer that we put on there for the summer. We go there when it gets so hot in Grand Junction (it is an arid location) we go there to cool off. My husband started a seminary that we also are very involved in that is all online giving master's degrees in Biblical studies (both English and Spanish), pastoral counseling, and spiritual formation that keeps us busy. I am the registrar for the school. I'm sorry it that was very long but we live a busy life and now you know some of the details of it.

    Yesterday we went to spend time with our son and his family. They told us some great news about their 3 year old daughter. She has had absent seizures for quite a while and they have been working on getting the medication correct. Since the last medication change they are seeing a decline in her seizures. She may have had one in the past week but other than that she has been seizure free. We are praising God for this news. Her 15 year old brother has the same disorder but with age has become seizure free unless he becomes very stressed.

    Today I go the doctor to get some lab work in preparation for my 6 month appointment for medication refills. I have been fasting since noon yesterday and am feeling a bit weak this morning. I will be leaving soon to walk to the doctor office and then will have breakfast. I think I will take it with me so I can eat on the way home to get my strength back.
  • Posts: 1,084 Member
    Thank you for calrifying. Sorry for the mixup. I trust I can remember now. I know the traffic in Denver can be very busy but the mountains are pretty. Then they are pretty wherever you are. Even WY snowies can be gorgeous!
    Neat LInda about the seminary and Spanish. Both my sons can speak Spanish. We are looking for a church as we have a change in pastoral staff. We think we found one as the pastor is so good. I sit at my edge of my seat.
    I plan on going to the craft mroning on Friday. In small groups it's easier to memorize names with people. Sunday is a church picnic so that might be fun too.

    So I hope Marilyn, Sandi and JC hope you are having a good day. Prayers if not as God knows.

    Judith I hope you are doing well and each day gets you closer to having your place back together. Praying for that anyway.

    Well the heat will be coming back but slowly.
    Any ideas as some animal is eating our green tomatoesd. I have no idea how to stop it. Everything I've tried is NOT working. Hot pepeprs, hair, moth balss, not sue what else to try.
    Have a good eve.
    Thank you Judith for ALL you do for the team too!!
    God bless you all!!
  • Posts: 6,554 Member
    Barb, I found this on Google:

    'Known nibblers on home-grown tomatoes include birds, rabbits, squirrels (both ground and tree), rats, hornworms, and even slugs and snails. Start by doing some detective work to figure out likely suspects.'

    I guess each pest would be handled differently?

    Congratulations on the coming new baby. That will be a wonderful event. Glad to know you like crafting too.

    Linda I hope the tests go well for you today. September is getting closer. Will they need to do more tests before your hip surgery? That is so good about your granddaughter! I am also amazed that she is 3 already. I remember when she was a newborn. Time goes so fast. God is good.

    Judith, I remember you saying how much you enjoy cardmaking 😄 Did any of your craft supplies get damaged in the flood? I am so sorry you are having more pain today and will pray about that. I was interested in the Spanish homophones too so will check out that thread. Hugs.

    Waving at Marilyn and Sandi.
  • Posts: 10,044 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Susan, to answer your question about my craft supplies and card stock, everything is fine. No damage. Praise God!

    Thanks for sharing Linda, I hope your tests go well. And I too am thinking about your upcoming surgery in September.

    Barb, I am so excited about your new coming grand baby, look forward to hear what your daughter in law is having. I am sure what ever you make will be lovely!

    I have Canstar coming in morning for another evaluation. Will keep you posted.

    Marilyn JC and Sandi, thinking of you and praying for you three as I pray for the whole team!

    Good Night and God Bless you! 😴🙏🤗
  • Posts: 1,142 Member
    Linda, my daughter and family live in Colorado Springs not sure if I’ve mentioned that before. They love it out there but we don’t get to see them very often.
    Thanks for the waves Susan! Good to hear from everyone!
    My hubby is recovering well from Covid. It has been more like a bad cold, so far no fever. It’s just going to take awhile for him to get his strength back. Appreciate the prayers🙏🩷🙏
  • Posts: 1,084 Member
    Hope your dh gets over Covid soon. Plus that you do not get it.
    How far away are you from Colorado Springs?. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • Posts: 6,554 Member
    Good morning, Barb.

    Good to hear from you, Sandi. Especially good to hear your husband is recovering now. My daughter and her family lives a long way from us too, in Cairns Queensland. That's why we're travelling in August, to see them all.

    Judith, I hope Canstar has bearable news for you. I really feel for you, going through this repair of the Condo with your health challenges. Has the smoke thinned out yet? I am concerned for Marilyn too that the fires may still be raging. Glad your craft supplies are alright!

    Linda, thinking of you and hoping the medical tests go well.

    Am grooming dogs today and have to go grocery shopping. Meanwhile the washing is on.
  • Posts: 1,084 Member
    I hope all had a good day.
    We are getting haze from the fires out west in Oregon. Not to bad here but panhandle Nebraska & both Dakotas have it worse.
    We will be back to normal in temps & then in the 90’s. Hoping the 100’s stay away.
    Hope all have a great night sleep.
    Prayers for all. 🙏🏻
  • Posts: 9,724 Member
    I received my lab results today and my A1C has decreased but my fasting blood sugar is still the same even after fasting for 24 hours. I wish they had kept the old parameters for blood sugar then I would still be normal. I see the doctor on Friday so we will see what he says. I am still in the pre-diabetic zone.

    I took my friend to lunch and to get a haircut today. She is very forgetful and kept showing me the same pictures of her family over and over. I feel sorry for her that she does not remember things like she used to when I first met her. I paid for lunch but she kept asking who paid and felt sorry that someone had to pay for her. Some day I may be the same way with someone else so I try not to complain.

    I am going to try to donate blood again on Friday after taking iron for a week. My daughter gave blood today and her hemoglobin was really high even after her weight loss surgery and eating so little.

    Not much going on exciting today. Anxious to hear what Canstar is thinking now about your apartment Judith, Hello to the rest of you. Dinner is almost ready!
  • Posts: 10,044 Member
    Linda, So sorry to hear that after 24 hour of fasting there was no change but glad your AIC has decreased. Hope your Doctor has some answers for you. I am happy you are still a pre-diabetic. Hope you are able to give blood on Friday as you are hoping.

    Barb, sorry to hear about the Haze from the Wildfires. Please stay safe. Hope the fires settle down in your area.

    Susan, sounds like a busy day with grooming Jasper and Archie and doing laundry.

    Sandi, I continue to pray for you and your husband. Pray he gets his strength back and is completely healed from Covid.

    Thank you all for asking about the repairs. I had 2 groups come in to take pictures look at the rooms and ceilings again. There is a lot of work that needs doing. I will bring a full report by end of the week as Canstar hasn’t given it to the Property

    Have a good Nite Sleep 😴 See you all tomorrow. So it’s Good Nite from me and God Bless! 🙏😴
  • Posts: 10,044 Member
    Good Afternoon All

    Surprise Surprise I came here this morning and brought you your Devotions and Bible Reading and Commentary Thoughts, worked in all our Team Threads and now I am back here at Chat Cafe, I posted and responded to all your Posts last night so will let you read those replies.

    Today our Weather has sure changed from super hot to quite cool, 75 degrees and is very hazy today, not sure if it has something to do with the wildfires here in BC!

    I have some results from yesterdays assessment with Canstar and Property Manager! It is a brief report for now but when the completed assessment comes in I will share with you.

    Flooding and Repair Updates for Judith

    Canstar and Project Manager Came Tuesday to do a complete assessment of every room in my suite.

    Then later in day a Construction Worker came to give Estimates to the Property Manager on all the Structural Repairs that are needed to be done in my Suite!

    Property Manager said every Ceiling in my suite had to be repaired sealed and painted.

    They are still waiting for final assessment regarding the commercial carpet that is there now and said they will likely take it up and put plank flooring down in the entire suite.

    These reports from Canstar will be sent to my Insurance Adjuster so he can work on finding a temporary place for me to live while repairs are made.

    Below is the Brief Report from Canstar I copied and pasted for you to see.

    (brief description of building damage)

    304 - vinyl plank, drywall, baseboards, cabinetry
    204 - ceiling, drywall, lino, carpet/pad, baseboards, cove base
    104 - ceiling, drywall, lino, commercial carpet, baseboards, cove base

    Blessings on your day! Tomorrow I am at VGH for Surgeon follow up. Won’t get back here until late Thursday afternoon. God Bless you all! 🙏❤️🤗
  • Posts: 9,724 Member
    Judith - that is a lot to repair! If they put in new flooring, will you had to put your furniture into storage? I know you have quite a few curio cabinets full of things that are very fragile. I am so sorry that one man's poor decision has caused your so much grief. I wonder how long it will take to get all the repairs done since there are three floors to deal with. I am praying for your Surgeon follow up. I assume that he is over his COVID at this time.

    We enjoying the cooler weather here. It is only 93F (33.8C) here in Denver. It is 100F (37.7C) in Grand Junction so I am glad we are here for a few more days.

    Our guests left to go back to Texas today. Although we do not charge to use the house, they did send us some money which is really nice. When I get back there on Saturday, I will have lots of laundry waiting on me and things to put away like extra linen we used on the two beds we usually do not use. I probably will be tired from traveling so I am put off the laundry and remaking the beds until Monday. I am glad that i do not have to go back to work on Monday but can take my time cleaning up.

    Susan - how often do you have to groom your boys? I know my son takes his dog to the groomer and they pay a lot of money each time! I am glad that you are able to do it by yourself. Although not the same at all, I used to cut Glenn's hair when we were first married. I did not like to do it because mistakes can easily show, but it saved us a lot of money when we were first starting out as newlyweds with not much money.

    Greeting to the rest of you. I am taking a short break from cleaning the bathrooms and laundry here. I hope you are doing well.


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